Hogwarts Asylum

35. Harry: TMD got involved

In the early morning, Orolin stretched out lazily and threw White and Saruman into their respective nests. These two guys always liked to play tricks on the bed in the middle of the night, without thinking about how heavy they were.

After getting out of the suitcase and opening the window of the consulting room, a puff of water vapor hit my face. Various creatures were already beginning to move around on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

It's really nice to live in Hogwarts. There is no industrial air pollution, no car exhaust, and no honking of irritable drivers. Everything is so quiet and peaceful.

It's a pity that this kind of life can't last long.

Orolin didn't think that the current Lucius would still put the notebook that Voldemort had given him for safekeeping into Ginny's bookshelf in order to frame Arthur Weasley.

Although Lucius didn't know that the notebook was a Horcrux, he could guess with his knees that it was most likely a dangerous black magic item, otherwise Voldemort wouldn't have specifically asked him to keep it.

Therefore, for the safety of his children, Lucius could only use other means to frame Arthur Weasley.

As for how the notebook came to Hogwarts to deliver experience to the future savior, that was not something that Orolin should consider. He just had to wait quietly, and fate would send it here, even if it didn't want to come.

Destiny is such a magical thing.

But sometimes fate is not so magical. At least yesterday when Snape taught Harry his first lesson, he did not immediately ask the classic three questions. Maybe it was because Harry's green hair had not changed yet. Coming back would greatly affect Snape's sense of immersion.

Contrary to Harry, Draco was the one who felt the most hostility, and he didn't know what Snape was thinking.

Ever since he got O'Loughlin's promise, Draco spent most of his time in the library except for attending classes. He seemed completely oblivious to what was going on outside the window. He and Hermione were both called Gryffindors. Finks.

So in class, faced with Snape's difficulties, Draco almost answered fluently, but this did not save Gryffindor's score. Snape was known as the most partial professor.

Draco has now begun to be like Hermione in not wasting time on dressing up. After all, in addition to school courses, he also has to teach himself Muggle chemistry and physics from scratch.

Although his hair was still golden, it was no longer as shiny and smooth as before.

It seemed that this could help Draco avoid the risk of balding due to excessive use of hair wax, but it seemed that high-intensity brain use could also easily lead to baldness. I really couldn't say which one was more cost-effective.

After Eurolin simply washed up, he said hello to Madam Pomfrey and left the school hospital.

During this week, Ou Luolin had not received many young wizards. Most of them were Slytherin juniors who came to visit him. There were even fewer serious young wizards who came to ask for help. It was always difficult to accept new things. Ou Luolin Luo Lin can completely understand.

O'Loughlin doesn't expect to be full of appointments every day. He earns a fixed salary, so of course the less things he has to do, the better.

Originally, some grades had to have classes on Saturdays, but O'Loughlin asked Madam Pomfrey and she said that the working hours of the school hospital are very free. If there are no problems, you can do whatever you want, as long as you ensure that you can do whatever you want when needed. When the time comes, just show up.

The nature of Olorin's job is different from that of Madam Pomfrey, who saves people like putting out fires. Even if the little wizards really need help, they don't miss this amount of time.

And while White is at work, Olorin has made an agreement with White. If a little wizard comes to ask for help, he will summon Olorin through the magic ring. The price is to bring him a durian pancake when he comes back.

So O'Loughlin planned to leave Hogwarts today, and it was time to harvest some things.


In the dormitory, Harry lay on the bed and watched Malfoy's leaving figure, feeling an indescribable feeling.

Malfoy does this every day. He gets up in a hurry before dawn, takes a shower, and goes to the library with his books in his arms.

Although Harry knew that Hermione had almost the same lifestyle, she said so herself, but after all, she lived in the girls' dormitory, which was completely different from the feeling of being close to Malfoy.

At the beginning, Ron joked with Harry that he had never seen such a hard-working pure-blood family member, and this must be a fake Malfoy.

But then, both Harry and Ron fell silent.

Just like today, it's Saturday, and there are obviously no classes, but Malfoy not only didn't sleep in, but got up earlier.

Harry turned over and let the quilt cover his head. He wanted to close his eyes and sleep for a while, but he couldn't fall asleep.

"Ron? Are you awake?" Harry asked softly.

Ron didn't respond to him, but Neville was already awake.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Neville's voice was confused.

"Malfoy went to the library again." Harry turned over and looked at Neville.

"Don't he go there every day?" Neville stood up and rubbed his eyes.

"But it's Saturday!" Harry simply stood up.

Maybe it was Harry's loud voice that woke Seamus up too.

Seamus stood up and said: "This is normal. When I went to Muggle primary school, some of my classmates were like this too. I asked them and they all said they were preparing to take the exam to the best middle school, Eton College and the like. Draco must have it too. A lofty goal.”

In the dormitory, only Ron, who had long been accustomed to living with many people, had not yet woken up. This little noise was not as big as the noise made by his two twin brothers, not to mention that Malfoy tried not to make any noise when he got up and washed up. .

Seamus' words made Harry feel that compared to Malfoy, he was terrible without any goals. Could it be that he was really starting to become unscrupulous as Malfoy said before the sorting ceremony?

No, don't think so, Ron and Neville aren't that bad.

Harry shook his head vigorously to get rid of the sudden thoughts that had just occurred to him.

He glanced guiltily at Ron, who was still sleeping, and Neville, who climbed out of bed and prepared to go to the bathroom.

After seeing no reaction from them, Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry was a little angry with himself, but the unspeakable feeling was really too uncomfortable.

So Harry said in a low tone: "But there is no university in the wizarding world, I checked!"

"Then who knows, maybe there are advanced classes in the wizarding world that are hidden. Only, as Ron said, wealthy people like Draco's family know about the advanced classes." Seamus shrugged and got off. bed.

"He might want to enter the Ministry of Magic. I heard my grandma say that the requirements of the Ministry of Magic are very high and no one can get in." Neville, who had just completed his liberation, walked out of the bathroom with wet hands.

"Ow, watch out, Neville, you're jumping on me."

"Sorry, Seamus, I didn't mean to do it. I won't do it next time."

At this time, Ron's voice came faintly: "Even if there is a training class, it is still a place for evil wizards."

Neville, who was passing by Ron's bed, scratched his head and said, "Sorry, Ron, was I too loud?"

"Don't worry, Neville, I woke up on my own." Ron lifted the quilt, and then was a little cold by the wind, so he wrapped himself in the quilt again.

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