Heleion Archives

Lost at Sea

24th of July, 134th of NDE. Azure Sea, East of the Thieya Coast. Far-Eastern Heleion.

            The azure sea, a usually calm body of water east of the Kingdom of Thieye south of the Yudao Peninsula. Its name came from the waters themselves that in all time of the year were a rich azure hue. But not on this day as a storm raged over the whole sea, rocking the large Cruise-Vessel that has transported influential, wealthy folk around the world.

The Cruise-Class Sea Vessel had imposing white hull that was battered thanks to the elements of the sea and the storm that raged for two weeks now. On top, at least seven more levels were built where most of the crew and passengers spent their time leisurely.

At least until they met their unfortunate end. “Definitely weren’t pirates this time.” Marynda, a dark elven Mariner of the Crimson Flames – an Albionian Myelian Military Sect – said as she stopped in her tracks. She had her deep mauve and red hair cut in a bob style with the ends curved up and with a blunt fringe. Her eyes a mesmerizing luminous shade of red in a wide almond frame. Blue skin that was perfectly smooth and had a slight luster.

The bottoms of her black fyrox leather combat boots – that reached upwards to her knees – were covered in thick dark goo that was the thick blood of a Umibozu. Blood that flowed out from the several hundred meters long tentacles of it with maws at the end – through which it swallows its victims for consumption.

Fyrox leather was their own manufactured arcane faux leather material that had coarse, but sleek surface. While on the colors side, it resulted in deep, vibrant hues. Unlike the Black Roses’ Dragonid Leather, this material creased slightly.

“Don’t these usually stray far from the coast?” Cadet Lyreth, a high elf asked as she pinched her small nostrils. Like most of her kin, she had a perfectly fair and smooth, gleaming skin, long and parted glistening hair in a bright shade of blue and graceful, stretched aquamarine eyes.

They both wore the issued uniform of their Sect. A single breasted leather coat with two separate collars – one inner around the neck, the other wide and spread out towards the flat epauletted shoulders. Essentially, the perfect white inner collar was a corset vest sewn in together with the coat itself instead of being a separate piece. For Lyreth, it had a funnel-shaped inner neck with a ring zipper dangling at the top, while for Marynda and Alice – the third of the group, a soratanese native to Thieya – had the top slightly folded down. While the outer was neck high simple notch collar that continued into large lapels at the chest area for all ranks.

Most of the coat part was dyed in onyx black, while the inner satin lining was dyed in a deep crimson red shade. On the back their crest was sewn into the uniform, while on upper sleeves it was patched onto.

Under the coat itself, they wore a watered down Aetherna Satin blouse that for all of them were hued in crimson red.

“It probably was an adolescent Umibozu.” Alice said as she kept watch at the door through which they entered into the wide corridor leading to the first floor’s main reception area. As the strong winds blew inside, the high wavy tail of her snow silvery hair dangled all over. While her round framed eyes with deeper shade of silver hued pupils kept watch.

“Then we better move quickly before momma returns.” Marynda the decorated leader of the group said.

“Alice, Lyreth the two of you check the treasure, I go check the bridge. We meet here in an hour.” After she issued her orders, the two saluted and headed down the stairs with their wooden-framed stave rifles clutched in their hands


“I wonder what killed the Umibozu?” Lyreth asked as she took the last sharp turn as they arrived into the long and dimly lit corridor that led to the treasury.

“Who knows. Maybe one of the crew members or someone from the passengers.” Alice answered as they strode through melted gut and bones.

As they reached the end, suddenly the two stopped. “Do you hear that?” Lyreth whispered while their mana started channeling into their weapons. Alice nodded after which she pointed at the two wooden doors on the left and right.

The two took up positions and waited as the faint sound they heard became clear. Footsteps that slowly approached their positions. Lyreth’s heart started pounding, yet no sweat appeared on her smooth skin. She was a recent graduate from the Albionian Naval Academy who just joined the Crimson Flames as she hailed from an elven family who worshipped Myelia for eons now.

She inhaled deeply, slowing her heartbeat while forming inscriptions in her arcane points. The two cast a spell that allowed them to sense vitae. The two got a little surprised when they sensed not just two, but four. There were additional two a bit further from them, seemingly immobile.

“Are you sure you saw a boat?” A deep, silken voice reached their ears as the footsteps stopped. They both decided to wait.

“I was sure mate. We just have to steal it before their owners return.” A high-pitched feminine voice belonging to a merfolk came this time.

“Well/ I wouldn’t mind to meet em.” The umbral elf said. As those words reached the two Crimson Flames’ ears, they got their confirmation. At the same time they ducked out and aimed their stave rifles at the pirates. Two loud bangs reverberated through the dim corridor as two corpses joined to the rest of the melted ones.

“This way.” Alice led Lyreth as they heard two muffled moans reaching them as the two captives hearing the possible demise of their captors cried for help.


“Alice, Lyreth? What’s your position? Report… Damn it.” Marynda cursed to herself as she returned from inspecting the bridge and the office of the captain. There wasn’t much there left besides the gnarly remains of the crew, mixed in with the pirates’. Just as she lit a cigarette with an ebon black filter – indicating its ebony berry flavor – she connected to the mind of the two.

Yet, there was no response coming from them. As she wasn’t too keen on being here too long – as she was well aware of the fate of these ghost vessels – she conjured an invisible field at most of the center of the Cruise-Vessel.

“That doesn’t seem right.” She sensed four vitae signals – two that were like crimson flames thanks to their beatification potion, and two that resembled green flames that were heading upwards. A sigh escaped her deep blue moist lips before she headed down the stairs with hurried steps, and cracking her neck surrounded by silken and faux leather.


“Check the ropes one more time.” Edward ordered his wife, Hildred while he kept watch at the door. The two were the owners of this Cruise-Vessel. Edward was a member of the Thornberry Family of Albion, a wealthy noble house that descended from the fourth Royal Family of the Kingdom. He had a well-kept graying hair with a goatee.

Hildred herself came from a family of commoners who just reached a minor noble status in the kingdom through their business. Which of course was the building of various Sea-Vessels, even some of the vessels of the Kingdom’s Armada came from her family.

She had long chestnut colored hair that currently was kept in an elegant high bun with a few strands framing her face beautified by the watered down Black Rose Concoction. The two were wearing their torn gala attires. A fine suit for Edward with a black and white shirt with winged tipped collars that were once kept together by a bowtie. Hildred on the other hand wore a mauve and golden dress that exposed her bountiful breasts and had a collar that wrapped around her neck gently.

“Is there a point to that? We will leave before these wake up anyways.” Hildred said as she fixed her posture after finishing checking on the enchanted white ropes that bound Alicia’s wrists together behind the chair she was bound to. Both Crimson Flames’ mouth was wrapped behind black sealing tape that was looped around quite precisely by Hildred – who never shied away from menial work.

The two let out soft, muffled groans as their heads hunched forward as their heads were still aching from the hit they received. The pair – Hildred and Edward – were both captured by pirates whom they hired to hijack the Cruise-Vessel. The original plan was to claim insurance for the attack and use that money to expand their business into Thieyan that served as a not so official colony of the Kingdom.

But things went awry when the adolescent Umibozu penetrated the outer hull of the ship and started devouring both the crew and passengers, and the pirates. Within a few hours almost everyone died except for the three and the two pirates.

“You’re right. Sorry dear. Just a bit vex…” Before Edward could finish his sentence, a crimson magic bullet passed through his right temple – splattering the adjacent wall and part of Hildred’s face and dress in blood and gray matter. She remained awfully quiet – to no one’s surprise as she watched numerous friends’ of her devoured by the tentacles of the Umibozu, then vomited out in a bloody pulp.

“Hands where I can see them!” Marynda entered with her wand pistol drawn and aimed at Hildred who already raised her hands as high as her arms allowed it. “Now unti…” Then just like Edward – or almost like – She got interrupted by a well-aimed hit to the head.

“This one is yours.” Hildred said while massaging her arms. “Anything for my Princess.” The lunar elf said as he wrapped his well-honed slender elven arms around her body and the two shared a passionate kiss.


“Are you sure these were the last?” Hildred asked while her words were interjected by the anger filled muffled groans and moans of the now awake Lyreth and Alicia.

“Yep. Their patrol-vessel sits unguarded and empty. We’re free to leave.” Clemennal said as he finished wrapping the still unconscious Marynda’s mouth in with seven layers of the obsidian black sealing tape. Clemennal had the typical handsome looking elven visage adorned with perfectly aligned features. Which included his almond shaped eyes with a hint of mystique to them that brimmed with a light silverish hue. A refined, trimmed beard that followed his perfectly symmetrical, sharp jawline and framed his wide lips. Midnight black hair which reached down onto his shoulders, with the top combed back and bundled into a half-updo.

The two left the three Crimson Flames bound together back to back in a triangle as they left the haunted Cruise-Vessel. Just as the two entered the Crimson Flames’ patrol-vessel, Marynda joined the chorus of muffled moans as they wrestled against the tight combination of enchanted ropes and black sealing tape that kept them tightly bound.

“At least we won’t have to come up with a story.” Hildred said as she wrapped herself around his right arm as the golem-engine started up and they headed towards the Thieyan shores. As if the Gods smiled upon them, the storm stopped and the gloomy clouds parted. Then just as suddenly, as they got further away from the ship, a large shadow drawn under the azure waters, under the unaware pair.

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