'This has become problematic' I thought to myself. These two Inhumans here were never introduced in canon. There is a chance that my existence caused this change.

'I need to keep these two Inhumans under surveillance', I thought to myself.

The one that was making the drugs and placing his blood on it was named Conner, and the other person was named Lucas. I believe Lucas has bone manipulation abilities. While Conner's ability seems to be the key ingredient in vertigo, specifically his blood. I wonder if that's all Conner's powers could do.

I had been listening and watching the two of them for 1 hour and decided to leave. I left 2 shadow clones to monitor each of them. I gave them clear instructions to make another clone every 5 hours and dispel themselves to keep me updated. After leaving I returned to my apartment. I took a shower and made myself a cup of hot chocolate milk.

I took a look at the notebook that I wrote when I was 5. This was the coded notebook where I wrote everything I could remember on the MCU. While drinking my chocolate milk I read the coded notebook, particularly the section on the Inhumans.

The Inhumans were basically the MCU version of mutants. The Inhumans were humans in the pre-historic past that was experimented on by the Kree.

The Kree is a militaristic race, because of this the Kree often wage war among other planets or galactic powers.

Due to this war, the Kree wanted weapons to be made to aid them in the war. A faction group of the Kree Empire composed of scientists traveled to different planets to experiment with the populace on those planets.

The Inhumans were their most successful experiment to date. The Inhumans became the new race that could be found on earth. The Kree Empire learning what their brethren have done put an end to their experiment.

This always made me wonder. Why would the Kree Empire want to put a stop on a successful experimentation that produced them a group of people each with different powers? The only conclusion I could see to this is Asgard.

I not sure of this hypothesis, but I strongly believe Asgard played a vital role in the reason that the Kree left earth during that time. I mean seriously why would the Kree fear the humans, even if the Inhumans somehow ever rebelled against their creators and helped the humans they would still not be considered a challenge to them. Kree was and still is a galactic power with millions of troops they can call. Asgard's alliance with earth must have played a huge factor back then.

'Asgard would have strong-arm them and threaten war if they did not leave' I thought to myself.

The Inhumans were a group of people I strongly wanted. Mostly because of their powers. It was showed in the tv shows that you can transfer the powers of the Inhumans and give them to someone else. My original plan was to wait until 2013 to get some Inhuman abilities. Merely because I didn't know where their hideout was.

The Inhumans home is named 'Afterlife', I didn't know the exact location of this place. Heck, even Hydra didn't know that Afterlife existed.

Jiaying is like Professor X to the Inhumans. She is the leader of the Inhumans and she wants the Inhumans to be in Afterlife to basically live their life there. She knew the horror of what could happen if the humans ever learned of their existence.

She was nearly experimented on by one of the Heads of Hydra during world war 2. The person who caught her back then was a commander under Hitler. The victory of the Americans during that war was her saving grace. She was able to escape because her captors were busy trying to flee when they heard that the Allies had won.

"I wonder if her daughter is dead now?", I said out loud.

Just like her mother, Kora had the inhuman gene pass to her. In the canon, she underwent Terrigenesis and developed the ability to harness a volatile form of energy. However, she was unable to control her destructive powers, and her mother did everything she could to help Kora control her powers, promising to keep her safe. However, her powers began getting more and more unstable.

Due to Kora's inability to control her powers, she would cause harm to the occupants of Afterlife, so the elders decided to isolate her alone in a practicing room. One day, Kora could not take the isolation and guilt of hurting others anymore that she caused an energy explosion in her room, knocking her guard out and escaping after stealing his gun. By the time, Jiaying discovered her escape, Kora already ran away from the Afterlife and committed suicide with the gun she stole.

'If she is dead by now, then it's a pity. Having her powers could have been useful', I thought to myself.

Jiaying will not allow Conner and Lucas to use their abilities outside of Afterlife. I can only hope that's she comes personally to stop Lucas and Conner and force the two of them back to Afterlife. The very moment my clone spots Jiaying, one of them will dispel to tell me. Once that happens I will wait for an opportunity to try and steal some of her DNA.

"A finger or two will work just fine", I said with a smirk.

The ability that Jiaying had is the ability I really wanted. The ability to steal someone's vitality or life force from them. The stolen life force will then restore the user's vitality. This was the reason that after so many decades Jiaying remained youthful.

The reason why I want this ability has something to do with my own ability to heal wounds and injuries. Sure my yang seal could heal my wounds. That's fine and dandy and all that but the yang seal's healing was imperfect it had one major drawback.

With the yang seal, you can activate the Creation rebirth technique. By releasing large amounts of chakra all at once the body's cell division is forcibly stimulated, causing all injury to heal instantly.

Creation Rebirth does not repair the old cells, instead, it hastening the creation of new ones through division. Because a body's cells can only split a certain number of times, the user shortens their natural lifespan whenever this technique is used.

Now when I had reached the limit of this technique, my lifespan would be in a dangerous situation. With Jiaying's ability, I can nullify this effect by absorbing the life span of my enemy. Using the life force of my enemies during combat to heal me. This would make me literally unkillable.

Jiaying's ability was the only ability I truly wanted among all the Inhumans in Afterlife.  If I can get more powers then that's a bonus. Trying to get her powers without her knowing will be tricky. I didn't want the Inhumans to view me as an enemy this early on.

'Look's like I have some planning to do', I thought to myself.


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