Heroes of the Restricted Zone

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
The fans in the stands also noticed the new Chen Yingxiong - his figure is so eye-catching!

"When did Zenit get a big man?"

"Yellow skin and black hair? Is it an oriental?"

Like the reporters, the fans were buzzing.

Facing his teammates, Chen Yingxiong raised his hands and greeted them with a grin: "Hi, guys."

He uses English, and everyone can understand this sentence, just to say hello to them.

Then he ran straight to the forward position.

The players of the Tomsk youth team are all looking at the new Chen Yingxiong, who is very strange to them.They only played against Zenit in the first half of the season, and Zenit didn't have such a big man in the team at that time.If so, with Chen Yingxiong's eye-catching body shape, it will definitely leave a very deep impression on people. How could it be that they are the first time to know such a number one person?

Tomsk youth team coach Sergey_Pavlov (Sergey_Pavlov) saw that the Zenit youth team sent a high center forward and knew that the opponent was going to play a high ball tactic.

He quickly called the two central defenders Maxim_Davydenko and Alexandr_Raschitaev to his side and asked them to work together to defend the Zenit youth team's new high center forward.

Why do you need two people to defend?It wasn't because Pavlov knew that Chen Yingxiong was good at heading the ball, but because his two central defenders were not tall. If they were to defend Chen Yingxiong alone, they would lose miserably...

Davydenko is slightly taller, reaching 1.8 meters, while his central defender partner Raskitayev is only 1.7 meters... It is indeed difficult to defend Chen Yingxiong, who is over 1.9 meters tall, at such a height.Only two people can come together.

After Chen Yingxiong saw who his opponents were, he was a little disappointed - he couldn't wait to confront the masters, and test the power of his header in actual combat...

Looking at the two "little guys" in front of him, he curled his lips.

Raskitayev swears that he is absolutely not dazzled, just now he clearly saw a look of disdain on the face of the big oriental man opposite!

This expression made him very angry!He is the main central defender of the Tomsk youth team, and no player in the youth league has ever dared to make such an expression on him...

But he just saw it!
He grabbed his partner, Davydenko.

"That kid looks down on us." He pointed to Chen Yingxiong's back and said to his partner.

Davydenko froze for a moment, thinking he had heard wrong.A new and unfamiliar face looking down on him?When I met him for the first time, there was no grievance or enmity, why would he look down on me?

He thought of Chen Yingxiong's height, and nodded: "He must think that because he is tall, he can beat us in golf."

"We'll show him something!" said Raskitayev, clenching his fists.

"How?" asked Davydenko.

In the youth team, Raschitayev is the absolute main force, and it is even said that he is about to be transferred to the first team.Davydenko, of course, only followed suit with Raskitayev.

"You are taller than me, so use your body to interfere with him. And I will fight for the header!"

Davydenko did not dispute.

I am 1.8 meters tall and weigh 83 kilograms, so I am really strong.And Raschitayev's header is very good.

It's not like the two of them joined forces to defeat this behemoth.

After seeing Chen Yingxiong on the field, the players of the Zenit youth team knew exactly what they should do-the team has been practicing this tactic for the past week, crossing from the wing and feeding Chen Yingxiong a high ball.

In fact, this set of tactics does not require special drills. Who wouldn't know how to pass from the side?Popovich arranged so many training sessions to practice this mainly to give Chen Yingxiong a chance to run in with the team, let him familiarize himself with the team's crossing style, and let the team get acquainted with Chen Yingxiong's running. bit.

Still, his fit with the team was a little off-beat.The time is too short... Popovich sighed in his heart.

Popovich didn't tell Chen Yingxiong the story behind this game, he was afraid of putting too much pressure on this kid, which would cause him to perform abnormally.Chen Yingxiong was not sloppy at all in this match...

As soon as Chen Yingxiong came on the field, Zenit's tactics immediately became simple-after launching an attack from the backcourt, the midfielders will quickly distribute the football to the wing, and then no matter whether it is a full-back or a full-back, as long as they get the ball, they will Pulled to the side to make a pass from the bottom, and only passed high balls, allowing Chen Yingxiong to compete for the top.

Even his partner in the forward line, Migeor Mozgovoi, frequently pulled to the wing to pass him crosses.

This team really listens to the head coach.It seems that Popovich enjoys a very high reputation in the team. These youth teams are very convinced of him, and they will do whatever he asks them to do.

Chen Yingxiong decided to give it a try first to see how he feels about today's game.

Seeing the football being passed to the wing, he raised his arms high and signaled his teammates to pass him the ball.

The opponents naturally knew what the other party was going to do.

"Look at him! Watch out for their crosses!" Tomsk youth team goalkeeper Nikolay Tsvetkov (Nikolay_Tsvetkov) shouted, pointing at Chen Yingxiong.

The moment the football was passed on, Chen Yingxiong felt that feeling very clearly, which was exactly the same as the feeling he had in training... His heart was suddenly filled with joy, and he knew that he was going to show off!
According to Raskitayev's arrangement, Davydenko jumped up first, right in front of Chen Yingxiong, and bumped into Chen Yingxiong with his body!

After Chen Yingxiong jumped up, he felt the interference from the opponent, but he didn't care at all. He kept his eyes on the football and rushed straight to Davydenko.

Popovich could hear a laugh coming from behind him, very clearly.

He knew it was from Potter.However, he was not angry, but expressed understanding for Porter's reaction, because he also behaved when he saw Chen Yingxiong fighting for the top like this for the first time.

Any professional coach will behave like this when he sees Chen Yingxiong doing this.Because Chen Yingxiong's fight for the top looks really "amateur".

If the defensive player on the opposite side is a wall, he will simply hit the wall... Is this possible?

But he knew that Chen Yingxiong's seemingly lame and amateurish behavior could create miracles...

Just when Kool Porter laughed at Chen Yingxiong's actions, Tomsk Youth Team head coach Pavlov also laughed off the court.

He wasn't laughing at Chen Yingxiong, but showed a reassuring smile.This big man looks terrifying, but he is an inexperienced rookie, how can he go to grab points like this?Didn't you let the defensive player play in his arms?
Can't even find space... There is no better defense than this!

He suddenly felt that he had "overreacted" by letting Davydenko and Raskitayev defend this man.It really shouldn't be frightened by this big man.

Davydenko was still happy when he saw Chen Yingxiong bumping into him head-on, because it would be easier for him to defend.Maybe Raskitayev is not needed at all, and he can kill this big man by himself!

But soon he found out that he was wrong, and it was quite wrong!

Before he ran into the other party, the other party had already squeezed towards him!
Human beings' instinct for danger makes Davydenko want to hide, but now he is flying in the air, where can he hide?

At this moment, Chen Yingxiong roared down!

Climb to the top like Mount Tai! !
The football flew over Davydenko's body into the goal of the Tomsk team...

"Wow!" There was a huge exclamation from the stands.

Although there are only a few hundred people in the stands, the closed indoor stadium is very easy to amplify this shouting, so it suddenly sounds as if there are 1000 people sitting here.

Chen Yingxiong could feel that there was someone under him, but he didn't bother to go up to see who it was. Anyway, he just pressed the opponent and pushed the football into it. As a center forward, his mission has been completed.

Raskitayev stood on the ground, looking up at the scene that happened right in front of his eyes...

He was still waiting for Davydenko to cause a little trouble for the big man, and then he jumped up and pushed the football away.Regardless of his short stature, he has excellent jumping ability, and his explosive power is very good, and he can often push the football away first.As a central defender with a height of less than 1.8 meters, he relied on this skill to gain a foothold in the Tomsk youth team.

As a result, before he had a chance to display his abilities, Davydenko was defeated without warning!

He was completely suppressed by that big man, and he couldn't stop the opponent's header at all!
Popovich saw that Chen Yingxiong pushed the football into Tomsk's goal, and he couldn't care about anything else, so he jumped up and raised his arms to cheer.

Just like the Zenit youth team substitutes around him.

He let out a sigh of relief.

Chen Yingxiong's performance reassured him.

The cheering Popovich turned his head to look behind him. He wanted to see the expressions of Advocaat and Porter at this moment...

Porter stared wide-eyed, looking at the court, his mouth was already open, but no sound came out, as if the sound was stuck in his throat.Then his throat moved, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his mouth closed.

And Advocaat beside him was a little calmer than him, and the surprised expression on his face was also obvious.

The smile on Pavlov's face was so stiff - while he was still smiling confidently, Chen Yingxiong defeated Davydenko in the air with overwhelming momentum, and then pushed the football into the goal.

Goalkeeper Zvetkov didn't expect the opponent's header to come so easily. He didn't even make a save and watched the football go into the goal...

Chen Yingxiong who landed looked up to the sky and screamed.

He is very satisfied with his goal.

Yes, that's what you want!Anyone who dares to stop me will - die -!
(End of this chapter)

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