High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Zombie Apocalypse II

Inside the school's infirmary, a certain blonde was taking a much-deserved nap. Shizuka had been sleeping for the past hour after a break where usually no one came unless they either felt ill or went sent by any of the teachers to ask for resources.

Sadly, the nurse's sleep was denied when she started hearing what resembled 'happy' festive cries.

"Uhmm..." She pouted and yawned, extending her limbs to their rightful end.

"So loud... is there anyone fighting again?" She knew there wasn't supposed to be any festival today.



The noise of people running down the hallway together with bumping on her door brought Shizuka back to reality, she tilted her eyebrows cutely and walked up to the door to see a student trying to get in but failing to, she opened the door for him and the boy literally blasted the door open and entered.

The boy was holding his bleeding arm and panting horribly, she recognised him.

"MARIKAWA-SENSEI! CLOSE THE DOOR!" He yelled; almost falling on a chair and grunting profusely.

Shizuka saw the blood on the student's shirt and immediately frowned; she ran to the door, closed and locked it behind her.

"Kazu-kun? what is going on? are you injured!?" The blonde ran to her private shelf to get some bandages and lotions.

"I-It hurts... one of those things bite me-"





Immediately after, several more bangs were heard of different students wanting to enter the room, they screamed for Shizuka's name; however, the boy yelled at her and took a hold of her lab coat.



What initially began as cries for help quickly dwarfed into yells of despair and pain that made Shizuka shiver and hold her gun instinctively, thankfully, since she locked the door every way possible, it didn't go beyond that.

'I-It can't be... the catastrophe that Brand-chan mentioned; or is this something else? the catastrophe was supposed to be in four months...' She reasoned, quickly fetching everything she needed to treat the boy while thinking about what to do. The bangs from the door despaired cries only weakened progressively as the life scattered from the campus.

Soon there would be no one to cry for help.

Biting her lips she decided to keep the door closed; effectively sentencing all of those students to their death. The bumping of the door switched from a more hectic to a more calmed one, however... there were hideous noises of munching flesh coming from the outside. In the glass reflection, she could see 'them'.

Hideous walking corpses that bumped onto the door like vagrants under the influence, but a hundred times worse. Shizuka contemplated the crowds of those things outside of the door and then took a peek out of the window at how they were in the hundreds downstairs and all over the campus. Students are being devoured and overall, in utter madness.

'W-We're surrounded, Brand-chan...' She tried to call him with her phone but it didn't work either,  'What should I do...?'

With a mind full of thoughts and trying to keep calm; Shizuka regarded the student in front of her, 'Brand-chan said the catastrophe was an infection...'

"How are you feeling, Kazu-kun?" She asked with her hand secretly placed on the gun.

"Thanks, sensei... I just feel a little weird, it is hard to explain... maybe dizzy...? w-what are we going to do now?" The boy didn't perceive anything suspicious from her, but Shizuka noticed the bag under his eyes and his progressively greying complexion.

"I don't know... we're surrounded and we also can't jump from the window... all we can do is wait for Brand-chan..." She suggested with no better alternatives... only now she could hold her chest and sigh in gratitude at how her boyfriend had been trying to get rid of her lazy nature. Sadly, there was little she could do in this situation with just a gun.

"Brand-chan? do you mean... 1-A Brand Mercer...? how will help-"


Kazu began talking to her as they stood in front of the window, however, the next thing Shizuka saw was a big chunk of blood splashing on the window as the boy collapsed beside her, stumbling on some table and thrashing things to the ground, including himself... making a lot of noise.

"Kazu-kun!" Shizuka immediately bent down to try and help him, her chest giggling up and down.



The noise inside the infirmary seemed to further agitate 'them'.

"I just... d-don't feel right, sensei..." The boy said, breathing roughly with lost eyesight.



He grits his teeth and reluctantly stood up, spotting a pole on the right corner and taking it, walking up to the door.

"Please stand back, Marikawa-sensei... I'll try to fight them somehow if they come in..."

"Kazu-kun! don't be senseless!" Shizuka bit her lips, holding her gun and taking it out, getting rid of the secure just as Yuriko taught them to, if those monsters came in, there was little that boy alone would be able to do, especially in his current condition.

The bumping only turned rougher as he approached the door until the door almost blasted open, one of their hands squeezed through as if they knew there was prey on the other side.

Shizuka held her gun, prepared for anything, mentally calling for her boyfriend to come and help her.


It was then that the door was taken down and at least five zombies rushed into the lab at the same time, Shizuka held the gun towards them but her hands were shivering, just when she was about to shoot, however, a voice that she recognised rang behind the zombies.

"Don't shoot, Shizuka... close your mouth and your eyes".

It was Saeko.


Shizuka did just as she was asked to with only the yelling coming from Kazu who had stumbled on the ground with two zombies on top of him.

The purple-haired beauty lunged at the creatures with a real katana, sharp as they could get, as she sliced heads apart there was one smile on her face.


Blood splattered everywhere with every single slash of her sword, cutting heads and limbs alike; Soon bodies piled on the entrance as Saeko killed every single one of them that came from the outside, thankfully, she had waited until their numbers decreased in the hallway before attempting to enter the infirmary. She ended up slicing the last two that had been biting onto Kazu's body.

With her uniform coated in blood, she stepped on the pile and came in front of the boy whose life was drifting away.

"They bite you... you're going to transform into one of them soon".

"Please kill me... I want to die as me".

"What is your name?"

"Kazu Ishii".

"You're a splendid man, Kazu-kun..."


Those were her last few words for his pitiful soul before she sliced his head.

"S-Saeko-chan... where did you get a real sword?!"

"Ever since I heard about the catastrophe, I left a sword hidden in the dojo... unlike the guns under our skirts, I can't take it through the security gates every day... we can't waste time here, Kazu-kun made a lot of noise, they're coming".

"A-Are they zombies?"

"What else will they be, Shizuka... dogs?" The sword saintess walked up to a pouting Shizuka before bending on her knees.

"Mou... I'm just nervo- what are you doing?!" The blonde yelled in outrage. Saeko began tearing her skirt apart until even her panties were visible!

Saeko then took away Shizuka's heels and gave them to her, pulling her through the hallway carefully.

"Let's go, Shizuka..." Saeko didn't answer her question.


"Shh... don't make noise" They turned through a corner to see at least ten of 'them' in that particular hallway, quite close to the intersection.

Saeko took one of Shizuka's heels and -much to the blonde's disbelief- threw them above their heads towards the opposite side of the hallway.

The result was instantaneous, all of the zombies began following the noise, clearing the path for them.

"Don't make any noise... the dress is going to make it difficult to run and with heels, you're also going to make a lot of noise; I think they don't have a hearing sense... or at the very least they will pay more attention to loud targets. They ignored me most of the time and instead ran towards the students that were making noise, come with me... we must find Saya".

Both of them walked nimbly through the alleyways as Shizuka nodded, understanding that using the gun wasn't an option.

"What about Brand-chan?"

"I heard gunshots not too long ago so either him, Saya or Lucy have already begun engaging the objectives, I don't think Saya would do it... so it must be them".

"Why not Saya-chan?"

"Compared to Brand and Lucy she's more... prudent. Brand must be with Lucy, they were together the last time I saw them... let's go to the next floor; since the majority of the noise is coming from the ground floor, we should be safe the higher we go".

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