Hogwarts: Era of Darkness

Chapter 9 – Charming

Ten minutes later, all the tables were pushed to the end of the room, making enough space for us and for the soft cushions we hoarded into the middle to serve as the most relaxing place to sit.

"Ahhh, this is nice!" I sighed, feeling thoroughly relaxed and slightly sleepy. "This is going to be great in the winter, too, as we have a fireplace!" I pointed at it.

"It is much more cozier than the dungeon." Quincy agreed, also enjoying the piece and the warm sunlight pouring in from the open windows.

"For sure! Eh… I don't get what it is with the fascination of living in a literal dungeon! A thousand year has passed! And even then! Haaahhh… Now I really think Ravenclaw would have been a better choice."

"Heh, don't let the others hear this!" She giggled, lying next to me.

"I won't. I am going to make sure I will be left to my own devices."

"That is why you helped out Draco?"

"Yep." I looked at her, "You saw?"

"Of course." She answered, but she wasn't mad about it, "I am not stupid!"

"Nobody said you were."

"You just did not hear them saying it." She shrugged, turning towards the window, watching the blue sky. "Well… I tried preparing for it. No matter… I will deal with it. If nothing, I just need to endure it for a year or two."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Until I learn enough to defend myself. I'll remember everyone…." She added whisperingly.

Well… Father did say some girls are dangerous, but Mother is not one of those. He told me that I should be afraid of those who can endure and remain silent when others are already screaming. Those witches are the ones who I have to be wary of.

"Well… good luck? I guess?"

"Heh~!" She grinned a little, "Thanks!"

"If you want to practice, I have an idea."

"Hm? What do you mean?" She asked, sitting up, turning towards me with a curious look in her brown eyes.

"Peeves was annoying, and I want to do something about it."

"Was he now?" She asked, looking and sounding a bit sour.

"Well, if you don't mind the rumors spread, I don't really care, but from the two of us, guess who would be the one to be picked on more?"

"..." At that, the sourness on her face increased significantly.

"Exactly. So… What I wanted to say, I want to think about something to do about him."

"You can't kill something that is not really alive!" She added, after shaking her head, calming down a little.

"I was not hoping for that. I would like to make him be gone for real, but I know enough to realize that would be impossible. But I am sure some things can hurt him! Or how would the teachers keep him in check?"

“Hm… that is true… It do sounds like a valid idea…”

"Plus, I am not in a hurry! I will visit the library after the afternoon class anyway! See what we can borrow!"

"Already?" She chuckled, shaking her head, "Are you an eager beaver?"

"Heh! I just want to learn magic! That is all!" I answered, truly enjoying our break before heading to our first charms class. And did not even know how much we needed that short rest.


We were still in a pretty good mood when Professor Umbridge entered the classroom. It seemed like Peeves failed to spread any kind of rumors, probably distracted by others or some better prank he could pull on someone. But when she opened her mouth on her toad-like head, I felt the smile fading from my face.

"Welcome, children, to my class! You ought to know that I demand order from my pupils at all times! You may be young, but you are the next generation of wizards and witches who will serve HIS will and advance OUR kind! Being part of HIS House, being a Slytherin, makes YOU not just responsible for showing the others how it is done, but also puts a great weight on your shoulders to act as true Pureblood should at all times!" As she was saying it, her eyes slowly fell onto Quincy and then wandered towards me. From that moment on, she did not blink or move it away. "Mr. Anguine. Sneaking off to fool around on your first day here is already a sign of a rotten core. Maybe you are attracted to rotten wood, being hollow inside yourself, but it is not something I will tolerate."

"What?" I asked, but only inside my head. Luckily I managed to stop my mouth from opening and letting my thoughts to the surface. Or, more precisely, I was so stunned I forgot to do so. On the outside, I felt my eyebrows raising, looking at her questioningly, which I knew was a wrong move because she immediately continued.

"Mr. Anguine, I think you need a lesson to realize this is not the House of Anguine, and the snake on your uniform's emblem is not a viper. Minus 50 points from Slytherin."

"WHAT?!" I stood up, and now I knew that the words were not held back but shouted out as loud as I could manage, fighting my shock to not fall back into my chair immediately. As soon as my words echoed out, the others also repeated it, many exclaiming the same way, calling for injustice and saying that I should be sent to detention instead. Which… I agreed.

"Finished?" Professor Umbridge asked, smiling, fixing the pink costume she was wearing. "You all are better to learn that there are rules in this school. Rules that I helped write. I suggest you all read it in your free time!"

"That is unfair nonetheless!" I said, my voice overshooting the others' complaints.

"Is it?" She asked, forming a broader, somewhat sadistic smile.

"It is!" I nodded, looking directly into her eyes while the others slowly fell silent. "If I make a mistake, why punish the others?"

"Oh? I didn't know you wore crimson and gold." She chuckled and looked like she was thinking about something, but I could see and feel she already knew what she would do very well.

"Plus, I don't think listening to Peeves is something that would hold up in court," I added, making many of my classmates look at me. A quick glance already told me that half of them didn't know what I was talking about, but hearing the name, the other half had a faint inkling of what this was about.

"Feeling smart now?" Professor Umbridge smiled, her voice kind, but I felt my skin crawl, listening to her voice. "Very well, very well! We can change the punishment! If you accept my punishment right here and now, I won't deduct points from Slytherin."

"Okay," I answered immediately. This was the best-case scenario. On the one hand, nobody would pay attention to Peeve's rumors; the others, including the older students in our House, wouldn't want to skin me and Quincy alive… and maybe I could score some positive points with the others. I think my Father would be proud of me, how I turned something nasty into a favorable-!

But I couldn't think any further. I only saw her pull out his wand and point at me, and next came the unbelievable pain from every part of my body. I never heard her cry the spell's name, but I knew that it was Cruciatus curse. Nothing else could make me feel such indescribable pain. I could not think, speak or do anything as all the muscles in my body stiffened and contracted while I felt like I was pushed into boiling oil while being stabbed with millions of needles at the same time. I don't know how long it went or what happened afterward. As soon as Professor Umbridge stopped the spell, my mind turned itself off, and I collapsed.

When I came to reality, it was dark all around me. My first thought was that I had died… but then I recognized the ceiling. It was the dormitory's ceiling. Turning my head, I felt no pain in my body, yet my brain remembered it, making me wince uncontrollably. Sitting up, I was still wearing my uniform, lying on my bed with the curtains closed around it. Judging by the darkness, it had to be night already.

"She didn't even hesitate…" I whispered, looking down at my hand, which I saw trembling. I was afraid. My first thought was to write to my Father, let him know about it but… But what then? Even if he does something, I bet he would have no power to move that vile woman from her position! It would only create trouble for him… besides… This was HIS school. He appointed the teachers. All of them. "Fuck…" I cursed, letting out a word that I would be greatly punished back home, acting like someone with mixed blood… like my mother and her branch. "Tsk…"

I could do nothing but bite my lips, clench my fist, and force myself to stop trembling. I couldn't let fear control me, and I had to calm down and think it through. Just as Father always taught me. A cool head is what you need. He won so many duels not because he was the best but because he knew how to stay focused under pressure. After my hand finally stopped trembling, I looked at my nightstand, where my wand was lying. I do not remember taking it out, but it probably fell out of my pocket when I fell over. I will need to modify my cloak a little so it will always be ready and at hand. The next time someone tries to cast a curse on me, I have to act faster! Although… learning defensive and offensive spells would help too…

"Haaah…" I sighed loudly, standing up, fixing my clothes as best as I could, to open the curtains and sneak out. I was starving! I knew it was already late, but maybe I could find something to snack on in the common room? It was worth a shot.

What I did not expect was that when I pulled the curtains over, one of my roommates, namely Draco Malfoy, was still up, reading something on his bed. The moment I appeared, he looked at me, and I was surprised at the calm gaze he gave me… if I didn't know him, I would think he was looking to be a bit… friendly even.

"Hey," I said, not really knowing what to say and finding the situation really awkward.

"Hey." He nodded back, "You owe me for carrying your unconscious body back here."

"Thanks," I murmured, looking away and letting out another sigh.

"Sure." He said, sounding indifferent, turning back to the book he was reading while I decided it was best to just… go. Yet when I reached the door to our room, he called after me.

"That was… something." He added, faltering a little, unable to bring himself to really compliment me. Not that I was expecting it anyway.

“Yeah… it was…” I groaned; just remembering how it felt, I wanted to faint once more. Many say the Killing Curse is the worst, but at least it instantly finishes you. This? This was something I wished to never experience again…

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