Stage 37: DTJSFO
{ Stage 37: DTJSFO }
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I have often talked about this technique allowing one to 'beat reality'. But let us examine what I exactly mean when I say this.
Picture this. You are playing a platformer. In this game, there are ways to die and progress. You have to pay attention to the map and estimate where your character will go from your input.
I think spacetime itself is just an interface. You use the game controller to move your character and interact with the world. But you don't see the precise code and functions that run this game.
Then when you look even further into it. The computer itself looks nothing like the game on the inside. It is made of various parts and uses electricity and voltage to store information.
Reality is much the same.
Spacetime itself despite what you might think is not fundamental. This might confuse you as you probably assumed this technique was built on this fact. After all, I have said that your consciousness burns physical resources and thus is a product of the physical world.
The technique is storing mental energy in a spiritual manner. But it still requires some connection with reality. How are you reading these words right now? You are using your eyes and your brain.
Think about what a hidden existence is.
It is a being that doesn't see the 'game' interface. It ignores spacetime, because spacetime is just a means to an end.
You might think you are a three dimensional creature and that there is a higher 'fourth' dimension that is time. Thinking this way isn't entirely wrong.
You might think that the 2D world is less detailed then a 3D one. But what if I were to tell you that the hidden existences you plan on 'tricking' live in 100000000D dimensions. They see reality in millions to billions of dimensions.
Going from 3D to 4D is a jump quite exponential in the amount of information stored within. But they perform such jumps millions of times.
That is one reason why this technique works. I think a major mistake that people make is thinking that their consciousness allows them to see the 'truth'.
There is nothing true about our reality.
I have a goal for you.
Imagine if instead of playing the game. Instead of moving your fingers to move the buttons on your controller to move the character.
Imagine if you had to inject a series of data that the console could understand. Then imagine that you had to understand millions of lines of this data to draw out a map.
You then had to visualize this map and react accordingly. Sharing information at an insane rate and processing large amounts of information.
This feat is absolutely ridiculous.
No human should be able to pull it off.
It is impossible!
But... the brain is already doing this! It is effortless...
But are you able to STOP your brain from doing this? If you can do such a thing and look at the source code of reality.
You will have the perspective of a hidden existence.
But this type of thinking is still limiting.
There exist a place beyond the code of the game.
The Complete Impossibility!
Isn't it amazing how far our technology has progressed? But why is it that despite this progress, we have been unable to create a program that experiences consciousness?
It is because we have been studying consciousness incorrectly. There has not been one theory or program that can explain one of trillions of the experiences we have.
The human brain has billions of neurons and many more connections. But in reality. None of those matter.
We have been trying to extrapolate data by studying the interface.
But this only allows us to better understand the game. It teaches us nothing about the logic behind the scenes.
The brain named itself and also thinks quite highly of itself.
It thinks it is the source of consciousness...
But if that is the case. How is it that we have a '2nd thread' that doesn't rely on the brain?
This technique is impossible.
But life itself is a bigger anomaly.
If you saw all the odds you beat to reach this chapter. You would start to think you are the main character!
Compared to the impossibility of life...
This technique is far less ridiculous!