Heleion Archives

Secrets of the Rose I.

15th of January, 79th of the Neo-Dawn Era. Ang-Saellirith.

            The Black Raven Island. A small island on the ever partially frozen river Dyanurieth that runs through the capital of Naireanth. Its precise location is on the north-eastern side of the city, with only one bridge connecting to the main land, coming straight from the military district where the Black Rose Headquarters is located besides the Bahamuth Order’s.

Originally the Black Raven Corps of Nairenth owned the island where they had built their fortress during the early days of the Second Demonic Crusade. It was a mildly large complex that housed the Corps’ leadership at the time. The Corps while still functioning, after the takeover of the Dreraehal Family leading to the supremacy of the Bahamuth Order within the military, with the Black Roses in a close second almost a thousand years after. The two Orders now have the most presence within the city and the latter took hold of the island during the Great War.

They completely abolished the former fortress and rebuilt it into a sanatorium for those who suffered extensive mental damages during the late stages of the Great War. At least that was the front, in truth this place was one of the many where the Order conducted various experiments to bolster their magicraft advantage over the others. Some claim this was where they experimented on the void stones that lead to the first Void Station launched up beyond the boundaries of the heavens.

Nowadays it is less of a secret as all the patients that were just a front had been released with the excuse that they were now cured of their mental damages. But Brittya, like many others, knew that it was a lie as many of those patients got gobbled up by the hidden cults terrorizing the country side even today. It was something everyone criticized the Order for the past decades.

Brittya was a young high elven reporter working for the Daily Firemind, a newspaper which operated since 250 ASC, established by a particularly intelligent red dragon that retired from the Bahamuth Order. The petite elven reporter was dressed in her usual outing outfit, comprised of a vhalex suit that tightened to her body quite stiffly. As she hated the feeling, she wore her favorite white shirt with large collars designed in the old elven tunics’ style. Meaning it reached high, while keeping close to her neck, but not pushing onto her skin completely.

In the case of the vhalex suit, the only part that didn’t tightened to her skin was the wide collar that circled around. As the arcane material allowed adjustments. There was a secret hood that she pulled over her head veiling her fair complexion in soft shadows. Thick strands of her fair blonde hair were still peeking out from the shadows, while the rest were parted to the back and knotted into a low bun.

“Here goes nothing.” She said while looking down from the top right beam of the bridge onto the small platform in front of the main entrance. Previously three guards stood there, now all three headed back to their posts after their lengthy smoke break. It annoyed her a bit as she just quit smoking after 70 years, and now she was craving for it. After a few deep breaths, to clear her mind she leaped down and landed silently thanks to the enchantments of the full-body suit.

Then she looked rushed to the railing slightly above her and looked over watching the slender forms of two of the vordriars headed west and east respectively. The third entered through the main entrance where she took up position at the front porter’s lodge before the main hall as per her insider’s information.

When the two guards disappeared in the distance, she leapt high towards the wall above the windows and her palms and foot got stuck to it as if they were covered in a superb adhesive. On landing she made a small noise that made the dark elven vordriar inside stop and come out. Her crimson eyes looked up first, seeing nothing where Brittya landed not too long ago.

Brittya let out a sigh as she crouched on a long beam while she watched the dark elf enter back to the building and head to her post. For a while she remained still while blending in with the shadows. Her attention was focused on above that went on as the new sanatorium was built with five floors above ground, and a sixth small floor for the Veitariir. She took a deep breath and continued climbing upwards as silently as she could.


The smooth sensation spread through the tips of her fingers as Onoriel slowly folded her spare Vigrieth Type-IV jacket into a neat square. The rest were already stacked into a raven black sandwich with arcane blue aetherna satin blouse in the middle. The wood elven vordriar took a deep breath before she grabbed the stack and placed it carefully into the duffel bag on the bench.

She looked around in the column between the dressing boxes that lined up right in front and behind her. Her intense hazelnut hued eyes surrounded by the white sclera framed in an almond contour gazed on to the right then to the left making sure no one saw her. Then she grabbed her intense leaf green wavy hair and knotted it into a high wavy ponytail while in the front she let the right side of her face covered by the sharply swept fringe.

The buttoned up folded collars of her blouse felt suffocating at that moment so she swiftly buttoned them out, revealing her frail neck covered in tree bark that continued onto her jawline and into her hairline at the sides before it twisted back towards her high, elven cheekbones.

“Shit.” She cursed as the zipper of the duffel bag screamed through the dressing room, but no sound followed that she expected in her moment of slight panic.

“Everything will be fine Ono.” A sigh followed not long after as she straightened her uniform. She grabbed the bag and headed out to their designated location.


“Come on, where are you Brittya.” With rhythmic taps of her foot, Onoriel waited on the large balcony looking straight at the eastern banks of the capital where colorful five-story apartment lined up beside each other. Then she stopped as soon as the vhalex suit clad form of Brittya landed right in front of her quite eye-catchingly as her right leg spread far highlighting her bottom to her.

“Sorry it I took the wrong turn on the fifth floor.” Then she quickly straightened her posture while apologizing to her old friend.

“Here, quickly before the patrol arrives here.” Onoriel swiftly pushed the duffel bag into her arms and without a single word Brittya zipped it open. As she finished taking out the whole stack, she closed her full-body vhalex suit’s collar. The wide collar seemingly decreased in size as it tightened onto her neck.

First, she jumped into the dragonid leather pants followed by the knee-high boots with zippers on their sides. Then she draped the aetherna satin blouse that loosely flailed in the air over her torso covered in the superbly gleaming suit. As she buttoned up the blouse, it hardened while retaining its extravagant smoothness and sheen. The collars pumped out scraped her cheeks while she put on the corset vest, which’s collars she carefully fixated to the blouse’s before she folded them down.

“That went easier than I first thought.” Brittya said with hints of wonder in her voice as she slipped into the issued faux leather jacket and beret while fixing her blouse collars wedged between the jacket’s one last time.

“Hey you two? What are you doing here?” Just as she finally finished fixing the uniform that slowly fixed itself to her tall, slender body two Vordriars turned up. One a stygian with red as pepper skin, long ashen black hair with the center parted for her large, goat like horns that swirled around above her beret. The other a lightly tanned sraudornian with coffee brown hair tied into a braided tail that cascaded down on her uniform’s back, covering the mark of the Black Rose.

“Ah, we were just on our break, was about to head back to our post on the top floor.” Onoriel mustering her strength answered as calmly as she could.

“I see. Sorry about the previous tone.” The sraudornian said apologetically, scraping her right temple.

“Nothing happened. Now if you’ll excuse us, we should head back before the Thegrith bites our head off.” Brittya said in a playful, awkward tone while scratching the back of her head. The four of them saluted at each other before Brittya and Onoriel left. As soon as they stepped inside, Onoriel let out a sigh while leaning onto the door.

“That was a close one.” She said while wiping the imagined sweat from her forehead.

“Nah, trust me it wasn’t.” Brittya said with a smile as she headed for the elevator in the center. For a while she contemplated to go with the stairs that circled around in twists and turns while heading towards the the Veitariir’s floor. “Come on, let’s hurry.”


After a bit of convincing the two managed to take the place of the two Vordriars posted on the small fifth floor where the Watcher’s room was located. It was essentially a small box shape on top of the fifth floor, the only way up being the elevator and the stairs. Like the other levels, the ground had been parqueted with northern syrg oak, made into a pristine, almost gleamy surface that last for centuries with proper care.

They remained on guard for at least half an hour as Onoriel informed Brittya beforehand on the shift changes between guards, and the time that takes for the replacement to arrive from the dining area on the ground floor. At least in the case of them heading there instead of their set up rooms on the second floor. In that case they wasted waiting five minutes, maybe a bit more. All in all, they had time until the next shift change.

“Are you ready?” She attempted to speak up, but then Brittya went silent as she heard footsteps below. Then after a minute of them getting distant Brittya turned quickly towards Onoriel and asked.

“Guess so.” Onoriel answered a bit hesitant as she practically was about to commit treason against her Order, against her Sisters.

“Let’s go with plan b. Stay here.” Brittya noticed the hesitation on her friends’ face said. Onoriel nodded as she realized quickly that this was the extent, she was capable of.

“Hmm, yes?” As she entered into the room with a smile plastered onto her face, the lunar elven dracorith Veitariir greeted her with a question while sitting on the Watcher Bed.

Her uniform consisted of a slim, collarless jacket zipped open revealing the corset vest, with smooth shoulders, straps on each and a patch on the scales extending onto the sleeves. Her deep, saturated teal aetherna satin blouse’s collars spread over her shoulders, scraping the center of the straps. A tight mini skirt of dragonid leather and the issued knee-high heels that non-combatants wear.

“Yes?” Ferahyon asked her deep authoritative voice perfectly fitted her rough, yet fine elven complexion. Skin as pure white as the snow blanketing the plains of Naireanth, smooth thick hair flowing straight down onto her shoulders in the frosty hue of ice covering the lakes. Elongated contours with light teal eyes with a hint of glow, elven wide lips perfectly symmetrical, glistening while inviting for a passionate kiss that cools the heart gently. And soft azure blue scales covering both her sharp cheeks, extending down to the sides of her frail neck.

“Ah sorry, the Thegrith wishes to see the reports of the past two hours.” Brittya said, also informed beforehand about certain protocols.

“I see. Give me a second, I just put those away.” Ferahyon said as she slowly walked to the desk facing the door.

“Let me help.” Brittya rushed there while reaching for the shock wand hanging on the belt. While the Veitariir flipped through stacks of paper inside the top drawer, Brittya swiftly grabbed the shock wand and pushed it onto her back. She coursed her mana into the wand activating the enchantments woven into it, and with a soft groan the snaelv elven dracorith lumped down with her face pushing onto the wooden frame of the desk. Her body twitched a few times before sliding onto her sides fully limp, her head facing the ceiling.

“Sorry about this.” Brittya apologized while putting her middle and index finger together, and softly touched her temple while runes appeared around the two fingers. Arcane energies flowed into the right temple of the Ferahyon, erasing her memory of the past few minutes.

Then Brittya grabbed the unconscious Veitariir and dragged her to the cabinet facing the Watcher Bed. She reached into her pouch and took out a roll of black sealing tape, ripped it open with one clean and swift movement.

First, she wrapped it around her ankles and thighs several times before severing the strip from the roll. She gently tapped the edge still standing over the rest tightening around the Ferahyon’s thighs. Then she rolled her onto her back and looped the sealing tape around and between her wrists. As an extra measure she took out a mana tie and fastened it around her taped wrists.

For the final touch she ripped the sealing tape open and attached its open end to the left cheek of Ferahyon, closest to the floor. She swiftly looped it around her lower head, sealing her mouth thrice in straight lines before separating the strip from the roll and smoothened it with light taps. She watched silently as Ferahyon moaned while the sealing tape wrapped around her mouth tightened onto her skin and smooth, gleaming hair.

Soft moans escaped Ferahyon’s sealed lips once again as she started waking up. Brittya quickly reached into her pouch and took out a vial while conjured a cloth into her other hand. She poured the contents of the vial onto the cloth and pushed it onto her taped face covering even her nose, while her left hand grabbed her head from behind, pushing it gently forward.

“Now rest peacefully my friend.” Brittya whispered into the Ferahyon ‘s ears before she slowly stood up. The door slowly creaked open and Onoriel stood there in silence for a few seconds.

“Let’s get through this quickly.” She said after a gulp, then pulled out her own shock wand and used it on herself.

“At least wait for me to get there.” Brittya said while sighing. Then she slowly approached the now unconscious friend of hers while ripping the tape open quite menacingly.


“MMhmrm nm N?” Onoriel slowly woke up feeling her head hurting like the hell. The tight grasp of the black sealing tape on her skin and hair also haven’t felt good at that moment. She tried to move around, but could only fidget as the tape kept her arms close to her torso while separate layers pushed her arms onto each other vertically behind her back. The weight of Ferahyon behind her was also felt, pushing her slightly towards the back.

“Sorry, but this way is more authentic.” Brittya’s voice entered her ears, while layers of tape circled around her eyes prevented from seeing her friend.

“Nnnmrphphnnnnhmm.” She tried to speak once more, but it only came out as muffled noise between two heavy breaths. The draining of her stamina by the sealing tape already started to take its toll, leading to her to just lump down. Her sealed lower face buried into her blouse’s collars while she was listening as Brittya walked towards the desk first.

“See you later.” Then she heard her friend head towards the door. With a slight whisper she bid her farewell while closing the door as silently as she could. For a few moments she remained awake, but then decided to fell asleep instead of waiting to be discovered.

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