Heaven’s Shadow

Chapter 161: The Wind Over Feiyan Platform

“Golden Core? Is a Golden Core cultivator so impressive?”

“Can a Golden Core cultivator just come over and recklessly dismantle someone else’s house?”

A series of complaints came from the thatched hut with a large hole in the roof. Lu Chen, looking dejected, was standing on the broken pieces of the wooden table, trying hard to patch up the hole in the roof.

Outside, at the edge of the mountain wall’s cave dwelling, Su Qingjun stood by the half-open stone door, nervously peeking towards the thatched hut. Occasionally, the complaints drifting with the wind made her already rosy cheeks even redder, giving her a captivating beauty.

She suddenly felt her face burning up. She gently touched her cheek, feeling a mix of embarrassment and guilt, though she wasn’t quite sure why. After a moment, she suddenly stifled a chuckle, as if she had thought of something amusing even to herself.

“Flip the table? What’s the point of flipping the table? Why not chop down a tree with that strength…”

Hearing the man’s continued complaints, Su Qingjun leaned against the door, covering her mouth and chuckling softly before turning and walking inside. The stone door closed behind her, and only her light footsteps could be heard fading into the depths of the cave dwelling.


Things were settled, but strangely, for the next two or three days, Feiyan Platform remained unexpectedly peaceful with no disturbances. The ripening of the hawthorn fruit also entered a stable period, with one or two fruits ripening every day. Lu Chen invited Su Qingjun to eat them.

When they met, they chatted, and their relationship seemed to become more familiar. Occasionally, they would exchange light-hearted jokes.

This peaceful life was unexpectedly comfortable, like a paradise. In the vast Kunlun, Feiyan Platform felt like their own little world, secluded and serene.

During this time, Master Mu Yuan visited again, but by then, Su Qingjun’s injuries had healed significantly, and she seemed well. After a brief chat, Master Mu Yuan gave a few instructions and left in a hurry. Interestingly, Master Mu Yuan didn’t even acknowledge Lu Chen this time, which seemed somewhat odd.

Su Qingjun expressed some confusion and puzzlement to Lu Chen about this, and Lu Chen, somewhat petty and sharp-tongued, remarked, “Your master probably wants to forget the reward he promised me!”

Su Qingjun, both amused and annoyed, said it was impossible, but before Lu Chen could argue further, she floated away, saying, “It’s still early. I’m going back to sleep… and to cultivate. If something comes up, use the Burning Heart Talisman to call me.”


On the ninth day of Lu Chen’s stay at Feiyan Platform.

That morning, as usual, he got up, checked the roof he had just repaired, inspected the table he had made from chopped wood, went out to fetch water and wash his face, gazed at the sunrise, and looked down at the sea of clouds. He then took a stroll around Feiyan Platform and began working in the spiritual field.

When the mountain wind blew from the cliff, the ancient pine trees swayed slightly, their leaves rustling, making it feel like another beautiful and quiet day.

Unfortunately, this peaceful beauty didn’t last long. A commotion from afar broke the tranquility of Feiyan Platform.

Lu Chen stood up from the spiritual field, walked up to the ridge, and glanced toward the mountain path, then sighed lightly.

On the mountain path, the three Su brothers—Su Mo, Su Qian, and Su Wen—were walking over with determined steps.

Lu Chen set down what he was doing, looked down, and saw that his clothes, especially his pants and shoes, were covered in black mud and dust. His attire was far from the image of a cultivator, looking more like a farmer.

Well, the role of a miscellaneous disciple didn’t seem to differ much from that of a farmer.

Muttering to himself, probably self-deprecating, Lu Chen clapped his hands, walked over, and, with a smile, blocked the path of the three Su brothers about ten feet away from the cave dwelling.

“Senior brothers Su, long time no see,” he greeted with a bow, smiling. “What brings you here today?”

Upon seeing Lu Chen, Su Mo and Su Wen nodded slightly, though it was clear that Su Mo was the only one who acknowledged Lu Chen. Su Qian and Su Wen likely thought of Lu Chen as someone helping Su Qingjun, although not yet to the level of being her close confidant. Basic courtesy was still maintained.

However, as soon as they saw the black mud on Lu Chen’s clothes, all three showed expressions of disdain and aversion, apparently disgusted by his unclean appearance.

“Hmm.” Su Wen casually waved his hand, as if shooing away flies. “We’re here to see Sister Jun. Don’t block the way.”

As they tried to move forward, they suddenly found that Lu Chen was still standing in their way. Although he maintained a gentle smile, he had no intention of stepping aside.

Su Mo frowned. “What’s the meaning of this?”

Lu Chen was about to speak when Su Mo coldly said, “You little rascal, don’t look for trouble.”

Lu Chen paused, briefly meeting Su Mo’s gaze before maintaining his warm smile and responding, “Gentlemen, it’s like this. Sister Jun has clearly instructed over the past few days that she is to practice a secret technique and is therefore not meeting anyone.”

### Chapter 161: The Wind Over Feiyan Platform

The faces of the three Su brothers changed dramatically. Su Mo, known for his bad temper, especially towards someone like Lu Chen, immediately scolded, “Nonsense! Just because you say she’s in seclusion means she’s in seclusion? Who do you think you are?”

Lu Chen replied, “My humble position is indeed far inferior to that of the three Su young masters. However, precisely because of this, I would not dare to pretend to act on Su Shijie’s authority to block your way recklessly.”

Upon hearing this, Su Qian and Su Wen were momentarily taken aback, and their previously angry expressions softened a bit.

Su Qian pulled on the irritated Su Mo’s sleeve and whispered, “He has a point. It’s possible that Sister Jun is really occupied and temporarily unable to meet us.”

Before Su Mo could respond, Su Wen, who had been frowning, said, “That may be true, but since we’ve come all this way, are we just going to leave?”

Su Qian asked, “So what do you suggest we do?”

Su Mo snorted and said, “I know what Sister Jun is like. Let me handle it. I’ll go knock on the door and keep knocking until she comes out to see us.” With that, he boldly strode forward.

Lu Chen stood there with a helpless look, watching Su Mo approach. When Su Mo reached him, he looked Lu Chen up and down with a sneer, saying, “You little brat, are you getting bold? You dare to block me after all this?”

Lu Chen gave a wry smile and said, “Young Master Su, with your status, you surely value reason…”

“Bang!” Su Mo suddenly lifted his leg and kicked Lu Chen in the abdomen, sending him sprawling to the ground and rolling a few times.

Lu Chen curled up on the ground, evidently in pain from the kick, and began to cough violently, gasping for breath.

“Reason, my foot!” Su Mo sneered, “What do you think you are? Do you really think you’re in a position to lecture me?”

After this, Su Mo swaggered past Lu Chen.

Su Qian and Su Wen followed, casting a dismissive glance at Lu Chen on the ground. Su Qian then said, “You’re too impulsive. This person is helping Sister Jun with the trees. Acting like this will make Sister Jun look bad.”

Su Mo, unbothered, replied, “Pah! A person of his low status daring to act like he’s important in front of us is just asking for a beating! Let him be beaten. What can Sister Jun do? She might scold us a bit, but it’s no big deal.”

“Hmm… that’s true,” Su Qian and Su Wen both nodded in agreement.

As they spoke, they reached the stone door of the cave dwelling and began knocking loudly, calling out.

“Sister Jun! Sister Jun! Come out, we need to talk to you.”


On the ground, Lu Chen was holding his abdomen, watching the stone door of the cave dwelling. After a while, a rumbling noise was heard, and soon, Su Qingjun appeared with an expressionless face and an icy demeanor.

It seemed she wasn’t in a good mood.

The Su brothers all felt this, but they were used to dealing with this elder sister of theirs. They immediately surrounded her, chattering excitedly.

Su Qingjun listened with a calm expression, but her gaze drifted beyond the three men to where Lu Chen lay on the ground. She noticed his pale face and his hands covering his abdomen, marked with a distinct footprint.

In the morning light, a shadow seemed to pass over her clear, bright eyes. 

It looked like she wanted to say something or do something, but she slowly lowered her head instead.

Lu Chen lay on the ground with no significant expression, simply watching her quietly.

After a moment, Su Qingjun suddenly ignored her noisy brothers, gritted her teeth, and walked briskly toward the thatched hut. She reached the hut, opened the door, and went inside.

The Su brothers looked at each other in confusion.

Lu Chen shook his head and sighed, giving a wry smile, and muttered, “Why go to my hut? I don’t believe there aren’t any tables in your cave dwelling!”


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the thatched hut. Lu Chen and the Su brothers looked over to see a wooden table crashing through the roof of the hut, soaring high into the air before crashing down heavily, shattering into pieces.

A moment later, Su Qingjun slowly walked out of the hut. Her expression was peculiar, a mix of unease and oddly exciting emotion. Her hands were tightly clenched into fists, and if one looked closely, they might see her slightly trembling, as if very nervous and excited.

She stared at Su Mo and the other two and then walked toward them slowly.

Su Mo, laughing heartily, approached her and said, “Sister Jun, I knew you’d be the best to me. This uncouth servant tried to stop me from seeing you, and I kicked him away. See, you’re still…”

Before he could finish, Su Qingjun stood right in front of him. Her eyes suddenly flared with an intense and wild excitement, as if a storm was brewing within them.

As Su Mo approached with his usual swagger, Su Qingjun abruptly lifted her foot, as if the previous scene was replaying instantly.

Su Qingjun kicked Su Mo in the abdomen, and with a scream akin to a pig being slaughtered, Su Mo was sent flying. He crossed the air and slammed against the hard mountain wall, followed by the distinct sound of bones breaking, before tumbling down.

The wind over Feiyan Platform became instantly silent; everyone held their breath, stunned into immobility.

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