Hero’s Creed

Chapter 57 - 1 wave group kill

   In the house close to the long street, the ghoul demon servant was digging a big pit on the ground with sweat. It was worthy of the most obedient cannon dust, no complaint, and strictly executed any orders of Downton.

   Downton sat in the living room and hurry up to meditate.

  After he was promoted to the second order of soul, this was his first examination of his physical condition. The soul shield turned into two without accident, which is also a sign of the second order.

   Soul level is mainly to strengthen the source of the soul and increase the soul power, but Downton’s physical quality is still improved by one-fifth, which is twice as high as that of ordinary magicians.

The most satisfying thing is that the soul power released by the soul seeds has increased five times to the first order, which means Downton has absorbed the magic energy three times faster, and the maximum number of demon servants can be up to six. There is only the possibility of rebellion.

   Confessing Ghoul Demon Servants is not a simple addition problem. For each additional one, the soul power required is multiplied.

“Why do you want to split the wall six meters wide? It’s narrower to put one at a time. Isn’t it safer?” Selice squatted in front of a five-meter deep pit and saw Downton coming out of meditation. .

   “The purpose is to kill them together, so make sure that the spiders you chase fall into the trap together. If you miss one or two, it will make the battle cumbersome.”

   Downton checked the pit and was not satisfied, so he jumped in and repaired it himself.

   The wall of the pit must be straight up and down, so that the fallen spider has no place to climb hard, so it can’t climb out, and then turn the warrior’s spear upside down and bury it on the bottom of the pit and the wall of the pit. You can definitely stab them to death.

“Even death knights rarely use insidious means. They are all bright and upright against enemies. You are the first time I have seen this,” Homer floated, looking at the murderous potholes. Live projected text.

   “You just say that I am an uncultivated wild Paladin. Isn’t it over? Downton rolled his eyes.” Killing the spiders, would it be a fair duel with them? “

   “I think it’s cool, it’s not insidious, it’s a trick, just like a weak hunter hunting a brown bear.” Celesque looked downright and defended Downton, and was beaten on the forehead by the magic book.

   “Okay, Celes, frozen a layer of ice with a thick index finger on the pit.” Downton jumped out and patted the dirt on his body.

   There is a part of the frost magic in Necromancer, plus Celesis is a death banshee, and the attack is born with death frozen gas, so the small thing of ice making is not a problem at all.

  Selice nodded her head and chanted the mantra softly, the white ice covered the frozen air, which covered the hole with naked eyes.

   Downton stepped on and jumped a few times, scared Celesque screamed, and quickly pulled him.

   “What are you doing?” Ceres’s heart fluttered, almost out of her chest.

   “Try the ice strength only.” Downton touched the dead banshee’s forehead and smiled. “Don’t worry, even if I fall in, the spear won’t pierce this heavy armor.”

   “Then it’s impossible to do such a dangerous thing.” Ceres grunted her lips, her two index fingers twisted together again.

   “Let’s not take an example, start fighting, this time first introduce five simple try.” Downton left two demon servants, and took the others to the long street in front of the bank.

   “You’re really dead, five are still simple?” Celesque complained, but unfortunately ignored by Downton.

   “I think your courageous people dare to burst the dragon’s chrysanthemum.” Homer ridiculed, but he liked Downton’s courage. Only by constantly challenging the limits can he squeeze out all the potential.

   Those spiders were lying on the cobweb, motionless, waiting quietly for their prey to come to the door.

   Downton carried the crossbow, crossed the two in front, aimed at the patterned spider on the back slightly, and pulled the trigger.

  The spider of the arrow is like a crazy horse, and he flew over with eight legs, and the one next to it also followed.

   Downton did not leave, but wound quickly, and his eyes did not forget to observe the prey. Sure enough, the two in front were alarmed by the arrow spider and sprinted together.

   “Only four, not enough!”

   Downton quickly calculated the time when they rushed to the front of him. Raising his hand was an arrow and shot a spider that was not disturbed. The guy immediately ran, and was shocked even with the two nearby.

   “Have you taken it off?”

   saw seven black-blooded spiders comparable to the war horses killing over, and Homer was gloating, but it soon found that there was no trace of panic on Downton’s face, step by step winding, and retreated to the backyard of the long street.

   The first medium arrow spider is the most crazy, not only the fastest, but also the opening device to spray a cloud of coconut-sized green venom.

  A demon servant immediately stood in front of him.

  Tang Dun took off the double-layer tower shield it carried.

  The Chinese arrow spider approached with a strong smell, and the two front cheeks were lifted up and stabbed towards Downton’s head.

   Two demon servants acted as flesh shields and quickly stood in front of Downton. The front claws collided with their heavy armor, bursting with a harsh noise.

   “Go to death!” Downton raised the crossbow, too close, almost against the spider’s fragile compound eye, and made a round.

   Poof, all the one-foot-long crossbow arrows were shot in. The green body fluid mixed with red blood came out and the spider screamed.

   Downton dropped the crossbow and clenched the ogre saber around his waist, followed by a giant behead.

  Blade, the spider’s head was split and blood spattered.

   “Solve one!”

   Downton quickly backed away with two demon servants.

   A ball of green venom shot shot and hit Downton’s shield and two demon servants. Fortunately, he was wearing heavy armor without any threat.

   “Stop the left!” Seeing that the three behind had not yet come up, Downton established a line of defense in front of the gap in the wall.

   The spider on the left is entangled by two demon servants, and the one on the right is an unobstructed swooping Downton, stabbing in front.

  Bent legs bent slightly, Downton exerted force with his left hand and waved a tower shield.

   Giant Barrier!

  Bang, after blocking the front cheek, the tower shield shot the spider’s face fiercely and knocked it out directly.

   “No.5, No.6, go to block the gap!” Downton now dislikes the spider running too slowly, so that the two demon servants are also on call.

  Four ghouls stayed in front of the gap, plus Downton, successfully blocked three spiders.

  After the next three were gathered together, Downton directed the ghouls in a V-shape formation and retreated to the trap.

  The spiders madly stabbed the ghouls in front of them with their claws. The mouthparts also sprayed venom, splashing everywhere.

   has to say that even low-level spiders have too little intelligence. Looking at these’iron cans’, they can’t tell which one is Downton, so they all attack.

   Celesis floated in the air, attacking the latter ones, and if they escaped the ghoul’s interception, they drove them back.

   Downton stepped on the ice and retreated from the trap. The demon servants flashed from both sides, just trapping the spiders in the middle of the trap.

  Four black blood spiders stepped on the trap, and the ice layer could not bear their weight and began to crack.

   “The pits are smaller.” Ceres yelled, anxiously. The spiders were not small enough to gather together on the trap.

   “Don’t worry, it’s enough!” Downton comforted and cut off the saber with all his strength.

   slammed, the ice shattered, and the four black blood spiders that had lost their support fell into it, pierced by their spears, and their mouthparts uttered painful wails.

   The uppermost one was struck by the same kind of cushion and protected from punctures. It was struggling to climb out. The next moment, he was severely slashed and cut off three legs by the giant who fell from the sky.

   “Full impact!”

   Under the command, the four demon servants walked immediately, divided into groups of two, and circling towards the side of the black blood spider, then rammed with all their strength, pushing them into the pit.

Six black blood spiders screamed, struggling hard, but the bottom was unable to move at all. The uppermost one was less than two meters away from the hole, but the pit wall was vertical, and it was difficult to climb. The spiders above and below were over-frightened and kept twisting their bodies, trying to get out of the predicament, which caused the above to stand unsteady, let alone attack.

   “Sirace, the firepower is on!” Downton and the ghouls stood scattered in the pit to prevent the spider from climbing up, and then handed the attack to the death banshee.

   As a magician, Celesi was originally a long-range gunnery profession. UU reading www.uukanshu.com bombed these spiders faster than Downton.

   “Good tactics!” Homer praised. There was no suspense. It was only a matter of time before the group of black blood spiders that couldn’t even resist could be killed.

The spiders are not reluctantly resisting, but because they are all struggling violently, there is no way to aim at the target, and most of the venom is shot on the same kind and on the wall. Even if the trap pits are occasionally fired, it is not a threat. Armor is not a decoration.

“There are still too few ghouls, and a heavy armor makes the movement slow.” The first attempt solved seven black blood spiders at once, but Downton was not proud, looking at the **** corpses in the trap, Frowning to think about the shortcomings of tactics.

   “I think I’m killing too slowly.” Celesis floated down, her head down, and her two slender index fingers twisted together.

   “It’s true, so I’m going to teach you a large-scale destructive magic arcane bomb. Be sure to master it as soon as possible.” Homer projected a spell to make Celesce evil.

Arcane missiles have great power, but the chanting time is also nearly three times longer than phosphorous rockets. It is well known that magicians cannot be interrupted when casting spells, otherwise they will lead to disordered magical energy and violent explosions, so the longer the casting time , Means greater danger.

Homer pursues quick-attack magic tactics, so the lesson magic is taught to Celes who is just getting started. It is better to be less powerful and try to avoid singing for a long time, but now it is different. There are Downton and a group of corpses. The ghost servant made a meat shield, plus the deep pit trap, the black blood spider can’t pose a threat to her at all, so it can completely unscrupulous hurricane magic.

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