High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Information Assembly

With this team, heading through the school without making a lot of noise was granted. There was a scarce quantity of zombies on our way to the teacher's main room.

"Sh!" I indicated to them to make silence and halt, there were five zombies between us and the door, looking downstairs the whole place was crowded, it made me believe it would be impossible to head downstairs towards the main door to leave the building, instead we'd have to somehow make our way out through the windows.

Saeko smiled and held my shoulder, the girl shamelessly took my shoes away and then threw them in the direction of the stairs; in that place, there was an emergency fire extinguisher covered in a glass screen.


The shoes impacted against it, breaking the glass and making a lot of noise. I sighed in exasperation, it did get the five zombies to rush towards the stairs, but it also made the zombies from downstairs come up!

I resisted the urge to bonk her and indicated for everyone to run as fast as possible to the now-cleared hallway before it was too late; everyone ran for their lives because the Zombies were beginning to concentrate around us, I could tell they wanted to scream in terror but the rule of our group was to remain silent.

I closed the door behind us silently and locked it up in every way possible, it was then that we all exhaled in relief, throwing ourselves on the ground, panting.

"Finally!" One of the senpais yelled only to cover his mouth the next second, earning everyone's scowl!

I looked towards Saeko and Lucy, if this motherfucker just snitched on us, I'm going to put an arrow on his head; I proceed to look at the small window of the door and there weren't any zombies around, they were probably concentrated on the stairs and didn't listen to his scream.

"I'm sorry..."

"You do that again-" I began but Lucy placed her hand on my shoulder, switching from a smile at me to a killing intent glare towards him.

"At ease darling~ it was a mistake... it won't happen again. Right, senpai?"

"O-Of course!" The boy yelled within a whisper the moment a gun was pointed at his head by Lucy, I think he learned his lesson.

"Brand, what are we going to do now?" Yuuki asked me and I sighed, the first thing Kyoko did was switch on the TV. In there we saw what looked like a broadcast; I'm surprised that the TV is working but the telephone line isn't.

[Currently in Shimohada District, as you can see, these creatures are all over the place, the government has already issued an emergency protocol, everyone... if you live close to the river please come for shelter, otherwise, stay at home and absolutely don't come out! help from the army is inbound!]

We all listened to the broadcast and the girls were visually stunned to see that what was happening at our school, wasn't exclusive to this place... it was happening all over Japan.

I pulled my girls to the side, Shizuka in particular seemed to be the only one that was stunned beyond belief, girl... I said this would happen, didn't I?

"B-Brand-chan... it was real" Shizuka took my hand within hers, it was shivering... I did the same to reassure her but resisted the urge to deadpan.

"Did you think I was lying all along?"

"We trusted you, Brand, but we hoped you were wrong..." Saeko answered me and Saya nodded as well, my psychotic girlfriend seems to be enjoying herself, but Saya is worried.

"Yuriko is okay, Saya... I spoke with her for a moment before the line cut off".

Saya's eyebrows loosened in tension when I said that, but... it was as if I stopped a storm just to form another.

"So you spoke with Okaa-sama first..."


"Hmph!" the pink-haired spoiled brat harrumphed and ignored me.

I twitched my eyebrows and decided to sort this out once and for all; I took her by the wrist towards a corner of the room.



At some point, the broadcast had finished; Rei, Kyoko and her group were paying attention to everything we were doing as if we were the undisputable leaders, there was also the fact that we have guns.

I ignored them and took a struggling Saya to a corner.


I pinned her roughly to the wall and made sure she couldn't escape me. Saya's gaze regarded me defiantly, her hands on my chest preventing me from further pressing my weight on her.

"What's your big deal?" I asked her coldly.

"Brand, let me go..." She answered with equal coldness, not even evading my gaze flustered as she always does, it seems my boldness prompted her to answer in all likeness.

Saya is a very prideful girl... if something she hates is people pressing on her, I as her boyfriend am no exception, but if I don't do this... this is not going to end, in fact... it might strand our relationship in the long term, so I'd rather press myself down on her right now and make her know who is the leader here.

"What's your big deal, Saya? the catastrophe has started and we're not in a spot where we can allow ourselves the leisure to be dramatic, so tell me what you want..."

"Apologise to me..."


"Apologise to me... and promise to break up things with my mother..."


"Brand! t-then we're finished".

"We're not finished either, Saya... what makes you think you have the right to decide? you shamelessly made me your boyfriend back then, now with that same boldness stay where you are... I'm not letting go of either you or Yuriko, is that clear?"

"You're a bastard".

"Never said I wasn't... so what do I have to do, kiss you in front of everyone here, huh?"

"N-No!- Uhm!~"

I did as promised and kissed her, the gasps and groans in the room didn't make themselves wait. I felt some stinging pain on my tongue and gasped, Saya and I both separated and I saw her lips bloodied, she just took a bite out of me!

"Y-You..." I reached down to give her butt a rough squeeze, so hard that she groaned and leaned on my chest, we were both panting by now and licking our lips. This is but the start of her punishment, how dare she bite me to the point of dragging out blood!

"If I don't do at least this much... you will think I'm just your little puppet... I'm not your puppet, Brand! I'm myself!"

"Sa- UGHM!"

This girl just stuck her tongue inside my mouth as far as it could go, holding me by the collar, she drew my tongue and prepared to take another bite!

I pushed her and made some distance between us, cleaning my mouth that had her saliva all over it.

"You dare bite me again, Saya..." I threatened her, no matter how much I like her, I'm not about to accept this disrespect.

"What are you going to do, bite back? you would never hit me, Brand..." Saya instead took both of my wrists and kept them in place, smiling.

This little bitch... of course I would never hit her.

"I'll be your girlfriend... I'll even be your wife... but for taking my mother... I'll never be submissive to you... If you want to go right, I'll go left... if you want me at the bottom, I'll hump you on top... if you're tired and want to sleep, I'll keep you awake. Remember that" Saya licked her lips and cleaned them, giving me the most wicked smile I have ever seen.

It seems taking Yuriko is going to cost me plentily.

"We will see about that".

"Did the two of you finish making up?~" Saeko and Lucy walked up to us, the two of them seemed rather amused while Shizuka was still a little absentminded.

Saya and I looked at one another again before nodding at Saeko, if this can even be considered 'making up'... I think we're worse than prior.

Meanwhile, Kyoko and everyone else's lips were shivering.

"D-Did she say... mother...?" Rei mumbled loudly, enough for me to hear... crap, we were talking in front of everyone and although it wasn't loud since everyone was silent... it was heard. I guess it doesn't matter.

Just when I was about to assemble my girls for a meeting, it was Rei's time to take my wrist and draw me to a corner, 'what the hell?'

"You didn't do that with Yuriko-san... did you, Brand!?" She asked me threateningly, I was almost compelled to believe this was a display of a jealous girlfriend.

Rei pinned me to the wall much like Saya did, surprising me, what's wrong with this girl all of the sudden? I frowned towards her and slapped her hand aside.

"How is that your business? we're nothing Rei... stop disrespecting your boyfriend".


For a moment Rei's gaze looked at me with rage, I think she didn't appreciate my answer... but I'm right, Komuro is looking at the two of us as if he wants to lunge at me at this point, and frankly... I can't blame the boy, I mean... it almost looks as if she's cheating on him with me; for the first time in my life... I'm innocent.

Rei then took Takashi by the wrist and brought him to a corner where they had a 'chat'.

Whatever they were speaking about, I don't know... I only know that we need to start talking about what we're going to do.

Kyoko came up to me, her gaze fixed at me with a hidden glare, great... another one that's upset at me for no reason.

"These are the keys, Brand-kun... there is only one bus today".

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