High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Saya Takagi

"Shizuka must be worried, tell her that I will be back by seven, Lucy".

The three of us watched the limousine leave with Yuriko waving her hand to us, I received a message on my phone and looked at it.

'You better use a condom~' Yuriko sent me and I sent Saya a furtive glance. Don't you think you're expecting too much from me? I mean, this is our first date, moreover... you don't care at all that we're cousins?

Lucy smirked for some reason, likely catching a glimpse of the message before making a peace sign and turning around lazily towards the apartment.

"Alright, safe journey, choom~ you too, spoiled brat".


As teasing as always, Lucy left a fuming Saya. I hooked my hand with hers and she blushed immediately, forgetting about Lucy.

"Don't pay attention to her, she likes taking the piss".

"What's a choom anyway?"

"I don't know... she spent a lot of time in Miami and picked up some words from there", I pulled out that lie, I don't know what a choom is, must be some sort of weird futuristic dialect of her time. It is not only choom, her English accent and some other words indicate so.

"Where are we going?" Saya asked as we walked randomly, I hooked my fingers with hers and she didn't deny me this gesture, merely following my pace.

"We're going to the library~"

"Eh?" She stopped abruptly, looking at me as if I were an idiot. If this was any other girl, they'd slap me and leave, but I have my hypothesis with Saya after studying her for a month.

I pulled her reluctant self nonetheless. When we reached the library, Saya still couldn't believe that the place I was taking her for our date is this. Her face indicated that she wants to kill me right about now, 'Don't worry, you won't be disappointed, Saya'.

"You're going to be teaching me maths, cousin~" I exclaimed, taking us to the most secluded corner, the place that couldn't be seen due to the number of bookshelves around it, I wanted it to be semi-private but still apparent that we're in a public place.

"Please... don't call me that I never expected-" She obviously didn't like me calling her that, it is complicated for the two of us but I'm merely teasing, I don't see her as my cousin.

"I know, me neither but... that only means we can become closer, right?" I spat some BS, it technically isn't a lie, we could get closer as family, but I have no such intention... we're going to get 'closer' alright?~

"R-Really?" She believed it all like a hopeless lamb, that's one of Saya's weaknesses, she's not easy to manipulate, but when it comes to her crush... all she will do is get flustered, complain a little bit, swear some words... then accept it all.

What happened in the middle didn't matter to me, what matters to me is that she will accept anything I ask her so long as I'm not too outrageous. That's the problem with tsundere like her, boys will usually be too frightened because they don't understand them.

Sadly for her, I was a promiscuous manipulative bastard in my past life, so... there is some experience there. I never encountered a tsundere, they're a Japanese specimen, but they're not that hard to decipher either.

"Yes, come..."

I took her upstairs and brought with us the same books that we use for math, If I want to pass Kyoko's assignments I'll literally need a genius' help. Thankfully, I have a genius as a friend and she also has a crush on me, but... I'm sure Saya is not expecting what's to come.

After some scrutiny, I found the secluded spot I was looking for, it was perfect with a table, two chairs and enough artificial light, there weren't many people around it either, and there were several students in the library, but none in this area. I sat on the chair, placing the books and the notes in front of us, Saya tried to sit beside me with the other chair... but, hehe~

That's not going to happen.


I sat her with me on the same chair.

"B-Brand?!" She exclaimed immediately, lifting her arms instinctively, a chance I took to get more comfortable. I opened my legs widely and she happened to fit on the gap left, her butt was against my crotch and I have to say... she was fuller down there than I thought.

After having had Yuriko straddling my crotch in the limousine, I can proudly say she inherited this from her mother.

"Stay there, Saya, we're on a date, remember?~"


"No buts... I have issues with equations and limits. I want you to explain this to me as if I'm a six-year-old kid. Otherwise, Kyoko-sensei will make me drop a year".

"Aren't you a six-year-old kid?" She asked furtively, studying my expression.


My deadpan seemed to give her confidence, a way to ruin the mood.

"Hehehe, got you~"

"Is that so?~"

I began tickling the hell out of her.

"Hahaha! s-stop!"

I ticked her waist, underarm and why not, her breasts as well...

"S-Stop! this is a library, we're supposed to be silent, bastard!"

"Sorry sorry, so, are you going to explain to me or not?"

"I have no option do I? tch! what a date..."

You're complaining but I can see your smile, tsundere...

She began explaining everything to me in this intimate position, I even phased my hands under her arms to write, putting us in a position couples would be ashamed to take. But I know she's enjoying it... because Saya never had a boyfriend before, for her doing this with her crush must be like cloud nine.

Girls become complex the more partners they have, but girls like her... they're rather pure and simple once you enter their hearts, this is what I like about Saya, about Shizuka... Saeko? well, she's not pure anymore for many reasons... she's a virgin but her soul is that of a wicked woman who was almost abused once, there are many defensive barriers around her that I managed to topple because she thinks I'm a psychopath like her... because I can keep her 'rhythm'.

As for Lucy... that girl is as deep as the ocean; I still don't understand her, but I'm relieved she's on my side.

I don't know what Saya likes, that's why this is the only idea I had for a date. If I had taken her to a movie that she doesn't like or something like that, it would have sullied the mood.

"Then x and y... Brand?" She was speaking but while she did so, I was studying her... her pink hair, delicate neck, her glasses... how serious she gets when she's explaining something, to the point she even forgot the position she's in.

Saya is gorgeous, sometimes she can be tsundere, but some other times... she resembles her mother in maturity.

"Uhm?" I realised she was calling me and she turned around to look at me, our faces were so close.

"Are you paying attention? don't tell me that I-"

"I was looking at your eyes, I hadn't noticed how nice those glasses look on you".

"T-That... thank you... pay attention, please".

She's getting all flustered and wiggly, I can feel her rustling movements on my crotch.



I kissed her. I did, I stole her lips right that instant... she looked so gorgeous that I couldn't help myself. It didn't last long, being her first kiss I don't want to overdo it.

"B-Brand... w-we're cousins" she placed her hands on my chest, panting, still inside the dream, not over the kiss.

"And?" I said, looking for more.

"Cousins shouldn't be kissing?!" She tried to stand up but I stopped her, wrapping my arms around her slim waist.

"We have been friends for more than a month, and cousins for three hours," I told her with a chuckle, that's some flawless anti-incest logic.

"That logic doesn't make sense", she said that but she was blushing profusely.

"It does to me!~", I twisted her head again and planted another firm kiss on her delicious mouth.

This time she struggled less and I deepened the kiss more, no one will see us in this little corner... this is a library and I know the stimulation she's receiving is beyond words, I'm receiving it too.

When the kiss receded she was looking at me with a completely different gaze, gulping.

"Y-You win, I will be your girlfriend, Brand".

"Pft!" I thought I heard wrong, did she admit defeat so fast?


"When did I say anything about a girlfriend?~"

"B-Bastard... t-that was my first kiss..." I saw her veins popping up as she shook, and her visage darkened. She's about to lose it. I know this is not the time to joke; this is the time to strike.

"Saya... I like you..."

"..." She lifted her gaze to look at me like a bunny that found a carrot as if asking me to repeat what I just said.

I do like her... I just don't know if I like her that way... she's my best friend, the dependence that I don't find in Shizuka, I know I have it in Saya... she's smart, fast-thinking and has wonderful ideas.

Saeko is strong and physically dependable.

Saya is smart and intellectually dependable.

Shizuka is... cuddly and spiritually dependable.

I want these three with me, no negotiation. With them, I feel like I can face this apocalypse.

"But I'd like for us to stay as friends for now," I told her, if I want things to go right, I can't lie... if I lie everything will crumble eventually.

"W-What do you mean?!" She asked me outraged.

"I have a girlfriend".


I saw her countenance pale at that moment, this is the critical moment.

"B-Busujima-senpai? Yuuki Miku?" With her visage darkened she clenched her fists on my shirt.

Who in their right mind would think me and Miku are together?

"No... Saya... but... I do feel something for Saeko-senpai" I confessed that too, I want Saeko by my side too, it serves nothing to tell her about Shizuka but not about Saeko.

"Tell me who is it and I will defeat her! I'm a genius, no one can beat me!" Saya stood up and held me by the collar.

"Huh?" I can't say I expected her to react like this.

"I can get better grades than anyone, Brand!" She remarked, puffing out her chest. Why is her pride as a genius triggered in this situation?

"S-Saya, I know... you can"

"My parents are rich, I'm rich! No one is a better match for you than me!"

"Saya, calm down... t-this is the library-!"

She planted her lips on mine this time astounding me, what the hell? where is the tsundere? did I push her so much that she ran away?

Saya kissed me with clumsy fervour, even sitting on my lap for a moment, when the kiss ended she started looking at the book, taking her rightful place in front of me and placing my arms around her waist, I'm still out of words.

"Don't think you can just escape after stealing my first kiss. Cousins or not, you're my boyfriend now".


"And from now on you have to take me to your place once a week to play and study, this is non-negotiable".


"I don't mind if you have that other girlfriend, but... I'll make sure you break up with her, by the end of the year, I will be better, mark my words".


What monster did I just awake?

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