Stage 43: STEVQHNU
{ Stage 43: STEVQHNU }
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A writathon is coming up. I'm hoping to participate! (if nothing irl stops me). I'm quite glad I decided to write each stage down. It is really showing me a new perspective on time.
It has been more then 43 days since I started writing these stages. I just want to say thank you for reading along and here's to many more!
I have to say my perception of time is quite screwed up. It honestly feels as if I started writing this book a few hours ago. This probably isn't a good thing.
The more repetitive something is. The more my brain speeds through it. But adding personality and insights into this technique slows down what is almost like a timelapse for me.
So what shall we learn today? In this stage. I mainly want to talk about creating your avatar. YOU right now have a spiritual body.
This is your spiritual form. Whether you are dreaming or daydreaming. The body you use is likely to be very similar to your physical body.
You don't want this to be the case.
Remember how I told you not to blur the lines between your hidden existence and your physical body? Well...
You will need to dance between the lines here.
I want you to go through a transformation. Most people's subconscious mind and spiritual body is human. In a dream for example, you likely have a form similar to your waking reality.
I want you to write down a description of your spiritual body. This will become the form your avatar takes.
I'll go first.
'It was like a scattered mountain. An ineffable amalgmation of materials. On the surface of the skin was crystal like protrusions. These glowed purple. Three heads each wearing a mask. One happy, One neutral, One sad. But the closer you looked, the sooner you realized that this mountain was phasing between different states. In one moment, it had three heads, but in another it had none! It was originally massive in size and as big as a star. But the more you gaze upon it. The more you realize it both was alive and dead. Merely looking at it, you realize it is both small and large. You can hold the entire body in your hand. You soon realize that it isn't so scary. It reminds you of a magical golem. But now it is simply a stone. One that morphs into the opposite of your deepest fears. It is as if it has taken all your memories and fused them into a perfect artifact. The core is like a blue sun and the data within is incomprehensible.'
You feel inspired...