Heavy Metal [ A Monster Evolution LitRPG ]

Chapter 33 – One To Go.

“These guys are tough…”

An angry suit of armor gazed grimly at his chipped blade. Before him stood a large monster, its thick chitinous armor proving an annoying barrier. Even when his sword was at its sharpest, it failed to slash or pierce the creature, leaving only shallow wounds instead. While it was conceivable to breach the beast's defenses eventually, it would undoubtedly come at the cost of the blade's integrity.

“The only real way to do it with this sword… is to go for the gaps!”

Yet, there existed a method to effectively wield his sword against the creature. There were distinct gaps in this natural armor between the monster insect limbs. Through his short life, he had learned a crucial lesson: every adversary possessed a vulnerability, a weak point waiting to be exploited. Even his own sturdy form would crumble instantly if someone targeted the core concealed within his helmet.

“Gleam, distract the other one while I take care of this bigger one!”

“ (^v^) ”

The white ant scuttled towards the ceiling and produced a light show. Another beetle looked up to it but was unable to do anything to the faraway foe. While it was distracted, Rusty was able to focus on his target. The beetle he was facing was indeed large and sturdy, but it did have one weakness, it was rather slow.

As the monstrous creature lunged forward with its razor-sharp mandibles, Rusty quickly sidestepped the attack. With precision honed through previous battles, he activated the Power Thrust skill and drove his blade into the vulnerable gap in the creature's armor, drawing spurts of crimson blood. The monster recoiled in agony and attempted to pivot and retaliate, but Rusty's agility was far above it. He remained within the creature's blind spot by circling to the other side and relentlessly jabbed at it, each strike calculated and precise.

T The beetle, now weakened and disoriented, thrashed about wildly, unable to discern Rusty's movements. Gleam, observing from above, had cast the Dancing Lights spell. At the moment, she was only able to produce two, but this was enough. Each one danced around a beetle's head, confusing it with a dazzling display of flickering lights. The monster's other weakness showed: even though the light didn’t hurt them, a too bright environment caused momentary blindness.

His opponent stumbled, giving Rusty the opening he needed to deliver the finishing blow. With a final, decisive thrust, Rusty plunged his sword deep into the creature's open mouth. The beetle let out a deafening screech of agony before collapsing to the ground, twitching feebly as its life faded away. One was down and the other was quickly dispatched by the monster duo as well.

As the battle concluded, Rusty and Gleam stood victorious amidst the fallen monsters. Two beetles had been slain by them and it was not such a simple matter. They were sturdier than any other insect within this cave system and even though they were sluggish, the lack of space to maneuver made up for it. Rusty looked at his chipped blade while Gleam, on the other hand, performed her happy dance. Her level had risen again and she was now close to advancing further.

“ \(^◡^)/ “

“I’m happy for you but… I can’t keep replacing my weapons.”

While he had gathered many materials they would not last forever. His current skills only allowed him to competently use swords and bows, which were not very proficient against these foes. His sword would eventually chip and the arrows would just bounce off the hard upper shell. Even tipping the monsters around didn’t help as they were armored on both sides. Only jabbing the weak spots was an option and other kinds of weapons were better for such actions.

“Hm… if I remember correctly, then a spear would be better for this type of monster, or perhaps something that can puncture the shell in one go…”

While inside of the Soul Forge, he had crafted weapons like spears and axes. The issue with swords lay in the surface area they covered while slashing. Upon striking a monster, the force would disperse along the entire blade's side. Thus, it would often chip when unable to cleanly slash through in one stroke. Swords proved effective against softer-bodied monsters like slugs but faltered against armored opponents. Rusty, being a living armor, understood this well, as his body was highly resistant to slashing damage.

To outright pierce through such an armor he would need something like an axe that was heavy and had a smaller bladed area. Concentrating the force in a smaller region made it much easier to pierce through. Then there were blunt weapons like maces, whose greater weight could soften the outer shell and cause internal damage through blunt force. Rusty understood this, but he couldn't easily change his approach as he lacked proficiency in any of those weapons.

“Once I’m out of here, I should try absorbing more weapon-related skills…”

While the Demon King had told him not to get too many skills and focus on one thing, he thought otherwise. It appeared that there were far too many varied opponents in this world, and to defeat them all, it was better if he could exploit their weaknesses. With easy access to a myriad of weapons that he could customize, Rusty believed in versatility as a key to victory.

“I should get a polearm…”

There was one weapon type that he had heard of and wished to learn: the multipurpose polearm. This versatile weapon could encompass the functionalities of spears, axes, and even war hammers. The combinations seemed boundless, and Rusty couldn't wait to give it a try. However, first, he needed to deal with the beetle monsters and find his way out of this area. He could only absorb skills from humanoid monsters that he could fit his helmet over and there were none of them here.
“Three down, one left to go… I wonder if it will be stronger than the other ones…”

The creatures he was fighting now were at the apex of F-rank and it showed. Even he who was an E-rank could see himself getting overwhelmed by too many of them. If a few rammed him against a wall, even his armored body would bend.

“Let’s go, Gleam!”

“ ( •̀ᴗ•́ )و “

Rusty and Gleam pressed forward with a sense of purpose, driven to grow stronger and embark on new adventures. They were aware that their final opponent, the leader of the beetle monsters, awaited them somewhere ahead, and they couldn't wait to face them in battle.

The passages here were wider than usual, with fewer monsters occupying them. While these lesser foes posed little threat, the powerful adversary at the end could potentially surpass even Rusty’s strength. However, fear was not what he felt and instead, he was filled with excitement. Testing his abilities against something that could fight back was far more interesting than defeating weaker foes.

With each step, Rusty and Gleam drew closer to their final confrontation. Along the way, they continued to face off against some of the beetle monsters. Just like before, they were slayed by his sword which continued to deteriorate. However, with time a strange occurrence filled the cavern, the attacks just stopped and it seemed that these insects had retreated.

“Hm? Are they running away? That’s odd, could they be planning something?”

“ ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ “

“You think they are just scared? Perhaps but it would be better if we are careful, the other types never stopped coming…”

Gleam didn’t seem perturbed by the way the insects were acting but Rusty knew better. His small friend hadn't tasted defeat yet and hadn’t been around for long either. It was understandable that she thought nothing could stop their advancement. Rusty, on the other hand, had already tasted defeat on many occasions. He knew it was better not to underestimate an opponent and that, just like him, other creatures could potentially be capable of setting traps.

“Hold on, Gleam, something isn’t right…”

Eventually, both of them arrived at a spacious tunnel leading into a large cavern. Strange noises emanated from within, which Rusty identified as potential opponents. While he lacked tracking skills, there were obvious tracks on the rocky ground, larger than those of regular beetles. It was probable that inside lurked the final boss of this underground area, and he wasn’t alone.

“Hm… this could be troublesome, it would be better if I didn’t have to face multiple ones at the same time…”

“ ! (•̀ᴗ•́ )و “

“You want to help and lure them out, Gleam? Are you sure? It could be dangerous…”

“ ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ “

Gleam bounced around as she was trying to show how much she had grown. Her level was already nine and probably after this area was cleared it would reach the maximum. Rusty couldn't deny Gleam's enthusiasm, nor could he ignore her eagerness to aid him in battle. Despite his concerns for her safety, he knew that they needed to face this final challenge together.

“Alright, Gleam, let's do this. Just be careful and don't take any unnecessary risks.”

Rusty glanced around, his metal head steaming as he formulated a strategy to keep his companion safe. Soon, he had devised a plan and quickly disclosed it to Gleam.

“Got it?”

“ (•̀ᴗ•́ )و “

“Good, then go!”

With a confident chirp, Gleam scuttled ahead into the cavern, her tiny form disappearing into the darkness. Rusty didn’t follow after but instead stuck closely to the darkness where his form wouldn’t be spotted. It was obvious that multiple insects were waiting inside the cavern, and if they saw him, the plan of luring them out would fail. Soon, he could see lights emanating from the cavern, and in no time, Gleam came running out with a large entourage behind her.

Rusty remained hidden and just as he expected, the monsters ignored his presence. He had learned that his living armor form was quite difficult to discover if he didn’t move. It appeared to other creatures like any other inanimate object made from bronze and only if something approached him or he moved did they realize that he was a living being. Taking advantage of this, Rusty waited until all the monsters ran past him before springing into action and darting into the cavern. There, just as he expected, he saw the beetle leader, who was more than twice the size of its kin.


Lesser Giant Rhinoceros Beetle L3 [ E ]



There it was, the leader of the beetles. The Lesser Giant Rhinoceros Beetle loomed menacingly in the center of the cavern, its massive horn gleaming in the dim light. Its thick exoskeleton was marked with scars and scratches, evidence of countless battles it had won. Rusty looked at his foe's classification, and his metallic heart sank. It was a full E-rank monster, not one with a minus like him. The attribute advantage was fully on its side.

However, it was too late to back off now. Gleam had successfully lured away the other insects. There was no telling how much time he had before they realized the trick and returned. Before that could happen he needed to defeat this strong foe and with the help of his tactics, he hoped to just do so. While his enemy was seemingly stronger, it had one flaw that he could exploit.

“Here I am, what are you waiting for?”

Rusty smacked his bronze shield with the side of his blade that he had not yet restored. The moment the sounds echoed within the cavern, the monster beetle let out a low, guttural growl, its massive mandibles clacking together menacingly. It charged forward with surprising speed for its size, its horn lowered to impale Rusty on its sharp tip. However, Rusty was prepared. As the beetle closed the distance between them, he sidestepped at the last moment and narrowly avoided the deadly charge.

With the beetle momentarily off-balance, Rusty seized the opportunity to strike. He lunged forward, his sword glinting in the dim light as he aimed for the joints in the beetle's exoskeleton. His strike was precise and calculated and aimed at the same weak point he had identified during his battles. However, although his sword tip managed to connect with the exact spot he was aiming for, it was unable to pierce it.

“It’s hard…”

His blade, which he expected to at least pierce into the joint to draw blood, bent after sinking in no more than a centimeter. He had used all of his might, causing the blade to bend and eventually snap in half. Quickly, he retreated a few steps and activated his system window. There, he accessed his stash tab to swiftly switch in another sword that he had previously prepared for this occasion.

“This might be a battle of attrition… I wonder what will give in faster, my blades or your armor!”

Rusty brandished his new sword and the battle resumed. The monster wasn’t too intelligent and had a simple attack pattern, yet its brute strength and durability made it a powerful opponent. Rusty danced around the cavern, dodging the beetle's relentless attacks and striking back whenever he saw an opening. It was a true battle of attrition as he continuously struck the same spot as before.

As the battle raged on, his new blade began to show signs of wear and tear. The beetle's tough exoskeleton proved to be a tough barrier, and even with his skills and tactics, Rusty struggled to inflict any significant damage. However, he refused to give up. With each strike, he chipped away at the beetle's defenses, slowly but surely wearing it down.

The cavern echoed with the clashing of metal against chitin as Rusty and the Giant Rhinoceros Beetle engaged in their fierce duel. During the exchange, more blades were lost and chipped than he expected. However, just as he was contemplating a tactical retreat the joint finally gave in. He was able to plunge quite a length of his blade into the monster's body and finally, it was time to end this.

“Elemental, Discharge!”

Rusty exclaimed his attack's name inside his mind as his blade turned into a haze of white light. Just as before, he aimed to inject his attack into the monster’s body and make it explode from the inside. However, while the light spread, the monster didn’t seem to be stopping. It turned its large head and smacked Rusty away with the help of its horn.

His metallic body crashed into the cavern wall and dented upon impact. His helmet rattled and he could feel the vibrations flowing into his monster core which was slightly damaged in the process. The beetle, now free from his attack, turned its attention back to him and charged forth once more.

He was momentarily stunned by the crack produced on his monster core. This was not something he had prepared himself for and it seemed that he would be impaled on the monster’s horn. Fortunately, he was not alone as a blue bolt of energy appeared from the side and connected with the monster's side.

Gleam, who had led away the other monsters, had returned from within the tunnel and climbed up the wall. From there, she released her most powerful spell, which left her a bit dizzy. While not inflicting much damage, it gave Rusty enough time to gather his strength. He dodged to the side as the monster plunged its head into the cave wall and became stuck.

“If light isn’t enough… then how about darkness!”

His blade remained lodged inside of the monster’s joint and he just needed to grab it again for another elemental discharge. Light was his usual choice as it had proven deadly against these creatures, but darkness was also in his repertoire. Without much thought, he activated his skill, mixing it with the residual light from the previous skill activation.


The dark haze mixed with the residual light and a chaotic reaction took place. A massive elemental explosion erupted from within the beetle's body, engulfing it in a swirling vortex of energy. Rusty attempted to shield himself from the chaos, but his body was engulfed in the twilight that ensued. The entire cavern shook from the eruption of magical energies, causing even the ceiling to collapse…

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