Hogwarts: Bourne Returns from Warhammer

Chapter 273 Drawing the Sword

Principal Dumbledore's voice echoed in the Great Hall again: "Before awarding the House Cup, I would like to ask everyone to witness a special ceremony. Mr. Slughorn, can you come forward?"

Bourne seemed to understand what Dumbledore was about to do, but he didn't have much resistance to it because he also had some plans of his own.

So, the little wizard quickly came to the middle of the auditorium and stood in front of the teachers and students of the school.

Dumbledore smiled and said to him:

"Bourne, it is your courage and wisdom that have won honor for Gryffindor House. Now, I ask you to show the sword that symbolizes courage and justice in front of everyone."

The little wizard nodded, then reached out and took the Sorting Hat that had been taken by the old wizard at some point. The ancient hat actually closed its mouth tightly at this time, changing its usual nagging look.

Bourne stretched out his hand and slowly reached into the hat. Everyone present held their breath, waiting for the miracle that was about to happen.

Colin Creevey, a Gryffindor student who loves photography, is standing in the crowd at this time, his camera is ready, and the lens is pointed at Bourne and the Sorting Hat, ready to capture this historic moment.

Bourne's hands fumbled in the Sorting Hat for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

He pulled it hard, and a sword shining with silver light appeared in his hand. This sword is the legendary "Sword of Gryffindor". It is not only a symbol of Gryffindor House, but also an important magical artifact of Hogwarts.

The crowd erupted in awe.

Colin quickly pressed the shutter, and the flash turned on, recording Bourne's heroic posture holding the sword.

Maybe the younger wizards in the lower grades don't know what this sword means, but some senior students (mostly pure-blood wizards) know its legend, and the senior Gryffin who knows this sword The little lions couldn't help but cheer excitedly.

Seeing this scene, Professor McGonagall in the classroom was so excited that she stood up from her seat. The executive vice-principal folded his hands tightly and blocked his mouth, as if this was the only way to prevent himself from Losing his composure in front of so many young wizards.

Several other professors were a little slow, but they also stood up from their seats, and led by Dean Sprout of Hufflepuff, they gave warm applause to this scene. Even Slater Lin's Headmaster Snape also applauded symbolically.

The ghost of Gryffindor, Nick, who was "almost there", kept cheering and cheering so hard that his head twisted from his neck.

"How is this going?"

Harry clapped his hands (it was Gryffindor who was being praised anyway, so he just clapped along) and asked Hermione beside him curiously. But this time, the little witch who always had the nickname "Know-It-All" was just as confused as he was.

On the contrary, Percy, this alternative Gryffindor prefect who had always been steady and especially liked to enforce rules, really couldn't bear it this time. He began to tell the little wizards around him about the origin of this sword.

"That's Gryffindor's sword. The sword Bourne just took out is a relic of Gryffindor, the great founder of Hogwarts!"

Because of his excitement, his face turned red and turned into the red hair inherited from their Weasley family.

"After Godric Gryffindor died, his sword disappeared.

No one had found it for years, and no one knew where it was hidden in Hogwarts.

There is this paragraph in the school history..."

At this time, Hermione also remembered the records in the tome she used for leisure reading: "...Godric Gryffindor himself said that only a true Gryffindor can find and pick up this weapon. Sword! Not only is this sword an extremely valuable magical sword, it also symbolizes the approval of Gryffindor himself!”

After quickly reciting the introduction to "The Sword of Gryffindor" in one breath, the little witch's expression became different from before, and her face flushed with excitement.

"Merlin's beard!"

Harry and Ron x2.

At this point, the Weasley twins, Fred and George, began to exhibit their unique ways of celebrating. They took out homemade magic fireworks from their robes. Once these fireworks were ignited, colorful sparks bloomed on the ceiling of the Great Hall, forming the word "Gryffindor".

Then, Fred jumped on the table, waved his wand, and shouted: "For Gryffindor, for the sword, and for our hero Bourne!" Golden sparks erupted from the tip of his wand, forming a line of arc.

Not to be outdone, George took out a box of magic balloons. As soon as these balloons came into contact with the air, they began to change colors and made a loud sound, with the Gryffindor lion emblem printed on them.

The students on the Gryffindor table were all infected by the Weasley twins' funny celebration. They cheered and jumped, and the entire Great Hall turned into a sea of ​​joy.

Principal Dumbledore looked at this happy scene with a kind light in his eyes.

He smiled and said: "It seems that the warriors of Gryffindor can't wait to celebrate. So, without wasting time, this year's Academy Cup will be awarded to - Gryffindor Academy!"

The Gryffindor students were excited, they hugged each other, and cheers and applause filled the entire Great Hall. Bourne, holding the Sword of Gryffindor, became the hero among them, and the Weasley twins' funny celebrations undoubtedly added more laughter to this moment.

Dumbledore spoke again, with a hint of joking in his voice: "It seems that our little photographer Colin has recorded this moment. And Bourne, you have not only shown your talent in Potions, but also your courage. It sets an example for us.”

The audience burst into warm applause, and the Gryffindor students cheered. They knew that this year's Academy Cup was theirs. Principal Dumbledore smiled, his eyes swept across the audience, and finally settled on Bourne. He knew that this young wizard would have a bright future.

Finally, Principal Dumbledore announced: "This year's House Cup will be awarded to Gryffindor House!"

(Snape: As if I was rare.)——

After the banquet, Dumbledore called Bourne into his office. He crossed his legs and sat on a chair in front of the heater.

"Bourne, accepting a gift is equivalent to accepting a responsibility - if you are willing to return the sword hidden in your shape-shifting lizard wallet to the shelf behind your desk, I think the Sorting Hat might be happier - —It is usually inseparable from the sword and stays together.”

Upon hearing this, the Sorting Hat was a little unhappy: "Albus, what you said is recognized by Godric's sword. It must be in line with the founder's brave and kind traits."

Good guy, a hat can point people.

While Bourne was still thinking about it, the door to the principal's office suddenly burst open violently and bounced several times against the wall.

Lucius Malfoy stood outside the door, an angry look on his face, and Dobby the house elf cowered under his bandaged arm.

"Good evening, Lucius."

Dumbledore said cheerfully.

The Malfoy schoolmaster walked quickly into the room, knocking Dobby beside him several times. After Dobby got up, he didn't dare to make any sound.

"I'm bad!" Lucius Malfoy said, staring coldly at Dumbledore.

"I need to talk to you about Hogwarts Castle. Why is the budget so much overrun? Principal Dumbledore, the school board is not your cash machine, and we are not the goblins of Gringotts!"

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