Heirs of Hyarch

Chapter 11: Breaking Point

"You're a little late, you know," the elderly healer told Hamond as he entered.

Following behind, Edeline was tempted to respond with a biting remark. She ultimately decided against it. This old Elefae would obviously not know what she, no, what the two of them had gone through the past few days.

The two of them...she found her face starting to flush again at the reminder. While it made sense for someone not aware of their situation to make that assumption, it was...she just couldn't put it into words.

Just what was Hamond to her, anyway?

The answer to that would have to wait. She took a moment to look around the small house, stepping around Hamond to see the place more clearly. While small, it was clearly lovingly furnished and decorated. Nothing particularly fancy, but she could appreciate it all the same.

Turning her attention back to their host, Edeline noticed he was staring at her, a growing look of surprise on his face. It looked like he recognized her from somewhere, but did not quite recall who she was.

"She's the one you mentioned?" the Elefae said, turning to Hamond.

"Indeed." Hamond looked a bit smug, and it was not hard for her to guess why.

"I see. I am Morgivel, healer and elder. A warm welcome to you and your kin."

Edeline took a deep breath, worried this would go poorly. "A pleasure to meet you," she said, "I am Lady Edeline Hallowscroft."

Morgivel gaped for a moment. "That...you...you are a complete scoundrel!" He wheeled as he spoke, thrusting one finger in the direction of Hamond.

"I would be a terrible healer if I didn't keep the secrets of people under my care," Hamond noted.

"Point taken," Morgivel said, "My apologies, my lady. I was not expecting you of all people."

"I don't blame you," Edeline said, nodding. She probably would not have believed the events of the past few days herself, had she not lived through them. "But I do not believe we are here to discuss what happened to me, yes?"

"Right, right, right." Morgivel turned and starting rummaging through a sack. "We'd best take care of the First Ascension, then we can talk after." He paused his search, looking back at her. "Of course, you are welcome there as well, my lady."

"But of course." Edeline had to admit her own curiosity. Hamond had not described what this First Ascension entailed, although she had pieced together it was a ceremony for younger Elefae children.

"Give me a moment," Morgivel spoke up. He turned and walked into the other room, closing the door behind him. She could hear the Elefae saying something, but could not make out what. A moment later, he emerged. "Let's go."

Edeline stepped aside as Morgivel headed for the door. Edeline fell in behind Hamond as they left the house. Closing the door behind her, she took note of the darkened sky. Even thought she knew it was late summer, she still had trouble adjusting to the twilights slowly getting earlier and earlier.

The trio walked silently down the street, among many other Elefae heading the same direction. To Edeline's surprise, many of them moved aside at the sight of Morgivel, clearing a path for them to move forward. She wondered if the people of Hallowscroft had ever done such for her father, as she could not recall anyone showing such respect to her when she went out.

Not that she had gone out often, and when Edeline had, she had not really spoken to anyone. Asking for unearned respect was foolish, and she had not given herself the chance to earn it. It was no wonder so few people recognized her. Why would they?

It was all the more reason to get her brother seated as the new Lord Hallowscroft.

Morgivel came to a stop. Looking up, Edeline saw a raised wooden platform in the middle of a crossroads, one that would normally be used for street performances. A set of brightly burning braziers sat at each corner of the platform, casting an orange glow on the small crowd surrounding it. She guessed there were slightly more than two hexty people present.

"Wait here," Hamond said, and moved into the crowd along with Morgivel. Edeline stepped back, feeling slightly uneasy about being here. She just had to hope the watch, or whoever was behind controlling them, did not take action and disrupt everything.

Hamond climbed up onto the platform, then turned and helped lift Morgivel up as well. Joining them were a small group of older Elefae, along with some young children wearing grayish robes...wait.

Those were not Elefae children. Their ears were not pointed.

Completely baffled, Edeline watched as the Elefae on the platform briefly spoke amongst themselves. After a moment, one of them moved to the front of the platform, while Morgivel and the rest lined up in the back, the children in a similar line in front of them. Hamond, obviously standing out, took his place on one side of the stage, his back turned to where she stood.

"Greetings, my kin, and the blessings of the Fae be upon you," the one at the front said, raising his arms skyward. "Just as our forebears stood upon the sacred Elefae Tor and were granted visions of the heights that they could achieve, members of a new generation stand here now, ready to receive the marks of their First Ascension."

A handful of people in the crowd broke into applause. The speaker paused, waiting until they were quiet again before continuing.

"So in the name of those who lifted us up, in turn we will aid in lifting you up, to a future of harmony. Rise, children, and take your place among the Elefae!"

This time the entire crowd applauded, with some shouted cheers echoing out. Silently standing there, Edeline had never felt more like an outsider, an intruder. Thankfully, no one was paying her any heed.

Well, no, there was one. A young Elefae man with long hair was standing across the way with crossed arms, an intense look on his face as he stared at her. Edeline didn't recognize him, but it was clear that he knew exactly who she was. And for whatever reason, she got the feeling he was not happy about it.

As long as he didn't alert the watch or raise a fuss, she could live with it. Turning her attention back to the stage, she saw the first of the children step forward. Hamond and Morgivel also moved up, to either side of the child, while the speaker faced the young boy. He brandished a glimmering object, and even at this distance Edeline could see what it was.

It was a knife.

The boy turned his head, and the Elefae brought the knife up. Edeline couldn't quite see what the man did, but Hamond and Morgivel quickly went to work on that side of the boy's head. A faint glow emerged from Morgivel's hands as they used what she presumed was healing magic.

The boy then turned his head the other way, and she gasped as she realized what was going on. The pointed ears of the Elefae...they weren't born with them. They cut their ears so that they could be reshaped into the points, and then had them healed afterwards.

The crowd, meanwhile, were all smiles, with a scattered few clapping. Did they...had every one of them gone through the same ritual? Edeline just could not understand how anyone could bring themselves to have that done to their own children. She considered closing her eyes, just refusing to watch the remaining children be scarred like this.

But that would be the height of rudeness. And regardless of whatever else was said about Edeline Hallowscroft, she was not about to give offense.

So she watched on, as each child in turn took their place, having their ears sliced into the familiar Elefae points. Each time, Edeline fought off the urge to wince. Thank Aether she'd never had to undergo this herself.

Finally, after what seemed far too long, the last of the children was finished. Feeling a little numb, Edeline watched as the crowd began to disperse, all of them smiling in good cheer.

Hamond, after helping Morgivel down from the platform, trotted over to her. "You feeling alright?" he asked, sounding slightly concerned.

"Definitely looks off to me." Morgivel walked up slowly, looking a bit pale himself. "Either someone bothered her, or...don't tell me that you didn't know what the First Ascension was."

"Well...no," Edeline admitted.

"You serious?" Morgivel let out a snorting laugh. "You want to tell me your father taught you nothing about us? With the debt he owes me? Or did he not tell you that either?"

"I...I don't..." Edeline felt tears began to well up in her eyes. She could hardly deny that she knew very little about Hallowscroft or the people who lived there. She'd tried to work around it as she stepped into her father's shoes, but...there was so much. There was too much.

"...wait...oh dear." the elderly Elefae said quietly.

"Wonderful," Hamond said bitingly, "Good work." Edeline felt his hand on her shoulder, bringing the street back into focus. "We're going."

"No," Edeline protested. While part of her wanted nothing more to crawl under some blankets and just forget the world for the night, they had work to do. "We...we still need to talk."

"Are you sure?" Hamond asked gently, "We can always come back tomorrow."

"No. It has to be tonight." Recovering from her wound had already taken too long.

"Stubborn, isn't she?" Morgivel commented. Hamond turned and gave him a stare. Although she could not see his face, she could tell the expression was not pleasant, as Morgivel drew back.

"Fine...let's just return to my house, I suppose, I suppose." Morgivel gestured down the road. Leaning slightly on Hamond, Edeline followed.

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