High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Training Grounds

Things were getting serious around here, I know because Yuriko is wearing a tight dress with kevlar and several guns clung onto her body. She's the one tasked with the marksmanship classes, mainly because Lucy doesn't have what you'd call pedagogy.

"This is basic information, girls... this is a Glock 17. Magazine, trigger, slide, and sights, remember this" She showed the gun that we'd be giving them for personal security, it is a basic gun... initially I thought about using the revolver that Lucy gave me to scan, stolen from police, but that gun is too difficult for amateurs to use, also, the recoil is considerably greater.

Yuriko stood up in front of all of us, holding a Glock 17 and showing them every single component.

"Whenever the gun is unloaded, this is what you do; repeat after me" She gave an explanation and all the girls looked at her movements attentively, especially Saya and Saeko... those two are the most competitive.

Saeko doesn't like guns... she said she wanted to use only a sword... I had to kiss her quite a bit to convince her to at least learn how to use a gun and keep it with her just in case. She's a monster with a sword but I need to be sure.

Yuriko removed the magazine and inspected the chamber, everyone did as she said except for Shizuka that was confused and flustered. I rubbed my temples and stood beside her, explaining to her slowly, she was my clumsy lovable girlfriend.

"Stand up like this in front of your target, it has recoil so you have to grip it tightly... one foot to the front, one to the back, hold your finger pushing out of the trigger at all times, take out the secure and shot, don't pull the trigger too hard, do it slowly at first".


She shot the gun, hitting the mock targets that we got for the purpose of training, they had target marks on the head and chest, indicating how far or close the bullet was to the target. Yuriko's shot was excellent, I didn't expect her to be this good with a gun.

"Low calibre... it means the target is likely not dead or incapacitated. If the objective is to kill always shoot thrice".

Yuriko taught the proper grip, including how to align the hand and fingers on the grip, and how to hold the gun to ensure stability and control. She then explained the proper stance, including how to align the body and how to balance the weight for stability. she taught the proper sight alignment and trigger control, including how to line up the sights with the target and how to smoothly squeeze the trigger without disturbing the aim.

I have to admit that I want to take her to some private room to do naughtiness, she looks gorgeous while explaining all this.

By the time we finished, the girls were ready for their first try, all of them wearing leggings and tight clothes, it wasn't helping my boner.

Shizuka was the only one that wasn't ready to shoot and her sobbing eyes told me everything I needed to know, she didn't understand shit.

"Shizuka, come with me, I'll explain it to you slowly" I pulled her aside with patience.

"Brand-chaaannn!" She was sobbing and hugging me -likely feeling useless- but all I did was kiss her to relieve her. She's a civilian and a medical practician; never having held a gun... if any of us is ever injured I already made sure she has all the equipment to make sure we're healthy, I don't intend to send her to the battlefield at any stage, this is just to give myself some relief.

I only want her to be able to fire a gun if she's in danger.


"Saeko, unload your magazine in the targets" Yuriko ordered and everyone made some distance.


Like a phantom she flashed forward, running amidst the targets and unloading the whole magazine, she even went as far as to place a second round, jumping and shooting with grace.

Everyone applauded including me, congratulations Saeko, you won yourself some spoiling.

Unlike everyone else, Yuriko deadpanned while looking at the confident Saeko, and then she looked at the targets and sighed.

"Excellent display, but you missed every shot... train your accuracy".


It didn't seem to deter my purple-haired girlfriend, I know she can do it.

"Saya, you're next".

"Yes, Okaa-sama" It was for my pink-haired twin-tail girlfriend, I'm curious about how she's going to do... her method is empiric, she looks at something and repeats it to the best capacity like the genius she is.

Saya shot all the targets, not to the head, but to the chest... she missed several, but to be her first time holding the gun, she did quite well. For one all targets hit the mockup target, just not in the centre.

We applauded again while Saya sent Saeko a playful glare, 'I beat you' she seemed to be saying, this must be like heaven for her considering she always gets her ass handed to her in physical combat. Saya has been getting fit just like Shizuka, and she looks... breathtaking, but she's far from being able to beat any of us in combat... that said, I think no girls in the school other than Saeko can take her down. Perhaps only Rei and some members of the Sojutsu Club who have been training all their lives.

If she keeps going like this, by the time the catastrophe starts, she will be ready... Yuriko knows her capacities so she's rougher with Saya than with anyone else, I think she expects more from her daughter than from the others. Those are expectations that so far Saya is meeting.

"As expected of my daughter, reload".

Saya reloaded the gun successfully after having seen her mother do it once.

She then stood to the side, there was someone else to go.

"Lucy..." Yuriko exhaled in exasperation, the reason?

No one expected Lucy to be such a monster with a gun.

She shot every target five times to the head; using all her rounds, replicating Saeko's movements but hitting all the targets instead of missing, when she was finished she loaded her last round and played with the gun, throwing an irritated Saeko and Saya a sight that said 'sit down~'.

"Showoff... just give me a week" Saya uttered grumpily

"Want a duel, Lucy?~" Saeko directly took her sword and got on guard, I know she's most irritated because Lucy doesn't fall that much behind in physical combat compared to her, yet in marksmanship, she outclasses everyone in this room, even Yuriko.

This essentially means that Lucy is the strongest among us, followed by Yuriko, then Saeko and then me.

Yes, I'm not the strongest by far, but I'm the leader... my dick is the bastion that keeps us all together and I'm not joking. I have the determination to be in the front and get killed if necessary for my girls, but... in an individual capacity they're all experts in their fields... this is exactly the reason why I wanted them with me in the first place.

Even Shizuka, the 'dumbest' ended up being a great practician, even Yuriko was flabbergasted by her abilities.

Their abilities, their intelligence and my dick; if anything is missing, this team is not complete.


Jokes aside, I'm content with the team I have.

Not one to miss a challenge, Lucy took her bokken and followed Saeko to the next room, she knows she was going to get beaten but even then she was going to train with Saeko.

"What about you, Brand-kun?" Yuriko addressed me next.

I took the gun and shot all targets, reloaded it twice... not all of them were perfect shots but they were all close to the centre, let alone I didn't even follow her rules, I shot with a shady stance and a single-hand, like a proper gangster, holding the gun with two hands? that's for pussies, I hold a gun in each hand; more shots fired.

"I guess that has to do with your previous life?" She rolled her eyes and I nodded.

After a few tries everyone went back to their own training before the girls got tired and went to the mansion on the surface to spend some time together and play games, this isn't just for training... the point is that we enjoy ourselves too.

Only a determined Shizuka remained behind together with me and Yuriko, she had tried to fire the gun and eventually managed, not to hit the targets, but she managed to fire the gun and reload it, I'm proud of her.

She won herself a breast massage and some marshmallows.

When I said that my bubbly girlfriend went back to the surface amidst laughs, I love her... I love them.


I materialised the crossbow in front of me and tried to pull out the same aim with it, sadly... due to the nature of the crossbow I can't just fire it with one hand.

I tried between the crossbow and the rifle and ended up feeling more comfortable with the crossbow.

"Are you going to be using that?" Yuriko asked me, inspecting it.

"I feel more comfortable with it... an arrow will kill or incapacitate a person just as fast as much anyway... I may not have the range but due to my technique, I have the magazine... it is not like we're going to war".

She nodded and we began training together, it has been a week in which she hasn't gone back to the Takagi Clan, uncle Souichirou is going to be back in a week and I'm confident that I can plunder aunty's heart until then... I mean... we're already taking showers together.

I haven't kissed her yet, it is like there is this small barrier stopping me but... if I do I think she won't be upset, in fact... I think she's expecting me to do it anytime soon.

I'm taking my time, this taboo feeling and continuous flirting are exhilarating, and we're both enjoying it.

I think it is particularly torturous for her, I know she took the room of the apartment farthest from my room, but she must still hear the girls moan whenever we... masturbate each other, I know Saya's moans must be like torture to her ears.

That's what I want, to make her expectant.

Soon I will make my move.

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