Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 53: Just the Right Time

Many Thanks to greenbouncer1 for becoming a new Patron!♥♥


As the voice faded, three figures emerged from the forest, approaching steadily.

Leading them was Dumbledore, who had just returned to Hogwarts from London. He hadn't even had time to settle in his office before heading straight here.

His expression was unreadable, neither joyful nor angry, as he walked forward, wand in hand.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape flanked Dumbledore on either side.

It had been McGonagall who had spoken just now. Her lips were pressed into a tight line, fury etched into her face. She gripped her wand so tightly that the veins in her hand were visibly bulging.

If Eda weren't so close to Fawley, Professor McGonagall wouldn't hesitate to show him what a lion's wrath truly meant for daring to harm one of her own cubs.

Snape followed behind them with his usual deadpan expression, moving neither too fast nor too slow. Unlike the others, he hadn't drawn his wand. However, the look he gave Fawley was filled with disgust, as though he were gazing at a repulsive insect.

"D-Dumbledore, what are you doing here? You actually came back from London!" Fawley exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. "You're as annoying as ever!"

"My colleagues informed me that someone had snuck into the school, so I returned," Dumbledore explained calmly. "I always thought I was rather popular among the students."

"I'm not one of those brats who play your childish games. Those brats are as irritating as you are."

"Benedict, you shouldn't be here, and you certainly shouldn't be treating my students this way," Dumbledore said. With a flick of his wand, Eda, who was sitting on the ground, was lifted into the air.

Professor McGonagall quickly stepped forward to catch her.

Supporting Eda with her right hand, McGonagall let the girl lean against her while her free left hand carefully checked Eda for any injuries.

Apart from the Cruciatus Curse, Eda hadn't suffered any serious injuries. Her hair was singed from the fire, and most of her wounds were just scrapes. Even her delicate face only had a few minor scratches.

Seeing that Eda was mostly unharmed, Professor McGonagall, still angry, gave Eda's ass two light smacks. She already knew why Eda had ended up in this situation, and she was upset with her for engaging in such reckless behavior of wandering around the castle trailing Fawly and becoming his target.

Some time ago, after spotting Eda in the map, the twins had immediately rushed out of the common room to find help. They went to Professor McGonagall's office and explained the situation to her as best they could.

Worried for Eda's safety, McGonagall had taken the twins directly to the Headmaster's office from the seventh floor, where she had just returned from.

In the Headmaster's office, the three of them found Dumbledore and Snape. The twins recounted the situation to the recently returned Headmaster, and so Dumbledore, along with McGonagall and Snape, hurried to the Forbidden Forest.

That's how they had managed to save the exausted Eda just in time.

Eda didn't make a sound after being smacked. She was feeling exhausted.

When she had been facing Fawley alone, Eda hadn't feared anything, doing everything she could to fend him off. But now that McGonagall had arrived, Eda no longer had to face the danger on her own.

She could lean on the professor who had always treated her with such kindness, even if only for a moment.

As for being smacked, it wasn't a big deal. Who hadn't been spanked by their mother at some point?

Though McGonagall wasn't her mother, this kind of caring reprimand still felt warm and comforting...

Looking down at Eda nestled in her arms, Professor McGonagall's anger faded. She held Eda tightly, determined not to let her come to any more harm.

Snape was also watching Eda.

Her current vulnerable state was a stark contrast to her usual boldness, and for a moment, even Snape's heart, which should have been as hard as iron, ached slightly.

But more than anything, Snape was angry. He had thought Eda was different from the other Gryffindors, but her actions today had shown him that she was every bit the reckless Gryffindor he had expected.

A young lion cub recklessly stepping into a hunter's not-so-clever trap—what else could this be but foolishness?

Dumbledore took two steps forward, positioning himself between Professor McGonagall and Eda. He said, "I've always given you chances, Benedict."

"Chances? Haha..." Fawley laughed loudly. "You've always been watching me, sending your lapdog to gather information. Is that what you call giving me chances?"

Snape, called a lapdog, didn't even glance at Fawley. Instead, he pulled out a small vial of potion from his robe and handed it to Eda.

The liquid inside the vial was a sickening color, something that made Eda feel nauseous just looking at it. She had no intention of accepting it and instinctively shrank further into Professor McGonagall's embrace.

Snape was never one to coddle students. He grabbed Eda's chin, forcing her mouth open, and unceremoniously poured the potion down her throat.

After making Eda drink the potion, Snape wiped his hands disdainfully on her robe.

The moment the potion hit her stomach, its effects kicked in. Eda felt a wave of warmth spread through her body, and the pain she had been feeling began to ease.

The potions from Snape's laboratory were always of top quality.

However, if only he could improve the color next time, '..and maybe the taste too.'

It was truly awful—terribly awful.

Relying on Professor McGonagall's support, Eda shot a "scornful" look at Snape. Her slightly disheveled face was full of distaste and disgust from the potion's terrible flavor.

Snape couldn't care less about her reaction. After forcing the potion down her throat, he didn't look at Eda again. He had done his part; now it was up to Dumbledore to handle the situation.

Eda fished out a piece of chocolate from her pocket. This was her go-to snack—something that could both stave off hunger and boost her mood. She always kept some with her.

However, due to the recent battle, the chocolate was now misshapen. First, it had been crushed, then melted by the intense flames. Soon, it would meet its final fate as Eda planned to eat it, ending its "tragic" existence.

She offered the chocolate to Professor McGonagall, intending to ask if she wanted some. But McGonagall misinterpreted the gesture, thinking Eda was too weak to open the wrapper.

Being as thoughtful as ever, Professor McGonagall deftly unwrapped the chocolate with one hand and then gently fed it to Eda.

"I still remember you as a well-behaved and sensible student during your school days. How did you become like this?" Dumbledore reminisced. "Since the start of the term, I've been waiting for you to come to me, but instead, you've chosen to continue down the wrong path."

Fawley had already descended into madness. He didn't care about Dumbledore's words of regret. He rolled up his sleeve, revealing an incomplete Dark Mark etched into his forearm.

The mark was faint, its color hard to discern.

"The Dark Lord has given me the meaning of life! I will follow in his footsteps and ascend to the pinnacle of the world!" Fawley shouted loudly. Then, turning his gaze to Snape, he added, "When the Dark Lord returns, he will surely punish those who have betrayed him!"

"The Dark Lord may return, but you surely won't live to see that day," Snape finally spoke, breaking his silence for the first time that night.

"You think I'm a coward like you and Malfoy? All you do is grovel before the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore, begging for your lives. You both are just waiting, biding your time, hoping the Dark Lord never returns to settle accounts with you!" Fawley spat out, his words laced with venom.

Snape had no interest in engaging with Fawley, who had clearly lost his mind. People like Fawley try to drag you down to their level and then defeat you with their sheer experience in being unreasonable. Snape, however, was more inclined to end this with a swift Killing Curse, sending Fawley straight to meet Merlin himself.

"Unlike you, I have remained loyal to our master. My devotion will be rewarded, bringing honor to me and glory to the entire Fawley family!" Fawley continued, mistaking Snape's silence for fear, completely unaware that Snape simply couldn't be bothered to argue with him.

"The boy you once were is gone forever," Dumbledore sighed. It was unclear if he was lamenting for Fawley or for Voldemort.

Fawley raised his wand, shouting defiantly, "Come! Tonight, the loyal servant of the Dark Lord will face the great Dumbledore!"

"Let me handle this, Albus. He has hurt my student," Professor McGonagall said furiously, ready to hex Fawley into something disgusting.

"Easy there let this old man stretch his legs," Dumbledore replied calmly. "You have more important matters to attend to. I believe our Miss Twist needs some rest now."

Whatever Snape had put in that potion, it was making Eda increasingly drowsy. Her eyelids were growing heavier by the second.

Though Eda was only thirteen, it would be best if Professor McGonagall personally took her back to the castle. She could also bring the Weasley twins, who were likely waiting just outside the Forbidden Forest.

Looking down at the drowsy Eda in her arms, Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement with Dumbledore's suggestion. She conjured a stretcher with a flick of her wand and made it float in the air. With Snape's help, they carefully placed Eda onto it.

McGonagall pointed her wand at the stretcher, which began to follow her as she walked away, as if it were being carried by invisible hands. Snape also departed, casting a pitying glance at Fawley before he left.

"Now, it's just the two of us," Dumbledore said quietly.

"Avada Kedavra!" Fawley didn't waste words, responding with a flash of deadly green light.

"Haah~" Dumbledore sighed softly, "Such a vile curse."


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