Heleion Archives

Chronicles: Struggles In The Shadows

9th of September, 923rd of ASC. Tiarnquis Forest, Maerin Heimrad of the Kingdom of Naireanth.

            The warm glow of the sun dimmed beyond the horizon as it descended into the jagged maw ridges of the Eptirrion’s southern range. Little violets and crimsons mingled into the amber light, darkening its luster upon the jade green foliage of the Tiarnquis Forest sitting hundreds of kilometers from the gray form north eastwards from the little shack in the small clearing. The Hffolk Mountain awakened from the Deep Lands centuries if not eons ago by an ancient wizard of the North, stirred by his melodious voice ringing through the fields, meadows that once ornated this land.

And like the mountain, Tiarnquis was once a was and steep acreage home to many settlements of naurdians, various aelfriths of the north, dwarves of these cold lands living in the belly of the Eptirrion before exiled from their homes by the hordes of fiends and the traitors of the mortal realms. Settlements lost to history, lost to these stygian beasts whose trembling left nothing more than distant memories on the few whom survived from those times, but even they could no longer recall the bright faces of those who tended the earth, who herded majestic animal feeding on the bountiful lands’ gifts before the earth blackened like charcoal, and a great battle led to the slaying of a great and wicked champion of the Stygian Realms carved into the Aether beyond the mortal realm.

A battle in which Tiarnquis, an ancient vholavhin and druid called upon the elements to reinforce her dwindling forces of righteous and desperate. A battle which lasted for months, half a year before it came to a spectacular end where her delicate form laid in the dirt with a tender smile frozen eternally on her enticing visage gazing the stars and endless sky as her friends, her beloved wept for weeks around her. In her honor, a circle of druids she was once part of before departing to protect their realms from the invading evil came to her burial in these very lands, where they final parting gift to the lost was the seeds of these very jade forests with multifarious trees grown from the tainted earth, they slowly cleansed through the centuries as she would have done so herself.

“And that is all you need to know about these lands.” Audreimma watched as her Sister, Ingelaethas finished her tale to the youthful neonates of the Sisterhood flocked to these lands as they began their third trial of initiation into their Order. Like her fellow skielfrith Sister, they already possessed the traits of their beloved, magnificent leader Freianna herself – dark, raven black hair silken and lustrous to an almost divine level, their eyes recurved into gentle, almond frames while their previous colors shifted into a shimmering violet drawing even her attention, and of course the humans, half-elves sculpted into new forms, the latter elevated to be fully elves while the latter stepped into the realms of half-bloods.

Audreimma herself came from a mixed household. Her siblings features were still a mingling of the oval and angular contours of their father and mother. Her younger brother still possessed a fair complexion like young Lythienne a bit dejected at not hearing the full description of the spell cast over these lands, while her older sister possessed the snow white complexion like hers and Haldoreens’ who was dejected simply for not hearing the juicy details of the battle which unfolded upon these lands so long ago those two weren’t even thoughts in their parents’ head – who were in the same predicament of sorts.

Her wide, thin lips with a sheen akin to untainted ice over lakes curved slightly as she recalled her own initiation, attended still by Freianna back in those days, centuries. The majestic form with a beauty as indescribable as Myelia’s, a complexion fair yet bordering on the hauntingly enticing like a mesmerizing ghost of lost elven souls beckoning their victims, their preys and hair divinely silken, voluminous she cultivated through eons. Audreimma felt envious for Veturlias, the infernal dragonic lover, the only one who achieved to entice the heart of this lone divine beauty.

“Wake up my little snowflake!” Then came the stirring voice of Ingelaethas aimed at her, pulling her out from the trance. “Hmm, oh yes.” She said as her arms unfolded amidst a series of squeals of her starched, scaled leather coat adorning her slender, statuesque form; the clanking of the thin snow silvery filigreed and angular plates clinging to the glistening leather, fitting her enticing figure and curvatures whilst the sheathed tip of her blade beat against the wooden logs welted onto each other and serving as harsh padding for her back.

At once she hurried towards the sleipnirs ornated with satchels packed heavily whilst their weight were lessened by enchantments of the highest grades. “Here take these, use them scarcely in the weeks ahead.” Ingelaethas said whilst Audreimma freed the satchels clinging to the large saddles wide and long enough to fit two of these neonates.

The elderly Sister of hers then reached into her layered, flamboyant black leather robes’ pocket and brought for four bells oozing with mana she handed to each group. “Ring these in case of distress beyond your control, your limits. But only then we shall rush to your aid.” She demonstrated by carving a portal into the fabric of reality, reflecting an empty, darkened street. Lythienne’s expression turned excited upon witnessing such a high level spell, then nodded her small head adorned by her short, but voluminous mane.

“Now disperse. Myelia smile upon you all!” With that they dispersed after recounting the same chant to their Revered Sisters.

“Now, I shall take off too. If you sense anything out of place, call upon me just in case.” As their small, innocent forms were swallowed by the darkening forest, Ingelaethas turned towards Audreimma.

“You know, you don’t have to remind me.” She said cheekily whilst the former sighed. “If the Mistress is right, the threat is greater then some mindless beast.” With that Ingelaethas carved a portal once more, this time a similar looking small shack surrounded by the rocky threshold of the Grandroth River.

“I know. But no assassin shall get past me.” Audreimma murmured as she popped her coat’s open collar out, stretching them over the aelfrahd silken tunic’s heavy, imposing collar softly brushing against her snow white neck.

A piece of the sleek, menacing garment fashioned after the spinal membrane of dragons circling around her shrouded neck with serrated trims coated in the similarly filigreed metal. For a moment she looked at the Sleipnirs peacefully munching on the jade grass, her hand on the rosy pommel and hilt of her blade with the same enchanted bell beside it upon seeing blurry moments in the dim recesses of the parcel. As she strained her eyes, pouring processed mana into them, she realized it was nothing more than the cold autumnal wind blowing.

“Just your imagination Aud.” Then she turned her back to the shadows and headed into the expanded confines of the small shack.


Not long after taking her warming bath, draped only in her tunic with a sheen like the fallen stars, the faultless smooth texture of lotus roses almost completely creaseless as the drouvhen leather corset with its front adorned by finely hewn straps fastened behind, accentuated her statuesque form. The asymmetrical hem of her thick tunic tucked beneath her scaled breeches held by the tight belt on which her enchanted bell and sword hung resting in its sheath, now not far from her in the cold and dim cellar she was left tightly bound with siphoning ropes, gagged with a tightly knotted muffle scarf stretching across her pretty elven face whilst a second layer, a silken rug filled up the space of her mouth.

Although the saccharine taste of her stygian captor still lingered in her buds, on her tongue which twisted with her instinctively, even the soft touch as they locked together remained before the silken soft and textured cloth smothering her arcane points and veins in her triangular head hoisted over her lips and cheeks. Altogether she felt not too uncomfortable besides the weakening of the tenderly moaning ropes siphoning her stamina and mana at the same time, as the layer of thick textile and leather halted their unyielding tightening into her well-honed form. Even at the frilled cuffs where their was the least amount of proverbial textile walls impeding their constriction.

Audreimma felt a bit glad at the assassin not being cruel enough to wind ropes around her shapely, large bosoms – a heritage of her human blood more than her elven – just where at her abdomen where she had a hard time telling apart the rope pushing in or the corset, though clearly the rope was responsible for her upper form pushed against the polished pillar holding the ceiling, floor above her head which reflected her muffled groans in the dark.

Still at least she possessed her pride even if her current state was less then desirable. After the bath, she quickly dried her dense, voluminous raven black hair cascading down at her shoulder with a thick fringe of chaotic locks creating the illusion of dimension. With her blade at her side, the bell on the table on the table near the entrance, she went out to enjoy the cold breeze of night.

Stepping out her gaze swept through the jade painted foliage rustling shrouded by the darkness whilst her singular braid stretching down left of her face brushed against her soft cheeks and tapering jaw. Then as she heard the rustling her grass, her blade screamed as it rushed out from its sheath and stroke at the vines slithering towards the slanting soles of her high heeled boots of polished and shed dragon hide mixed with other solvents.

With a swift cleaving, the roots stopped their motion and plopped back to the earth. Then from the flat surface with the center dented slimly, she parried the incoming needles laced in soporific poison, carefully graved with runes of high grade phasing to pass through her arcanely produced sleek outfit. Upon impact, the blade that acted as conduit of spells spread frost into the needles, which upon landing shattered to pieces.

“Show yourself coward!” Though she knew, no able minded assassin would do so at her shout, this one did as the stygian draped in skin tight leather suit and dark silken cloak appeared before her. The only evidence of her nature, the long curving horns coming from the umbral recesses of the cowl draped over her head. With a wide grin, born of her muscles lightening as she turned a sporadic blur, Audreimma charged at the assassin.

And within a few feet she understood the reason of revealing herself when she still had the advantage of shadows and a state devoid of presence. Beneath her, a sickly wicked light lit the moonlit clearing, and at once she found herself incapable of moving as invisible tendrils bound her enticing form, wrapped around her lips and hold down her tongue while keeping her to the ground before the stygian hoisted her over her shoulders, and brought her in after a forceful slap against her shapely bottom that made her yelp.

Within seconds, they were down at the cellar, where she felt her hands forced by the tendril unseen to eye forced against each other, crossed before the slim coils of siphoning ropes were knitted quickly around the cuff hidden wrists. After she was done with securing her hands, she pushed her against the sturdy pillar on the cold ground, and used more of the ropes that now restrained her into the strong oak. And when she finished with the securing of her legs, she pulled down the piece of cloth veiling her infernal blue face melding in with the shadows, and forced her glistening midnight lips onto hers, her serpentine tongue wrapped around hers as the two exchanged passionate moans.

“Just to be sure.” When she forcibly removed herself, her cheeks a deep violet from blushing, she produced the two rugs, one for her the inside, one to keep that in while neutering her magical capabilities. “Will be back soon. Keep tight and patient.” Her clawed fingers gently moved across the embroidered trims where the tunic melded together, before leaping down the ridge of corset down to her nether region where even though the tight leather breeches, she felt the pleasing twinge of scraping.

Although she left in haste, Audreimma remained still in her bindings as her body scorched from the heat of desires, anticipation of what her captor had in mind. This state slowly faded as she tested the unyieldingness of the ropes, tried the knot cohesion by rubbing it against the wood behind her head with little to no success. And at last, this poisoning of her mind dispersed at last, though her strength, both physical and magical departed with it as she could barely squirm like a fish on the banks, weakly jolting in the last stages of suffocation.

Yet she did not relented as she occasionally tested the strength of her restraints, and that of the pillar serving as her possible last resting place as assassins only showed their faces only once to those not their employers. With each tiring of herself beyond limits, she was drawing near towards the realization of her only hope being discovered by the others, including Ingelaethas before the assassin finds its target. Time which length and breadth was unknown to her.

Still the fact remained to her that she was probably targeted first as the shack which was her prison concurrently sat near the outer edges of the forest. As her hair became tousled, falling into her collar brushing her bound face, she felt hopeful and offered a muffled prayer to Myelia that at least Ingelaethas won’t become a fool to the tricks of the assassin. That she shall discover the traps laid in the earth beneath the grass.

A prayer too late as unbeknownst to her, the assassin already secured the vholavhin in the same manner. Though it did not pass the ears of their Goddess who have already warned the target, Lythienne herself for the dark plot sewn by the enemies of her family. By those who was sat on the same throne her father and mother, King and Queen of Naireanth sat upon.

The last fact remained. A fact close to her estimations, yet still wrong in a sense. That she shall be freed, but not as soon as she expected as it will take a few days for the assassin to be struck down by a spell yet to be introduced to the wider world, and of course for the neonates to discover all the other future Sisters of theirs in less than desirable circumstances. Circumstances both pleasing, exciting and distressful evident from the occasional muffled howl emitted by each raven black beauty…


Another one. Almost forgot to upload as I was still in the belief that sunday is august for some reason. But here it is.

A bit of self confession: I'm not wholly satisfied with this story, as I wanted to give a bit more characterization for the cameo characters, but honestly I also decided that they shall all get their short, chronicle stories in the future. Just haven't figured out things yet, like I certainly want to set up a war to reintroduce the conquered neighbors of Naireanth, but haven't decided on whether I change their names and if yes, to what to.

On a worldbuilding: I also decided to expand on the drouvhen and aelfrahd, to them being more an encompassing adjectives implying materials or maybe even spells or potions that were made by elven hands [and minds].

One last thing: The next long story is finished, still some editing and proofreading shall be done before it goes up to patreon. Though writing this long also led me to the decision regarding uploads. To be precise, I plan to write really long stories in the future, but unlike with short or three+ chapter long stories, I'll only announce them when I'm at the stage of editing and proofreading. The monthly long stories will be cut down to 4 chapters at max, word wise probably 12k or so will be my intention.

Anyhow, that is all. Thank you for reading this and the story, I hope you all enjoyed it! Take care and have a nice weekend folks!

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