Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 The Ancient Secret of Gourmet (Part 1)

After many days, Tang Xian came to visit. When he saw Yan Shisan, Tang Xian apologized and said, “I can’t help myself if I haven’t come to visit these days. Ha, he, he, I and the other hall masters Studying for a while.”

“The little things are yours, Lord Tang Xiang, no, why should the Lord Tang be polite.” Yan Shisan said with a smile. Tang Xian has only come to visit now. That is normal. He has just taken office as the head of the hall. He has always been the head of the incense before. For the first time as the head of the hall, there are many things that need to be learned, and there are many things to be dealt with. Xian is already a busy man!

“Thanks to you, otherwise, I’m afraid that in another twenty years, I won’t be able to sit down as the master of the hall.” Tang Xian is grateful, if it weren’t for Yan Shisan, I’m afraid, now he is still the master of incense. For the position, he can have everything today, thanks to the gift of Yan Shisan. He was right, and following Yan Shisan was his wisest choice in these years.

“Oh, anyway, congratulations to Hall Master Tang!” Yan Shisan said with a smile.

Tang Xian also laughed, and said: “I am also congratulating you. You have been rewarded by the sect. Oh, compared to Wanyun’s true blood, I really haven’t given you something as a gift.”

Tang Xian has just taken office as the hall master. He used to be the incense master. He didn’t have much oil and water, and his savings were pitiful. Yan Shisan was kind to him. He didn’t know how to thank Yan Shisan and wanted to give away treasures. For a while, he couldn’t bring out any decent treasure.

Yan Shisan waved his hand gently, smiled, and said, “This set is forgotten. This kind of thing is unnecessary between you and me, so as not to make people suspicious. From now on, Hall Master Tang will take care of me and give me the best thing. Congratulations.” Yan Shisan didn’t think about Tang Xian. Tang Xian had always been the lord of incense before, and he had just been promoted to the hall lord, and there was nothing good!

“If you have anything in the future, just ask, I will do it for you!” Although Tang Xian is now the hall master, Yan Shisan is only a three-generation disciple and a medicine apprentice.

However, Tang Xian didn’t think so. In his opinion, Yan Shisan’s future is definitely boundless. You can’t go wrong with him. It can be said that Tang Xian’s self-confidence in Yan Shisan has reached his blind goal.

Tang Xian is not an idler now. He still has a lot of things to do. After talking for a while, he left. Before leaving, Tang Xian reminded Yan Shisan and said: “The Sect Master once agreed to give you a hall. For master-level exercises, the disciples of the reward and punishment record at the academy hall have come to remind you that you haven’t chosen the secrets of exercises. If you have time, go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, as long as it’s the master-level exercises. , You can choose, you can only choose one.”

If it weren’t for Tang Xian’s reminder, Yan Shisan would have almost forgotten this incident. How could Yan Shisan miss such an opportunity? He does not have a handy exercise right now, like “Ben Lei Jue” and “Eight-Clawed Dragon Whip”, which are not advanced exercises. Therefore, there is this opportunity, Yan Shisan would never miss it.

Yan Shisan made a special trip to the Fazang Scripture Pavilion, he carefully selected a trip, and finally selected a hall master level exercise called “Fengyun Po”, this exercise is from Wanyun “Have the Clouds and Leave the Immortals” written by Zong Zong’s secret collection!

Wind and Cloud Breaking, there are not too many moves, mainly relying on pure blood to break the enemy, overbearing and fierce, and ruthless to kill the enemy, this kind of exercises, Yan Shisan can’t really like it.

Yan Shisan got “Feng Yun Po” to practice, and at the same time, Yan Shisan also thought that there was another thing that was useless, that is, Wanyunzong’s handed down treasure, which is an ancient box held by the ancestor of Wanyunzong.

In fact, what Yan Shisan said to Lu Wuweng that day that he wanted to rely on the ancient books to decipher the secret of this ancient box was nonsense!

Because, in the previous life, Yan Shisan saw this square ancient box. Although Yan Shisan didn’t know what was in this square ancient box, Yan Shisan knew how to open this square ancient box.

In the last life, when Yan Shisan came to open the ruins with the Linglong ancient dynasty, there was a Tianzun who used to be a pioneer to enter the place where the Supreme Dao Sovereign of Dayu Gate was seated to investigate the situation inside. Later, this Tianzun who was against the sky was alive. Come out, and also brought back this ancient box.

At that time, another Tianzun laughed at this Tianzun and said that this ancient box was made by an ancient method. This method has been lost. Even if there are treasures in this ancient box, you can’t open it.

The Tianzun was not convinced, and tried many methods, but in the end he did not open this ancient box. In the end, this heaven-defying Tianzun had to admit defeat, so he had to ask that Tianzun, and that Tianzun told him how to open this ancient box. At that time, Yan Shisan was on the spot. This way he I heard it too.

Later, the heaven-defying Tianzun opened this ancient box, but the Tianzun sighed and said, this is a good thing, no less than the things of their ancient dynasty, but unfortunately, it is not suitable for him. He has already been in this respect. It’s done.

Later, there was no news about this incident. At that time, Yan Shisan did not pay attention to the whereabouts of this square ancient box. He followed the Linglong ancient dynasty group of heavenly venerables and saw countless treasures, although he did not get it. What treasures, but he was numb to these treasures, so he didn’t care about the whereabouts of this ancient box.

Yan Thirteen never dreamed that the Tianzun didn’t take this ancient box away, but threw it into the ruins! If the world knew it, I’m afraid it would hate this Tianzun for being a prodigal.

However, the Linglong ancient dynasty was indeed too powerful. If the ten sects were listed among the countless sects since the ages, the Linglong ancient dynasty would only be in the top three!

The group of celestials from the Linglong ancient dynasty are all characters from the Howling World, what treasures have you not seen? This Tianzun didn’t take this ancient box away, leaving it in the ruins, it wasn’t a big deal!

Yan Shisan played with this square ancient box, which is very simple, dull, without patterns, without any ornaments, square, ordinary, but it is such an ordinary, square ancient box, Many wise men of Wanyunzong have been troubled, and no one has been able to open this ancient box in the past dynasties! No one knows what’s in this ancient box!

Yan Shisan knows that the method to open this ancient box is to use several herbs to make a concoction, mix them together, and apply them on the ancient box. The ancient box will open automatically! And these kinds of herbs are very common.

Yan Shisan found these kinds of herbs and applied them on the ancient box according to the method that Tianzun said. It was really like this. The ancient box absorbed the medicinal juice cleanly and heard “click”. With a sound, the ancient box opened.

Yan Shisan was happy, and I was busy taking out the contents. Inside the ancient box was a volume of jade scroll. Looking at the jade scroll carefully, Yan Shisan was surprised and happy!

At this time, Yan Shisan remembered a sentence said by the Tianzun after opening the ancient box. The Tianzun said at that time that the Supreme Dao Emperor of Dayu had created the two ancient secrets of the Twelve Ancient Secrets. The rumors seem to have a certain basis!

At this time, Yan Shisan understood why this Tianzun would say such a sentence, because this ancient box contained one of the twelve ancient secrets, one of the four great earth secrets! This is the ancient secret of a refining treasure soldier!

Yan Shisan had heard a word from Tianzun from the Linglong ancient dynasty in his previous life. The ancient Secret of Eagle Eye was among the ruins. He never thought that Dayu Gate had not one ancient secret, but two ancient secrets. !

got the gluttonous ancient secret, Yan Shisan was ecstatic, he was lacking such a technique, he was no better than the exquisite ancient Tianzun, with countless treasures, this “gluttonous ancient secret” to him, it is invaluable!

Yan Shisan never thought that his harvest was so great. Now, the Twelve Ancient Secrets, he already possesses one Heavenly Secret, one Geographical Secret, and Two Human Secrets. Maybe he can collect the Twelve Ancient Secrets of Qi. .

Ancient rumors, no one can collect the Qi Twelve Ancient Secrets, because heaven does not allow it, but maybe in this life he Yan Shisan can break this rumor and collect the Qi Twelve Ancient Secrets!

Yan Shisan got the gluttonous ancient secrets, so he didn’t think much about it, so he practiced first, because he happened to have a piece of purple dragon sky green gold on his body, which was used to refine his own destiny!

Yan Shisan was immersed in her own joy, but the elders of Wan Yunzong were anxious, because they still did not break through Jialan’s suppression.

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“Only one step! Almost we can play the strongest attack of the ancestor weapon. It is a pity that UU read www.uukanshu.com. If we had a human emperor, it would be great. Holding the ancestor weapon, we can definitely break the Ka Lan suppressed.” Old Li said with a sigh.

The other elders couldn’t help but feel sad. Although Baoshan was right in front of them, they couldn’t open Baoshan and couldn’t get the treasure.

Just when the elders of Wanyunzong were in desperation, Wanyunzong came to their unexpected guests.

“Report to the Sect Master, there is an envoy visiting the tidal holy land, see you?” The disciple stationed at the mountain gate came and said.

“The messenger of the Tide Holy Land?” Hearing this news, Lu Wuweng looked at each other with all the elders. At this moment, the messenger of the tide holy land appeared. What is this!

“See, let him come.” Lu Wuweng knew that the good ones would not come and the ones who came were not good, but he still said calmly.

Soon, the messenger from the Holy Land of Tides walked into the palace. This was a young man with his feet on the dragon’s whip, a purple crown on his head, a cloud band around his waist, eyebrows like a moon, eyes like stars, a human figure, full of breath, and majestic blood. , At a glance, you know the young master, a generation of Toshihiko!

“Qi Yulong, the disciple of the Holy Land of Tides, paid homage to Sect Master Wanyun and the elders. “This disciple worshiped, although he did, he still had arrogance in his behavior.

Qi Yulong is an outstanding disciple of the tidal holy land, and he has a certain reputation in the middle of eastern Xinjiang. The younger generation of Tidal Holy Land has two talented disciples, a male disciple and a female disciple. The male disciple is Qi Yulong in front of them.

. m.

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