High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

Anomalities II

I was walking alongside Lucy through the school after a break, effectively jumping class, the vixen Saya shamelessly blanked me and left the classroom immediately, pulling Rei and Saeko along with her to the rooftop.

I'm starting to think that I shouldn't be so tolerant and instead outright spank her butt and claim her, fuck respect... I'm not planning to let either she or Yuriko go, if by next month they're not back, I'm going for them.

"I managed to fetch a few rifles from the black market in the Kanto region, we just need to pick them up in a few days..." Lucy was telling me, she said previously that we can't fetch guns abroad because even the best hack won't be able to physically stop the borders from checking up the precedence of the guns, Yuriko would have to do that but she's currently unable to.

The other option was to bribe the authorities but that is not advisable, this is Japan and corruption although existent, is minimal.

"It doesn't even matter if we don't buy them, as long as I can analyse the gun... Hollow, show me the shop" I ordered and Hollow did just what I asked him, the interface appeared in front of me as we came to a stop.



*10.000 Yen bill: Prize - 1 gacha point.

*Dildo: Prize - 12 gacha points.

*Spoon: Prize - 3 gacha points.

*Crossbow TwinStrike - 150 gacha points.

*Crossbow Arrow - 2 gacha points.

*Hanayome o' Kiri - 340 points. (Mistress of Flowers)

*Kuroikazuchi o' Kiri - 390 points. (Black Thunder)

*Murasakihayashi o' Kiri- 290 points. (Purple Wood)

*Nambu M60 Revolver - Prize: 320 gacha points.

*.38 9mm Special Cartridge - Prize: 10 gacha points.


*100g Can of Tuna - Prize: 20 gacha points.

*10kg Bag of Rice - Prize: 110 gacha points.

*5kg Cow Beef - Prize: 120 gacha points.


Imagine my surprise to know how expensive food is in the system, Hollow told me that it is due to the compressed amount of matter that food has, especially beef with all its protein. The moment I face the first 'Alpha' I will know whether this is expensive or cheap but at the very least it will allow us to survive outside of our mansion in case we run out of stocks; Lucy has already made sure to get us enough non-perishable food to last for at least ten years in the mansion.

I was about to ask him for the whole consumable list when something happened that made me gasp and hold Lucy's hand.





[It is time, Brand, be ready...]

"What do you mean it is time?!" I yelled in outrage and alertness, looking around me as if the cops were after my soul in the middle of a robbery. We're supposed to have at least four more months!

"Brand, what's going on?" Lucy realised that I was gripping her hand tightly and asked me, Instead I pulled her being me and materialised my crossbow, looking sideways only to see the falling leaves of summer, there is nothing, where is the infected?!

"Show me the Scanner, Hollow! Lucy... he just told me there is an infection nearby... get ready!"

Hearing my words did nothing to reassure Lucy who instead stood by my side, biting her lips and looking around to see if we caught the glimpse of anything, she took a gun out of her skirt and got ready for anything that we had to face.

But there was nothing.

The scanner appeared in front of me, and in it, I saw a blue dot in the middle I assumed was me, by my side was a green dot, Lucy... then everywhere around us, but outside of our reach, there were at least ten red dots... blinking and blinking.

"Lucy there are ten! every direction! keep your eyes open!" I yelled at her, trying to catch the glimpse of anything, the scanner said they were the furthest possible for us, I don't know if that is a hundred metres or a mile or just ten metres.

"But I don't see anything!"

We were both momentarily confused but also unwilling to make the wrong move until I heard a voice yelling from somewhere nearby.

"What are you doing!? RELEASE HIM!"


The voice I heard was the teacher's Kyoko Hayashi, and there was also a stirring painful noise that made us both gulp a mouthful of saliva. We immediately rushed towards the direction of the voice which was the school's main entrance.

When we arrived we saw the teacher had fallen on her butt and was crawling away from some men that staggered towards them, when we saw them we both paled but Lucy was the first one to say what we were both thinking.

"Z-Zombies... it is zombies, Brand!"

I saw the scanner and the red dots were now closer, three to be exact not only that but there were two white dots. Our gazes watched how from the gate two of those... things squeezed in while a torrent of blood splashed in all directions, one of those things was biting the neck of a teacher in front of Kyoko in a horrid display of gore.


It was then that I saw how one of the white dots turned red and began blinking as well.





Lucy made three shots with her gun and three bodies fell, headshots... I ran towards the teacher and she had blood all over her face, goddammit, if this is an infection does it mean the blood is infectious!? if that's so then I can't use arrows... they're going to be saved back into my inventory covered in blood... if that blood falls on me, I'm fucked.

"Come, Kyoko!"

I yelled at her but didn't touch her, the blood splashed all over her face and she was in a panic, it was then that Lucy started pulling her away only to receive a scolding from me.


"THERE IS NO TIME FOR THAT, BRAND! THEY'RE COMING, QUICKLY CLOSE THE GATES!!" She yelled back at me and it was only then that I saw beyond the mildly opened door, hordes... hordes of them coming, they looked in the hundreds!

It has started!

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