Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Wan Yunzong (Part 1)

Domain gate is a teleportation array that travels through the void. The domain gate’s transmission speed is much faster than flying, and hundreds of millions of miles are just a blink of an eye.

However, if you want to open the domain gate, you must first build a profound platform and practice it with the Supreme Dao method. Building a profound platform requires a lot of blood marrow as power, and they are all high-level blood marrow. The blood marrow of Yan 13 is basically not enough.

Only the great sects of the world, such as those ancient secret sects and holy gate imperial courts with unfathomable ancestors, have the ability to open domain doors. Many small sects, who want to cross hundreds of millions of miles, must pay the fees for the passage , Crossing the void by the domain gate of the martial arts.

“Why do you want to help me?” Yan Shisan couldn’t help but glanced at Sifei Master. Sifei Master had a mysterious origin. He has a domain gate. It is not surprising that Yan Shisan, but he has supreme magical powers like this. , Why help yourself?

Master Sifei said leisurely: “Because you don’t die! I go to and out of dangerous places to win, and it can be said to be a life of nine deaths. This is the first time I have met an undead person, maybe one day I can touch you. luck.”

Regardless of whether the words of the Four Non-Masters are true or false, his demeanor is hard to doubt. What’s more, Yan Shisan is only a small person now. What can be sought by the family?

“I’m just lucky, if the king refuses to accept it, one day, if the king accepts it, he will definitely die!” Of course, Yan Shisan could not say that he had cultivated the ancient secret of Xuanwu, this is definitely something that can bring a murderous disaster!

“That day, I don’t know when it will come.” Master Sifei said leisurely, then looked at Yan Shisan and said, “Can you go?”

“Go!” Yan Shisan is very decisive. The Zuri faction is not a place to stay for a long time. What’s more, he has more things to do. If he doesn’t leave at this time, when will he wait?

“I plan to go to the center of the loess, if possible, to the northern sky, where are you going?” said the Master Sifei.

“Are you going to the north sky?” Yan Shisan’s heart was shocked when he heard this!

The world is four directions and one center. This world is so vast that no one can say how big it is. There is eastern Xinjiang in the east, southern wilderness in the south, western soil in the west, and northern sky in the north!

Eastern Xinjiang alone is vast and boundless, billions of miles wide, just by flying, I don’t know how long and how long will it be able to cross the Eastern Xinjiang!

More importantly, the northern sky now is not the ancient northern sky. In the ancient times, Yan Shisan had been to the northern sky with the immortal Tianzun of the Linglong ancient dynasty.

However, when Yan Shisan found his adoptive father outside in the past few years, I heard people say that ten thousand years ago, Jinna Luo Daozu in the northern sky was sitting on the ground, with the eternal Taoism in the east and the north. The sky barrier was cut off between the sky, and it was not an easy task to pass between the eastern Xinjiang and the northern sky.

East Xinjiang is the foundation of the human race, and it is also the place where the human race gathers, the southern wilderness is the place where the monster race lives, the west soil is extremely mysterious, and the northern sky is the place where the beast race lives.

For nearly 100,000 years, the relationship between Dongjiang and Beitian has been very tense. In the last era, in order to prove the ancestral way, the human race of Dongjiang and the orc of Beitian, countless geniuses on both sides killed ten directions. The sky is dark and the earth is dark, countless geniuses on both sides have stepped on the endless bones of the enemy on the way of ancestors. Between the orcs and the human races, tens of thousands of years of fighting, accumulated a lot of blood feuds, and finally, a generation of unparalleled talents Jinnaruo Dao ancestors attained the ancestral Dao, opened up an unprecedented road, and became a generation of Dao ancestors.

Finally, Kinna Luo Daozu put an end to the blood feud between the human race and the orcs with the supreme Taoism. In the era of Kinna Luo Daozu, the human race and the orcs were in peace, but that was because of the existence of Kinna Luo Daozu. In order to prevent the human race and the orc race from falling into a frenzied revenge, Luo Daozu used the supreme way to cut down the sky barrier between the eastern border and the north sky before sitting. After the ancestral robbery disappears after ten thousand years, it will slowly disappear!

Na Luo Daozu has a good heart, hoping to use time to quell the blood feud between the two races. Now, ten thousand years later, the northern sky and eastern Xinjiang have begun to pass, but the sky barrier is still dangerous!

Yan Shisanyi heard that Master Sifei was going to Beitian, of course she was taken aback.

However, the Four Fei Masters waited and looked at it casually, as if going to Beitian was like playing a house, and he was relaxed.

“Where are you going?” Master Sifei didn’t explain why he was going to Beitian, and he didn’t need to explain!

Yan Shisan pondered for a moment, and said, “Central, Central Eastern Xinjiang.” Yan Shisan chose to go to Central Eastern Xinjiang. It was not a whim, he had his reasons.

Zheritians are located in the southern part of Eastern Xinjiang. If he goes to the central part, the Zherishes will be beyond reach. Even if the Zherishes want to find him, it is not an easy task. Moreover, it is no longer the territory of the Zherishes.

There is another very important reason. Yan Shisan went to the middle of Eastern Xinjiang to find a great ancient secret. The master of Qishan said that the twelve ancient secrets are divided into the three secrets of heaven, earth, and man.

It happens that Yan Shisan knows where there is a secret. The ancient secret Yan Shisan is looking for is the “Eagle Eye” of one of the four secrets!

In the previous life, he was captured by Linglong Ancient Dynasty and translated ancient texts for Linglong Ancient Dynasty. Once, he went to a ruin with Linglong Ancient Dynasty. He heard from a Tianzun of Linglong Ancient Dynasty said that there was “Eagle” in that place. eye”!

At that time, Yan Shisan didn’t know that “Eagle Eye” was one of the four great secrets, and he didn’t even know that he had practiced the ancient Xuanwu secret, one of the four great secrets!

If Hall Master Zhang is right, he wants to find his adoptive father, and he must be strong. After that, whether for himself or to find his adoptive father, he must make himself stronger.

What else can make him stronger than the Twelve Ancient Secrets, so Yan Shisan wanted to find the “Eagle Eye” of one of the Twelve Ancient Secrets!

“Okay, you are ready to prepare, and you will leave tomorrow.” The Master Sifei was very happy, and he did not ask Yan Shisan why he wanted to go to the central part, so he agreed.

Yan Shisan had nothing to prepare. He took all his things with him. Yanzhuang is gone. With his current strength and financial resources, there is no way to rebuild Yanzhuang. What’s more, if his foster father is not there, it doesn’t make sense for him to stay in Yanzhuang. What he has to do now is to grow himself, etc. After he grows up, he can find his foster father!

The next day, Yan Shisan left with Master Sifei. Master Sifei is extremely mysterious, with a lot of treasures on him, and it is easy to open the door of the domain, which surprised Yan Shisan.

However, Yan Shisan did not talk too much, and did not ask the origin of Sifei Master. However, Yan Shisan guessed in his heart that Master Sifei is so young, not only is his Taoism unfathomable, but also with countless treasures. He is definitely from an extraordinary origin!

Central Eastern Xinjiang, Wan Yunzong! Today is the day Wanyunzong opens the mountain and accepts disciples. Whether it is people under Wanyunzong’s jurisdiction or mortals from other places, they are eligible to apply for selection!

Wanyun Zong is an extremely powerful school located in the middle of Eastern Xinjiang.

Wan Yunzong has seven main lines, governs 700,000 miles of territory, has millions of people, and has deep blood and ancestors. It has eight major foundation-laying methods and 18 small foundation-laying methods.

Wanyunzong is a side branch of the Tidal Holy Land and the largest side branch of the Tidal Holy Land. The strength of the Wanyunzong is not stronger than the Tidal Holy Land, but it has the potential to catch up with the tide holy land!

The ancestor of Wanyunzong was a great heavenly deity in the tidal sacred place. Later, this heavenly deity left the tidal sacred place and found an ancient relic in a strange mountain in the tidal sacred place, that is, the Wanyun mountain range. The ancestor of Wanyunzong established a school in this place and established Wanyunzong. On the basis of the peculiar knowledge of the tidal holy land, he created the masterpiece “Hanging the Clouds and Leaving the Immortals”, leaving a lot of peculiarities.

The ancestor of Wanyunzong was born in the tidal holy land, and the Wanyunzong was established on the tidal holy land line. Although the Wanyunzong is strong, it is still recognized as the tidal holy land!

In addition to the ancestors and ancestors of Wanyunzong, Wanyunzong has also been brilliant for tens of thousands of years. Especially ten thousand years ago, Wanyunzong produced two incredible characters.

These two incredible figures, one is Daoxing Wushuang, known as Sun Wudi, the other is Qitian of Pill, and the name is Zhu Guangwen, and the two are known as Double Saints! . Even, there was a period when Wanyunzong even surpassed the main tidal holy land.

Now, even though the double saints of Wanyun are no longer there, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has become a legend, but the strength of Wanyunzong is definitely extremely powerful!

Today, Wanyunzong opened its doors to accept disciples, and it was very lively. Not to mention the mortals under the world and the people under the control of Wanyunzong. Even low-level casual practitioners from many places came here admiringly and wanted to join Wanyunzong.

Suddenly, outside the gate of Wanyunzong, there was a long line with no tail. Wanyunzong has been recruiting apprentices for half a month, but the people who came to sign up were still crowded.

“This time, Fairy Zhu of Wan Yunzong is the presiding judge. Fairy Zhu is an unparalleled discerning eye. I hope she can see our potential.” Among the selection team, there was a lot of discussion.

Among the team, there are childish children, some from rich families, some from poor families, some people from Wanyunzong, and some mortals who come from far away!

In addition to the untrained mortal children, there are also many mature and stable young or middle-aged people, and even the elderly. These people, with their eyes closed, have a look that mortals do not have. These people Most are casual repairs.

Many casual cultivators with low strength and no background are willing to join a martial arts such as Wanyunzong. In addition to the security of the martial arts, it is more important that such martial arts are indispensable for their blood and ancestors. Test, there is an infinite amount of blood moisturizing, which will enable them to go forward and diligently!

“Fairy Zhu has a reputation as thunderous.” Some casual practitioners in the team couldn’t help but sigh, and said: “Fang is only twenty years old, Tao Xing has supernatural powers, and there are even rumors that she has been able to compete with great supernatural powers. It is incredible.”

“Isn’t it possible? At such an age, it turns out to be a great supernatural power?” Hearing this, a freelancer couldn’t help but lose his color, and said: “This is shocking Dongjiang. If it is true, the younger generation of Dongjiang. It’s hard for anyone to compete with it!”

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