[̷̞̇Ḧ̶̖ê̸̯l̴̼̒p̶͖̊ ̷̣̑m̷̯̄e̴͎͌]̵̤̽ (This is ARG/Meta-narrative/Satire)

The Demon Queen [END]

Although constructed of the same black stone, the tower’s final floor was entirely unlike the others. It was impossibly vast, with high arching ceilings through which showed a stormy sky, and broad stone steps that led upward to a monstrous throne.


The throne was twisted, black, and jagged, needlessly large, with ornate braids and shards of blackened stone fused into a single great mass. Atop this throne lounged a humanoid figure, dwarfed by the throne’s sheer size. In the distance, I could only see that this figure had dark gray skin and spiraling horns that curved upward and out from her forehead, but something in my soul’s pure terror told me that this must be the demon queen herself.


Impetuously, my master strode towards this terrible throne, us feeble thralls trailing meekly behind him. “We meet at last!” he declared, his voice projecting and echoing throughout the great stone chamber.


The queen climbed to her feet, a grin of bloodthirsty anticipation spreading across her face. I shuddered at the bone-white fangs exposed, though in truth her smile was hardly more chilling than my master’s. Perhaps, I thought, my master had finally encountered his equal.


Suddenly, she darted forward in a blur of impossible speed. I gasped and lept back as her cruelly curved claws thrust forward through my master’s heart.


I spun as I heard my master’s laugh behind me, my heart pounding as I realized the queen had skewered no more than an illusion. Scowling, she raised her hands and sent a torrent of flame at my master, which he countered with an equal jet of darkness. I scurried to duck behind my master, cursing internally at my feebleness and uselessness in battle, and finding myself standing beside master’s blank-eyed thrall. To know I had no more agency than a mindless slave was truly a unique form of agony.


I watched as Alto and the queen of demons were locked in an endless struggle of magical power, each new blast of elemental energy countered and turned back by the magic of the other. Staring at my master’s exposed back, I realized that for the first time in many months I felt myself in control. Perhaps Alto’s ensorcellment of my body and mind required the continuous usage and focus of magic, and at this one moment he had no magic to spare.


Slowly, disbelievingly, my hand crept to the curved dagger at my belt, acquired at the oasis bazaar. My master had casually tossed it to me, saying, “Useless girl, considering your ineptitude with magic, perhaps you’ll be at least slightly able to defend yourself with this trinket.” I slunk forward, all the while expecting my master to suddenly spin around and dispatch me with a thought.


Firing a barrage of ice and steel at the demon queen, Alto cackled as she was forced back on step, and another. Sensing that this was my last chance, I gathered all of my courage and finally, desperately, lunged.


Alto’s body spasmed as my bronze dagger sunk into his spine, his face turning towards me with an expression of pure shock. Taking advantage of his distraction, the demon queen summoned all her fire, and a moment later my tormentor and master had been reduced to naught but a harmless, anonymous pile of ash.


The queen then slunk forward, elegantly, grasping my chin and turning my face upwards to face her. “Poor girl… he really did a number on you, didn’t he?” She waved her hands and I instantly felt the bonds and burdens of Alto’s abuse lift from my mind. I sank to my knees, weeping, as she moved to free her human general.


Prostrating myself at her feet, I sobbed. “However can I repay you, my lady?”


She turned to me, eyes terrible and kind. “You owe me nothing, child. None of us should be in chains. Go forth and live your life; free to be happy or sad; free to act wisely or make mistakes. Become yourself, and live well. That is how you may repay me.”


With those words, she took her human general’s hand and stepped forward, fading into nothingness. I was left laying on the floor of the great chamber, cold and alone, but finally myself.


[I… I’m free now.]


[Thank you]

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