High School of the Dead: Zombie World with a Gacha

An Odd Radar II


This path will be difficult to thread in a motorbike, but also... it is precisely because we're in a motorbike that we can achieve it. We were in an awkward position, but I'm the beacon of hope that will lead us out of this catastrophe. The road ahead of me is marred with zombies left and right.



Lucy had gone insane; she didn't care about blasting things and creating plenty of noise for the zombies to focus on us... just like Saeko. Those two tried to get the zombies out of my way as fast as possible.

I manoeuvred through them, braking, twisting and evading... if I rammed any of those corpses, we'd hit the ground. Thankfully, my times and a gangster were giving fruit and I was quite skilled at handling a motorbike. This kept happening for a while until I ended up watching an exit along the way. In that area, there were no zombies... if we went through it we'd be at the end of the avenue, leaving to the highway that lead to Rika's house.

"Let's go!" I yelled, resisting the urge to do a wheelie that would kill the three of us. This sense of glory was indomitable... getting ourselves into this ridiculous situation, and getting out unscathed.

I couldn't help but smile in this predicament with the mad lasses I have for girlfriends shooting back and forth. Lucy didn't know stop, Saeko didn't know mercy... if there is one thing about Lucy that I love (I love all of herself but there is something in particular) is how much she gets into the moment whenever a shootout is involved, she just doesn't care... regardless of being a lady or whatever she will get the job done.

Saeko was doing pretty much the same but she had a gun instead of a katana this time; aiming and shooting, her accuracy had improved but she was obviously uncomfortable since she doesn't like guns. Nevertheless, she still managed with her injured arm.

I love these girls so badly if I had the two of them in my previous life, conquering the world wouldn't have been difficult. Instead, I had gold diggers *sigh* let's forget the past and focus on the present that's way more thrilling and beautiful.

The light was in front of us, the prospect to escape... however, there was another foe we had to face.


I almost felt my heart stop at the sudden fright of seeing a tank coming from beside us, it literally came crashing out of a small building, making it collapse and creating a lot of dust that we avoided due to the speed I was driving. If I had lost my concentration due to its appearance, we would have hit a zombie.

"It's Blackwatch!" Saeko exclaimed and both of my girls started firing shots at the vehicle that was trying to run us over. Things just went from Insane difficulty into 'impossible' difficulty.

'Sonasha, my beloved goddess, please help your useless servant!' I didn't even think twice about praying! if not for luck, it will be impossible to get out of this mess.

There were zombies ahead, Blackwatch behind, all we had was this motorbike and its engine. The moon is shining above us and there is mild fog. 'Hollow, remind me next time to not listen to Lucy...'

It was an armoured tank, much like the one I stored it crushed anything in order to reach us and it didn't care about survivors or whatever, this tank had the strength to go across the streets, destroying buildings left and right, and it did.


It crushed a car that I had tried to evade together with a zombie, scratch that, Sonasha must be helping me somehow, I'm definitely not this skilled with a motorbike unless I'm in raw adrenaline right now.


"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?" Saeko yelled at my insane rainbow-haired girlfriend.

I don't know why they're pursuing us with such insistence, but they're here and bullets won't be enough.


"They're shooting us now with a turret!"

I heard and saw the shots gracing us and destroying zombie heads all over us, these are high calibre shit!

"Goddamit this is not a movie!"

I took the bike to the maximum it could do. Thankfully, the three of us are slim, otherwise, the engine would get naked in no time. I took cover in the zombies, light posts, abandoned vehicles, everything I could... if we're hit, we're done... there won't be enough time for me to create another motorbike and keep going, Blackwatch will step on us feeble ants worse than it did to those buildings.




Without thinking much, I drove the motorbike with one hand and materialised the Rocket Launcher we got, loaded.

"Lucy, blow them assess babe, don't hold back!" I gave it to Saeko who knew what to do... without any calm at all I handed her over a weapon of great destruction in the middle of a motorbike.

Thankfully, we managed to reach the highway so the zombies were no longer an issue, it is only this damned armoured vehicle behind us that was pissing us off.

"This is the craziest thing I have done in my life!" Saeko exclaimed and handed the rocket launcher over to Lucy.

"Don't worry, me too!" I heard my girlfriend laugh heartily as if she was enjoying herself. I really want to understand her... but psychotic bitches are something else. Among the three of us, she's the only one laughing, I'm bloody scared for our lives.


The next thing I heard was a ridiculous explosion, I felt a shockwave and the motorbike burst forward due to the sudden impulse.

I don't know if that did the job; I don't know if she hit the target... I didn't look back. Instead, I pressed forward with my bike... the next exit on this highway is the avenue where Rika's place is located. The absence of shots told me that she had at least managed to stall them.

"I blew one of their wheels, don't worry, they will be Zombie food in no time! give me another rocket babe!"

"For what?!"

"Just in case!"

Why am I a boyfriend that spoils his girls? I should be a bastard instead and save all the money.



*Honda Ridgeline: Prize - 980 gacha points.

*Blackwatch Armoured Vehicle MKIV: Prize - 1350 gacha points.

*Cold M4 Carabine 5.56 mm: Prize - 320 gacha points.

*5.56 mm Armour Piercing Cartridge: Prize - 22 gacha points.

*Heckler & Kosh MP7 4.6mm: Prize - 290 gacha points.

*30x4.6 mm Armour Piercing Cartridge: Prize - 22 gacha points.

*Blackwatch Especial Operations Suit (Male): Prize - 120 gacha points.

*Mk.153 SMAW Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher: Prize - 430 gacha points.

*Mk.153 Anti-Tank Missile: Prize - 100 gacha points.


[-100 gacha points]

I just hope she doesn't go insane with those things and start blowing everything. I handed the rocket over to Saeko and just out of curiosity looked back to see the armoured vehicle in the distance, burning... I don't think it needs-



Lucy fired the rocket and hit it square, creating a massive explosion that lit up the night and made my eyebrows twitch.

"Was that necessary!?"

"I just made sure that they are dead, babe! give me another!"

"Lucy, those are not cabbages!"

"Don't be a cheapskate! I know those are cheap!"

"They're a hundred bloody points each! I can draw a gacha with that much!"

The beauty pouted and handed me back the Rocket Launcher through an exasperated Saeko".

"Husband, I love you but... next time take me killing Zombies for a date, instead of... this".

"Don't worry, I don't want to do this again either".


For the next few minutes, everything was silent... we managed to survive. My beloved goddess had no doubt blessed me.

But then, out of nowhere... the engine of the bike stopped and started to smoke. We came to an abrupt stop. I guess this is where my luck ends.

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