Hello, Ms. Funina

Chapter 21

Funina did not go to buy the cake.

Because the small amount of money "scammed" from Navilete was not much, not enough for Funina to eat to her heart's content.

How could the stingy Navilete, who was given 100,000 Moras, be enough to spend?

Don't you know that Proustis alone costs 40,000 Moras! ?

Stingy guy, stingy dragon, I wish you no water to drink every day!

Navilete: What a vicious curse. Is this part of your plan to murder me? Cunning Fukaros.

So, Funina, who could not eat the cake, turned around and found a clothing store that looked good nearby.

And the name of this clothing store happened to be .

But this was not enough. What was even more coincidental was that Funina's movement when she entered the door attracted the attention of the two sensitive little killers.

What was even more coincidental was that Funina happened to hear a little conversation between Krevy and Peruvian.

Oh, this is really too coincidental!

Fate is so interesting~

Wearing the current popular style of Fontaine, Funina put away her parasol and walked lightly to Krevy and Peruvian.

She lifted her skirt and gave a friendly greeting to the two.

"Two lovely little sisters. Please forgive me for my offense. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I just happened to hear some of the end when I entered this clothing store."

Funina's manners were elegant, revealing an unusual feeling everywhere.

She was like a lady who was mixed in the aristocratic circle and had a high reputation.

Funina perfectly grasped the distance between herself and Krevy and Peruvian.

She stood in the middle of the two people's sight, keeping a polite and enthusiastic distance from each of them.

Her voice was so pleasant, as melodious as a robin.

Her beautiful face like an iris was gentle and friendly.

Fernina, who hid her identity and belonged to the people, was so kind, and all her actions perfectly grasped the perfect distance between people.

"Can I join your conversation?"

Fernina chuckled, and she stretched out a hand and placed it on her chest, like an elegant gentleman.

"I have some research on clothing. If you are choosing suitable clothes for your companions, I may be able to help a little."

Fernina looked at Krevy and asked for her consent.

"Ah? Oh! Good, good! Sister, welcome to join."

Krevy was deeply shocked by Fernina's beauty.

She had never seen such a beautiful person growing up in [House of Fireplace].

This strange sister, her appearance is completely unlike what humans can have.

Skin as white as cream, pure as ice and jade, stunning beauty... these are too vulgar for this sister.

Poor Krevi, who was trained as a weapon since childhood and never read any books, can't find a word to describe the strange sister in front of her.


Damn Kugavina did all kinds of bad things!

Unlike Krevi who was conquered by Funina's beauty, Peruvili only felt that this strange woman was particularly familiar.

He seemed to have seen her somewhere.

However, Peruvili was sure that such a sister had never appeared in his memory.

Peruvili's childhood can be roughly divided into two parts.

The first part was the hard struggle to survive in the Fontaine Grey River.

Those days were Peruvili's most miserable days, and she had never seen any kindness.

Just like her cursed life, malice was the most common.

Except for a few days before going to [House of Fireplace], Peruvili met the first light in her life.

Peruvili, a girl with an inexplicable curse, who doesn't know her own life experience, always shows the greatest malice to the people she meets.

This is very strange. Peruvili doesn't know why she is treated like this.

Peruvili once thought about it and looked for the reason, but when she experienced more, she gradually got used to it and became numb.

The world treated her with malice, and the weak Peruvili had no choice but to give in.

So, the first person who reached out to her was not a human, but a god.

The second part of childhood is life in the [Heat House].

It is also a hell full of malice.

Peruvili knew that [Mother] had bad intentions very early, but she was used to the malice of others.

In the [Heat House], the secret of Peruvili's curse was not kept secret.

Under the operation of that [Mother], Peruvili was successfully isolated again.

Then, Kugavina arranged for her daughter Krevi to contact Peruvili. Because she knew that with Krewe's innocent, kind, stubborn and unyielding character, she would definitely fight with Peruvian.Become friends.

This is exactly the case. Kugavina has calculated everything.

So, does Peruvili know?

Of course she knows, and she is even actively cooperating with Kugavina's "script".

She has long seen that [Mother] Kugavina intends to train her.

However, people who take the initiative to step into the script do not necessarily regard all the characters in the script as NPCs.

At least, Krevi is a friend recognized by Peruvili.

Life in [Heart House] is closed, even though Peruvili clearly remembers the appearance, voice, habitual movements and smell of every Fatui who came to [Heart House] to deliver experimental materials.

Peruvili is also sure that the strange sister who suddenly joined their conversation is not in her memory list.

However, Peruvili does not dare to guarantee that she has never seen this sister.

After all, she has an inexplicable sense of familiarity with her voice.

Perhaps, she has seen this sister, but she was too young or didn't pay attention at the time.

Perhaps, it is also possible that this strange sister had disguised herself to a great extent, so that she did not recognize her for a while.

Peruvili was more inclined to the second possibility.

She was very confident in her memory. She would definitely have an impression of someone she had seen.

Peruvili followed Krewei like this. Although she rarely spoke and seemed to be a little absent-minded, she was a girl with difficulty concentrating.

But 60% of her mind was focused on this strange sister wearing trendy clothes, and 10% was used on Krewei, paying attention to her facial changes to prevent Krewei from saying something she shouldn't say.

The remaining 30% was used to be alert to the surroundings. Although they were in Fontaine, Peruvili could not guarantee that the [good mother] would not be there to monitor them.

Peruvili listened to the conversation between Funina and Krewei, paying attention to every word the other party said, trying to find flaws from the other party's word habits.

She was like a spider sitting on the web, quietly waiting for prey to enter the web.

Finally... found it!

Is it Him? !

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