[̷̞̇Ḧ̶̖ê̸̯l̴̼̒p̶͖̊ ̷̣̑m̷̯̄e̴͎͌]̵̤̽ (This is ARG/Meta-narrative/Satire)

Labyrinth of Ice? We’ve Been Tricked!

The labyrinth was big and cold and scary! It had high walls made of blue-white ice that formed a complex maze. I tried climbing up one of the walls so I could tell master about the path forward, but it was just too slippery!


Master said that the ice was enchanted and couldn’t be melted, not even using his FIRE” magic. Apparently it combined WATER~, SPIRIT^ and WIND@ magic! Neat!


After wandering for a while, we were attacked by some kind of creature made of ice! He was shaped like a big muscular guy, but covered in a million sharp spines of ice, almost like fur. He tried to eat me, too! Fortunately, master blasted him into a million pieces before he got a bite in. Those icicle teeth looked sharp!


Later, some wolves made of ice attacked us! They weren’t too big a threat either, though. Master was just so strong! He blasted them with FIRE” and EARTH& magic. Apparently, the salt of EARTH& made them melt easier. Neat! Master was so smart!


Finally, we got to a big chamber in the center of the maze. There was something that looked like an igloo, like eskimos build. Inside was the orb! Yeah! We got the orb! Great job, master! Is there anything you can’t do?


[I know the preferred term in the modern day is Inuit. In Estelle’s defense, I don’t think she has a strong enough grasp on the English language or the historical context of the treatment of indigenous people of North America to know this is problematic. Anyway, thank god the main character didn’t get vored, at least?]


As master examined the orb, I looked down at Leche, who had been following me around. In the cold, she seemed to have gotten more solid. Almost like some kind of milk slushy or popsicle! I had to resist the urge to lick her.


Master turned to me. In a solemn, serious voice he said, “Lys… This orb is a fake.”


Oh no! Where was the real orb?! We had been bamboozled?!

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