Help?! My Harem is Trying to Kill Me!

Not a chapter! (Update)

I know that it has been awhile since I last released a chapter, and I'm very sorry that I haven't uploaded anything. So what's the purpose of this update then? Well, first to show everyone that I'm not dead. Thanks for your well wishes and checking up on me. If I didn't respond to some of your messages, its not because I'm ignoring anyone. I just logged back on a few days ago and 99% of my notifications are gone. And the second reason I'm releasing this update is to inform everyone that I'm working on a rewrite. One of the reasons I believe I couldn't write was because I was just unhappy with the story as a whole. As I have said before, this story was originally just for fun so I didn't really have a plot or anything planned. Nor did I expect it to gain popularity. As such, I believe the story suffered. I know some people may be pissed off by this and may drop the story as a result, and I completely understand. I'm sure that I've already lost some readers due to the long hiatus and that's understandable as well. Again, I'm sorry. To all of you that are staying, I'm going to do my best to make this rewrite better than the original. I almost gave up writing, but I'm giving it one more shot. I not only believe that I owe it to myself, but I believe I especially owe it to all of you. 

I'm working hard on the rewrite and I'm going to see if I can get one of my author friends to review it before I release anything, just to make sure that it's good enough for you all. Thanks for reading , I miss all of you very much. Take care and see you soon.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.