Hero’s Creed

Chapter 55 - Don Quixote

In the large and quiet large library, the voice of Tang Dun eager to try spread very far.

   “How to obtain the loan qualification? Beat the guardian gate god?”

“That can only be obtained with some low-level permissions. If you want to reach the middle or higher level, you need to contribute.” Homer warned heartily, “The big library is not for profit, but to let borrowers understand that any knowledge, It’s priceless, it’s wealth, it’s power. Only when you sweat and work hard for you, you will cherish the opportunity to read.”

   “Agree!” Downton did not ask in detail how to get the contribution, and now he works hard to get the loan qualification.

   “Book Wizard, apply for a borrowing card!” The magic book fell on the borrowing table, and the text was just projected and was accepted.

   bang, bang two soft sounds, two elves with dragonfly wings appeared in the air, small arms like matchsticks hung down, each carrying a disc, flew to Downton and Celesce.

   Downton noticed that there was a pointer in the center of the disc, and the edges were engraved with dense and gorgeous words, all of which were the names of literary masterpieces.

   “Just touch it, good luck to you!” The book elf’s voice is very cheerful and full of childlike, they are the administrators of the big library.

   Downton bent his **** and flicked the disk, the pointer immediately turned like a windmill, and after a few breaths, he stopped.

“Exam title, “Don Quixote”.” After the book elf announced, a book appeared in his hand, and the pages turned violently, and a big bubble gum-like mouth emerged, swallowing Downton. Go down.

   “Downton!” Ceres was startled.

   “Don’t worry!” Homer quickly appeased, and the Death Banshee was so nervous that she would release her magic and attack the elf administrator.

   “Is it really okay?” Ceres was still not at ease.

   “I promise, let’s pick it!” Homer urged, it hated wasting time, and it would be impossible for them to harm them.

   Celeisi absently touched the disk.

   “Exam questions, “Miserable World”!”

   is also a book with a leather cover, which swallows Celes.

   When Dunton was swallowed by bubbles, he pulled out the ogre saber, but with a blink of an eye, he found that he was standing in a colosseum.

The stone walls around    are covered with traces of axe and axe, and most of the seats on the stands have been smashed away, overflowing with the lost smell of ancient ruins.

   crunch, crunch!

   The iron gate on the wall opened, and a short warhorse came out, dragging a skinny knight with a spear in his hand, and put it up in front of his right chest.

   “Isn’t it going to beat this guy?” Downton gave himself a blessing after the three gods, and looked around, familiar with the battlefield.

   Don Quixote didn’t say hello and started to charge, but the speed was not fast, the body was still a little shaking, like a newcomer who could not ride a horse.

   Downton was not in a hurry, staring at each other eagerly, trying to dodge when he speared the spear, but when Don Quixote rushed past him, the spear was like a thunder, slamming with lightning.

   It was too late to make a dodge action. Downton’s left shoulder was hit with a spear, and he was hit by a strong impact and fell to the ground.

   This is a direct attack on the soul, so Downton did not bleed, but the pain was not reduced at all, and the pain was cold in his head.

   The horse stopped in front of the wall, and Don Quixote shook the reins, turning the war horse around and accelerating with the trot.

   Downton crawled up with pain and clenched the saber. He knew that he could not hide from the attack, it would be better to carry it altogether and replace it with an injury.

   Don Quixote rushed over and stabbed the spear, leaving only a trace of almost uncaptured image in Downton’s field of vision.

   Legs force, not moving like a mountain, Downton’s arm swayed, the saber cut across, but just before hitting Don Quixote, he was pierced into the chest with a spear and nailed to the ground.

   Downton gritted his teeth, stunned without calling out, the kind of pain that tore his body and made his muscles twitch.

   The spear is magically condensable. It does not need to be pulled out by Downton. It has disappeared, leaving no wounds, but in the soul, it is enough to die.

   “Must get up!” Listening to the rapid change of the horse’s footsteps, Downton understood that the third round of Don Quixote’s charge came again.

   “The guts are good, and they are very decisive. Unfortunately, the rank is too low.”

   The famous book “Don Quixote” was suspended in the air. The fist-sized book elf sat with his arms on his chest and gazed at the Colosseum. He appreciated Downton’s determination and courage.

   Downton’s right leg once again hit the spear, but he also successfully left a shallow mark on the armor of the war horse.

   Six rounds passed. Downton leaned on his saber to maintain his standing posture, but he stared at Don Quixote who rushed again, and did not give up.

“He doesn’t seem to kill me, yes, Homer said that the big library is a place to study, not a life-threatening arena, so I won’t die even if I am injured.” Downton suddenly Enlightened, “should I see how long I can persist?”

  The thought just flashed in his mind, he was salted again, and was nailed to the ground.

“Huh? Both of them haven’t been bombarded yet?” Homer looked at the hourglass, and with Downton’s unyielding character and IQ, it exceeded expectations, and it was possible, but Celesk hadn’t even been bombarded. It really surprised it.

   In the tenth round, facing the knight who charged, Downton took the initiative to welcome him.

   Don Quixote pierced the spear and penetrated Downton’s chest without incident.

   “Give me!” The huge pain ripped the nerves. Downton bit the corner of his mouth at once, but he stubbornly forced his legs to sprint forward in an instant.

   Chest strung on the spear, Downton quickly approached the knight, the left hand saber cut across, and the right hand quickly pulled out the warrior dagger from the waist.

   sonorous, the saber was beaten by Don Quixote, but the dagger managed to pierce the waist of the knight’s armor, and after exploding a large number of Mars, wiped its belly and swept it.

   After all, the weapon is too bad to break through.

   The horse ran over, Downton knelt on the ground, struggling, trying to get up, but couldn’t make any effort with it. He could only let Don Quixote charge again, and then he was hit, completely fainted.

The book elves got up and applauded. The significance of this exam was to let the borrowers taste great pain by hitting the soul of the borrowers. In this way, remember that the cost of entering the big library is very heavy, the opportunity is hard-won, and you should cherish it especially .

  What Don Quixote had to do was to keep on attacking until Downton’s nerves could not bear it and it was bombed out of the Colosseum.

  The book elf has presided over so many borrowing qualification exams, Downton is the first, bravely fought back from the beginning, and encountered Don Quixote borrowers at most.

   If it wasn’t for the weapon’s inability to add, maybe it would really make him hurt Don Quixote, as for killing, then don’t even think about it, because the rank difference is too much, if Mr. Knight fully exploded, enough to kill Downton.

   When Downton woke up, he had a headache.

   “Very good, got the E-level permission, which is one level higher than I expected.” The magic code praises, after listening to the book elf describing the process of the Colosseum, it is more satisfied with the new owner.

   “Is she all right?” Downton was worried when she saw Celes lying beside her.

   “Relax, the big library will not kill people. This attack on the soul is also equivalent to a baptism. Haven’t you found that the soul seeds are more condensed?”

   “What level of authority is she?” Downton wondered whether he still had to prepare a few good weapons. The torn dragon teeth were too heavy, and there was no way to wear self-defense at any time.

   “F grade.” The magic code is a bit triumphant. The person it recommends does not embarrass it. To know their name, it will stay on the admission test score list.

   “How many grades in total? Is E grade very powerful?” Downton was very excited. “Can I borrow those books? How many books?”

   “The penultimate!”

  Pooh, Downton almost spit out an old blood, his face suddenly collapsed.

“You are content, this permission can already allow you to stay in the library for ten days at a time.” Homer knew that Downton must be questioned, so popular science in advance, “That is to say, the ratio of the time flow rate of the Western Continent and the library is one Than ten.”

   “One day in the Western Continent, ten days have passed here?” Downton felt incredible when Homer gave a positive answer, “Wouldn’t it mean that I can have more study time than others?”

   “Yes!” Homer added ~www.mtlnovel.com~ However, the number of entries is limited, only one entry per week. “

“That’s a lot, which is equivalent to one month, which is 36 days more than others, making a lot of money.” Downton laughed, but soon frowned, enough to pinch a sea. crab.

   “Are you trying to say that your body will grow faster than others?” With Homer’s wisdom, it is easy to infer what Downton was worried about.

   “Well, I don’t want to be old, my sister is still young, if that’s the case, I would rather not come.” Downton was depressed.

“The power of the big library, even if your imagination breaks through the sky, you still can’t think of it. When you get the E-level permission, the time flow rate of your body has been constant. In the library, your body is in accordance with the Western soil. The time of the mainland has grown.”

   “So powerful?” Downton was surprised, “Where is this?”

“This is the powerful power of the law. As for the location of the big library, I don’t know it myself, but it should be in a higher main material plane.” Homer is very calm, “As your strength increases, Your horizons will continue to expand and you will see more incredible things.”

   “Since this is the case, can I practice here?” Downton has always complained that there is not enough time.

“Daydreaming, there is no magic power here, how to practice? Even if you bring in a magic drill that is higher than the magic stone, as long as you use it, they will quickly spill out.” Homer dispelled Downton’s last fluke, ” This is a large library, which is for you to learn knowledge. It is limited to this, don’t think about it unrealistically.”

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