He, The One


In the following days just like in the canon HSDXD Xenovia and Irina arrived in Kuoh town and began their search for the Excalibur shit, and honestly the meeting between Rias's peerage and the church members.

Xenovia and Irina walked into Devil territory and literally told Rias and her peerage to not get in the way, they did that in enemy territory, I found that funny but it was even funnier when Rias and her peerage allowed it, Rias is a horrible leader, that I was certain of.

Currently, Rias and her peerage were in the ORC room late at night talking about their fight with Freed Sellzen which wasn't anything to take note of, it sucked but yes, Kokabiel would be arriving soon but let's put that aside for now.

It had been around four days since I last spoke to Issei and during those days although I made sure to watch him I also did some training when I was bored but in four days I hadn't gained much from the training.

Since I didn't gain any memories from Kurama I didn't know any Jutsu or anything like that, all I could do with Chakra right now was strengthen my physical body or strengthen soul abilities and though I say 'all I could do' like it wasn't anything special, I could strengthen myself a pretty decent amount.

Chakra was an energy that was both physical and spiritual so it was the best of both worlds, imaging Qi from cultivation novels and Ki from Dragon Ball, Chakra was essentially both which was good, very good.

My control over my Chakra was as good as it could be with my Six Eyes but even without it I would've had great control due to my race and my innate understanding of Chakra, but even with my control, as I mentioned before I didn't know any Jutsu so I was limited with how much I could do with it, but I'd figure something out, I always do.

"Hello, Issei! Looks like you guys are in a bad mood. Were you guys having sex or something?" Freed shouted from the ground outside of the ORC building causing Issei to run toward the window and look down.

"Freed!" Issei shouted with a scowl on his face before a pressure came crashing down on him and the rest of the ORC members.

"This is our first time meeting, daughter of the house of Gremory, your crimson hair is beautiful, it reminds me of your brother whom I hate enough to make me want to vomit." A Fallen Angel, Kokabiel said as he looked down on Rias and Issei.

"Nice to meet you, one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels, Kokabiel, my name is Rias Gremory, I am not simply the daughter of the house of Gremory, and also If you are here to discuss politics with me, then it's no use," Rias said with a cold face and tone as she looked at Kokabiel.

"Heh, here, this is a gift from me to you," Kokabiel said with a smile before he threw a body at Issei.

"Irina!" Issei said after he caught Irina, he could barely recognize her due to how beaten and battered she was.

"She came into my base, so I gave her the warm welcome she deserved," Kokabiel said still holding a smile on his face.

"Asia!" Issei shouted causing Asia to run to him and begin healing Irina.

With Asia here, Issei sat down Irina on the ground so that Asia could better heal her, and with his hands now free he and the rest of his peerage jumped from the window and landed a few feet away from Freed who was still watching everything with a smile.

"Rias-senpai, we covered the school with a large barrier which should keep everything in check unless something disastrous happens." Saji, Sona's pawn reported to Rias who nodded her head, it appears that Sona was able to pick up on the danger incoming a bit earlier than Rias could and prepared for it.

"I was also told to inform you that Kaichou has reported Kokabiel's arrival to her sister and your brother," Saji said before running off back to Sona and her peerage who were attempting to keep the barrier up while Kokabiel allowed it, he was certain that nobody here could fight him.

"Good," Rias said before continuing.

"Are you here to fight Kokabiel? As you've heard Serafall and my brother Sirzechs are coming, we both know you can't take them on." Rias said seriously while looking at Kokabiel who smiled in response.

"I desire war, and for war, there must be a sacrifice, you Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri along with your peerages will be that sacrifice, the spark that ignites the war," Kokabiel said with a big smile, he wanted to kill all of them.

"Tsk." Rias sucked her teeth knowing that they couldn't win against Kokabiel, they had to fight him off until Serafall and Sirzechs got here, winning against Kokabiel wasn't even on her mind.

"Alright, everyone! Prepare for battle!" Rias declared causing her servants to move into a battle formation.

"Balba, how long will it take for the Excaliburs to merge?" Kokabiel said as four swords appeared abruptly along with a man.

Currently, Rias's peerage, Freed, Kokabiel, and the newly arrived Balba were in a place that appeared to be the school that Rias's peerage attended but it wasn't, it was a separate dimension that could be destroyed without any repercussions.

The field everyone found themselves in was usually the area where students did their gym class activities but at the moment the four floating swords that were spread out on the field made it look like a danger zone instead of an exercise zone due to the energy they were exuding.

"Around 5 minutes, Kokabiel," Balba replied as he got to work fusing the sword however that was done.

"Very well, then I'll leave it to you," Kokabiel said before raising his hand and then letting it fall.


"Huh, where's the gym? I didn't see anything. How'd it disappear?" Issei said as some sweat began to drip down his face, he realized he was severely outclassed by this Fallen Angel.

"You couldn't even see that? How boring, well, that's okay, this will be entertaining regardless." Kokabiel said with a snort.

'Are you scared partner?' Ddraig said telepathically to Issei.

'Of course, I would get scared after seeing that! It was not a matter of being beyond us! It was totally on a different level to us!' Issei shouted inwardly.

'Hmm, well, he is strong enough that his name has been recorded in the bible.' Ddraig replied not easing Issei's worries in the slightest.

Ddraig couldn't sympathize with Issei's fear at all, Ddraig himself hadn't ever felt fear, he was a prideful being who fought tooth and nail until his final moments, fear was never something he held within himself, in the face of an overwhelming opponent Ddraig felt anger at his own weakness but never once had he feared for his own life, he was a Dragon, not a coward.

'That's not helping!' Issei shouted again with some worry in his voice.

The relationship between Ddraig and Issei wasn't as good as it was in the canon HSDXD and that was mainly because of my existence, I had caused Issei to lean more on me than Ddraig as he should've in the canon, and then with the way Issei acts Ddraig was growing more and more impatient as time passed.

"Now, I will have you all fight the dog I got from hell," Kokabiel said with a smile before a portal opened in the middle of the field before a huge three-headed dog came out from it.

"Cerberus!" Rias shouted in surprise as she looked at the dog that they would be fighting.

Image of Cerberus


"Cerberus?" Issei said confused, he had never heard the name before.

"Yes, it's the Guard Dog of Hell," Akeno replied with a scowl as she looked at the dog.

"To bring it to the human world! How reckless!" Rias shouted as she prepared to fight.

"Is it bad?" Issei asked still confused.

"Yes, we need to kill it! Prepare to fight!" Rias shouted not answering his question but giving a command.

"Yes, president! Let's do it, Boosted Gear!" Issei said as he held his arm in the air before a red gauntlet appeared on it.

"BOOST!" Ddraig's voice sounded from the Boosted Gear causing Issei's power to double.

With the peerage now battle-ready Rias issued a few unnecessary commands but basically, Akeno and Rias would charge their most powerful spells up while everyone kept the dog at bay, then when they were ready Issei would boost himself as much as he could before using transfer on both of them.

Slowly but surely three minutes passed while the peerage got thrashed around by the three-headed dog until Rias let Issei know that she and Akeno were ready. It was good that they had finally finished preparing the spell because any longer and they would've been done for, pretty pathetic for a peerage of a Great Satan's sister.

"Transfer!!" Issei shouted with his hands on both Akeno and Rias's shoulders.


The combined magic attack of Rias and Akeno created a thunderous boom to resound through the entire area.

"Useless animal," Kokabiel said as he sucked his teeth in disappointment, attaining the dog wasn't easy and it had been so easily defeated by a bunch of inexperienced people.

"Ah, I see, Rias Gremory's power would grow this much because of the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, Interesting, hehehe," Kokabiel said as his look of disappointment changed into one of amusement.

"It's complete," Balba said finished his job before the estimated time.

"The four Excaliburs are going to become one," Balba said with a big smile.

Immediately after Balba spoke the swords started giving out divine light that spread throughout the entire school field.

When Issei stared at the center of the school field, he saw that the four Excaliburs were put on top of each other in a unique way. Excalibur that was originally one. It was split into seven, but four of them were going to become one, and finally, when the bright lights were gone, there was one holy sword at the center of the field giving out a blue-white aura.

"Because of the light created by the Excalibur when it turned into one, the spell on the ground is also complete. This town will collapse within 20 minutes. The only way to dispel it is by beating Kokabiel." Balba said to Issei and his peerage members, the barrier couldn't hold in what had just been done, twenty minutes was just about right.

"What?!" Issei shouted in surprise, his town couldn't be destroyed, his family lived here.

"Freed!" Kokabiel shouted getting the exorcist's attention.

"How can I help Boss?" Freed replied with an odd smile.

"Use the Excalibur in the circle and kill them. It shall be the last of tonight's entertainment." Kokabiel said with a smile, he planned to watch Rias's peerage be killed before leaving, his purpose today was to start another war by killing Rias and then Sona before leaving, just like Rias said he knew he couldn't defeat Sirzechs and Serafall one on one, let alone two on one.

"Gotcha! I'll chop some Devils now!" Freed replied as he ran toward the sword before grabbing it and holding it into the air.

"Awesome!" Freed shouted with a big smile on his face before he directed his attention to his Devil opponents.

'Oh, would you look at that?' I said inwardly as I watched Kiba speak with Bulba and after a bit of speaking, he achieved his balance breaker, pretty underwhelming though, it didn't seem all that great and the process of achieving it looked boring as well. Lame.

Soon enough a fight sparked between Freed and the devil peerage and after some time Freed was defeated anticlimatically. And Bulba on the other hand was killed but not because Kiba got to him but because Kokabiel had used him for all he was worth but all of that aside once again I was left disappointed, the fight sucked, all of this sucked.

The fight was basically this. Get beat up by an Excalibur-wielding exorcist then have a protagonist power up and somehow manage to beat him, while Kokabiel, everyone's enemy takes out another one of your enemies for fun, boring.

"Hahahaha!" Kokabiel laughed loudly as he looked at everything from above.

"Use the power of Red Dragon Emperor and transfer it to someone else," Kokabiel ordered with confidence in his voice, he had decided to have some fun himself.

"Are you trying to give us a chance!? Don't mess around!" Rias shouted angrily at the Fallen Angel in the sky.

"Don't mess around? You guys are the ones who are messing around, do you all think you can defeat me if I didnt?" Kokabiel said clearly finding this situation amusing.

'Ugh...' Issei grunted in his mind pathetically.

I was just as amused at the moment as Kokabiel was, I could feel Issei's fear and nervousness, just making eye contact with Kokabiel made him feel like he was being pierced by spears, he was scared and that was amusing, what happened to the Issei from the canon HSDXD? He was fearless but now without the relationship with the women in his peerage, he was nothing but an incompetent fool.

"...Issei, do it," Rias said as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, she had no choice but to take Kokabiel up on his offer, hopefully, Rias was most likely thinking this would give them some more time for Sirzechs and Serafall to arrive.

"It's here!" Issei said after around three minutes of Boosts later.

"Who will you transfer it to?" Kokabiel said with a condemning smile while Issei looked at Rias who nodded her head.

"Issei!" Rias shouted before charging up a magic attack full of destruction magic.

"Yes!" Issei shouted in response and a few moments later he transferred everything to Rias.

"Good! That's almost enough demonic power to be an Ultimate Class devil!" Kokabiel said with a big smile he was enjoying this.

"Take this!!!" Rias shouted as she shot her most powerful spell at Kokabiel.


A huge amount of demonic energy was shot from Rias's hand causing the ground to shake as if an earthquake had hit, but what surprised everyone was Kokabiel who didn't even look like he was planning on dodging, he simply held up his hand, that's right, the Fallen Angel planned to stop the attack with an attack of his own but not one he considered his strongest.

"Good, but not good enough!" Kokabiel said as energy gathered in his hand before being shot out and hitting Rias's attack.


The sound of Kokabiels and Rias's attacks hitting each other caused a huge clash to be heard everywhere while one of the two attacks that seemed equal in power began to be overpowered completely, Rias's attack was being pushed back rapidly by Kokabiels.

"Lightning!" Akeno shouted before a bolt of lightning descended from the sky toward Kokabiel who in return simply moved one of his wings completely dissipating the attack.

"Will you stand in my way Barakiel's spawn?" Kokabiel said to Akeno whose face contorted in anger.

"Do not call me that!" Akeno shouted angrily causing Issei to wonder who Barakiel was.

"Hahaha! You have pleasant servants, Rias Gremory! Red Dragon Emperor! The trash of the Holy Sword project! And the dirty blooded daughter of Barakiel!" Kokabiel said before laughing from his stomach, he really felt that this was funny.

"I won't forgive you for insulting my brother! More than that, the insults you made to my servants will require your life!" Rias said with a glare, she was genuinely angry for her servants, and while that was nice and all, it was combat one-on-one to never get angry in battle.

Kokabiel continued laughing despite Rias's words before provoking her even more.

"Then try to kill me, Gremory! The one whom you are up against is someone who has countless Gremory's before you! Avenge them! Use your pets to do so!" Kokabiel shouted as he descended from the sky rapidly before landing a devastating strike on Issei's chest before Issei could even respond.

"GAH!!!" Issei screamed in pain as he was slung into the air due to Kokabiel's strike before he landed on the ground.

"*Gasp*" Issei gasped and fought for breath but couldn't get it at all, he was struggling to stay conscious from a single strike.

"Issei-kun!" Asia shouted as she ran toward Issei before dropping to the ground beside him and healing him as fast as she could.

Although the others in the peerage wanted to check on Isse they couldn't due to Kokabiel who was completely thrashing the living hell out of all of them, even the extra fighter Xenovia who was fighting with the new and improved Excalibur wasn't any help, they were severely outmatched.

"Is this it?" Kokabiel said with disgust in his voice as he looked at the bruised and battered peerage of Satan's younger sister, he hadn't even tried in the slightest, and in less than thirty seconds they were almost completely finished, he was incredibly disappointed.

"But seeing that even after losing the masters you serve, you devils and followers of God can still fight, huh!" Kokabiel said regaining his smile.

"...What do you mean?" Rias asked with a scowl.

"Gahahahahahahahahahaha! That's right! I totally forgot! The truth wasn't revealed to you! Then I will tell you. In the war between the three sides, not only did Lucifer die but also God!" Kokabiel said as he laughed heartily, while the expression of everyone present became one of pure and utter shock.

(a/n: no, the statement Kokabiel made about Lucifer isn't a plot hole)

'Heh, great.' I said inwardly as I heard Kokabiel's words, the old man was dead and that brightened my smile, I had a hunch he was dead but it was better to hear it from someone else.

"...No way...it's a lie..." Asia said as she visibly began to break down.

"...God...is dead? Then what... what have we... what have I been doing..?" Xenovia said as a dead expression appeared on her face.

"Asia! Pull yourself together!" Issei said as he shook the shoulder of the motionless Asia who had tears streaming down her face.

"From here on out, I will start a war! We, the fallen angels, are the ultimate beings! And I will prove it to all of existence!!!" Kokabiel declared with a crazed smile on his face, he was passionate about war, of that I was certain.

Everyone was in complete shock still, all except Issei who wasn't shocked anymore but angry, angry at Kokabiel, and luckily for him that anger came to fruition in his sacred gear, the legendary random protagonist powerup was happening.

"Don't mess around! I can't let you destroy my town, my friends, and my family, just for your selfish motives! I'm going to become a Harem King! I can't die here!" Issei shouted as the boosted gear rapidly pulsed green.

'My god that hurt to watch...' I said inwardly as I saw the looks on Rias, Akeno, and Koneko's faces, even they felt secondhand embarrassment from Issei despite the situation.

"Harem King? Is that what the Red Dragon Emperor desires? Then do you want to come with me? You can become a Harem King at this very moment!" Kokabiel declared trying to lure Issei to his side but to no avail, although Issei was weird he was loyal for the most part.

"Yeah right! I want president and the other girls in my peerage in my harem, not some random women!!!" Issei shouted as he charged at Kokabiel who merely arched an eyebrow at Issei, he was moving at a far faster speed than he was earlier, and in less than a second Issei had arrived in front of Kokabiel.


The sound of Kokabiel completely thrashing Issei sounded through the environment, one punch to the gut, one elbow to the jaw, one kick to the side of the head hitting Issei's temple, and finally a knee to the solar plexus, completely destroying some of Issei's organs, breaking his jaw, cracking his skull, and completely shattering his chest.

"AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" Issei screamed as he was once again sent flying once again but this time Issei wouldn't get up.

"Did you honestly think that would work boy?" Kokabiel said with a stupefied expression on his face as he flew and landed beside Issei and before anyone could move to assist Issei Kokabeil placed his foot on Issei's leg before pushing down and snapping it like a twig.

"AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHH! AHHHHH!!!!" Issei continued screaming as he felt the worst pain in his life.

"ISSEI!" Kiba shouted along with the other members of the peerage but as soon as they tried to help Issei they were blown back by Kokabiel's pressure, they couldn't move or speak no matter how much they struggled to do so, Kokabiel hadn't tried at all up until now and the proof of that was his pressure, with that alone he stop any movement, speech and due to its overbearing nature perhaps thought as well.

"You should've accepted my offer boy, now look at you, all broken and disfigured, how disappointing," Kokabiel said as he lifted his foot again and placed it on Issei's shoulder.

"N-NO! STOP!" Issei shouted as he struggled to move causing Kokabiel to smile, he was enjoying torturing Issei.

"AKHAA!!!!" Issei screamed out in pain again as he felt his entire shoulder shatter like glass.

"D-Ddraig!" Issei screamed hoping the dragon would help him while he ignored the pain he was feeling.

"Heh, go ahead, beg him for help, he's the only thing that can save you now!" Kokabiel said with a smile that would haunt Issei until his death.

"BOOST!" Ddraig's voice sounded from Issei's arm.

"NO! NOT THAT, FUCK!" Issei shouted as he tried getting away from Kokabiel who was chuckling, Issei was desperate but what could Ddraig do? Boost some more? That's not getting Issei out of this.

In the canon HSDXD, Ddraig could give Issei power by trading his body parts for dragon ones but the requirement for that was for Issei to be determined, mentally strong, and in control of himself so that the dragon power wouldn't cause him to go berserk, and the other requirement was for Issei to have a body that could contain the dragon power and newsflash, Issei met neither requirement so Ddraig didn't even bring it up.

'Now this was how it should've happened in the canon series.' I said to myself with a smile, the random and idiotic powerups Issei got are what allowed him to live as long as he did but he didn't receive that now, at the moment Issei was experiencing exactly what the canon Issei should have.

"D-DDRAIG!" Issei screamed again as he looked at the red gauntlet but received only a disappointed voice from the dragon.

"GET OFF YOUR ASS!" Ddraig screamed with anger clear in his tone, this was embarrassing, extremely so, how could the Dragon of Domination have a host like this and be satisfied with him? He couldn't.

"GET UP! MOVE! FIGHT! GET KNOCKED DOWN, GET UP, AND FIGHT SOME MORE! BUT NEVER CRY AND BEG FOR HELP!" Ddraig screamed from his soul in hopes that he could ignite some fighting spirit within Issei, but to no avail, Issei was no warrior, at least not now.

"WHAT?! JUST FUCKIN" HELP ME!" Issei shouted not caring for Ddraig's words, he would later but not now, his mind was in complete disarray, what he was experiencing was something completely foreign and unexpected.

"...You disappoint me Issei, it this all it takes for you to crumble? Some broken bones and a strong opponent?" Ddraig said with a voice that told everyone present just how disappointed Ddraig really was and in all honesty the dragon wasn't overreacting, this situation shouldn't be enough for Issei to act like this, he was the Red Dragon Emporer, not some random.

'Well I'm not surprised, in his previous fights he'd been beaten but never this bad, never has he been subjected to such pain or dominance.' I said to myself, Issei was just a regular human not long ago.

"Pfft! HAHAHAHA, even the dragon finds you disappointing!!" Kokabiel said as he laughed hysterically before continuing.

"Haha, didn't you say you wanted to be the harem king or something idiotic like that?" Kokabiel said as he approached Issei who was still trying to crawl away with a wicked smile.

"You can't be a harem king if you're an eunuch, you coward!!" Kokabiel shouted with a big smile before raising his leg and stomping down on Issei's cock and balls so hard that the ground split apart and cracked everywhere in a ten-meter radius.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Issei screamed as tears, snot, blood, and dirk caked up all over his face while he thrashed around on the ground due to the sheer amount of pain he was feeling.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! So much for the Red Dragon Emporer! You're nothing but a dickless wimp now! HAHAHA!!!" Kokabiel shouted as he laughed at Issei's pain as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"I-I-ISSEI!" Rias shouted as she barely managed to speak, she still couldn't move but she had regained the ability to speak.

"CALL HIM! CALL SUKUNA!" Rias screamed with desperation in her tone which caused Issei who already had wide eyes to widen them even more.

"..." Ddraig said nothing but I knew he wasn't happy with those words, once again Issei would call for me.

"SUKUNA!!!" Issei shouted not even bothering to respond to Rias or care for Ddraig, in his panic he had forgotten about me but now he had remembered.

"I ACCEPT ANY DEAL! JUST HELP!" Issei screamed causing everyone who was already surprised to be more surprised, had everything that happened caused Issei to go crazy?

"You accept any deal I propose?" I said as I formed a mouth on Issei's cheek causing everyone present to see it and widen their eyes.

"YES!" Issei screamed again, he wasn't in the right state of mind so he didn't even understand the significance of his words just now but later, I assure you he would regret it.

"Heh." I chuckled before ripping Issei's consciousness from his body and taking over myself.

Immediately upon taking over Issei's body just as usual, his body went through a complete metamorphosis to accommodate my existence but my existence wasn't the same as before, and the change in the atmosphere, the ripples in the air, the shaking of the ground, the sway of the trees due to the wind increasing, the very nature bowing and welcoming me was a result of that.

"You just couldn't help it, could you Issei?" I said with a devilish smile as I thought about how not too long ago Issei said he wouldn't call for my help.

"...What in God's name..." Kokabiel said with wide eyes as he looked at me in shock, before my presence unsettled Angels and Fallen Angels but now it was on an instinctive level.

"I don't recall giving you permission to speak," I said as I stood up from the ground and used Reverse Cursed Technique to heal myself completely before pulling my hair back.

"Wh-" Kokabiel said before being thrown into the school building without even knowing what hit him.

What I did was a technique I created with both my abilities as Sukuna and Gojo in mind. I could use dismantle to hit people without them knowing and I could use Cursed Technique Reversal: Red to create an incredibly strong repulsive force so I had the idea of combining them.

The combination created a technique that was invisible like dismantle and gave it the repulsive attribute of Cursed Technique Reversal: Red, but due to the combination both techniques lost some power, this technique was neither as powerful as Dismantle nor Cursed Technique Reversal: Red.

"Didn't you hear me?" I said with a smile as ripped my shirt off before placing my hands side my pockets.

"Hmm... light always feels best on the skin," I said as I looked up at the full moon above everything not caring for the Fallen Angel who was flying at me with anger clear on his face.

"Bastard!" Kokobiel screamed as he sent a punch at my face which I didn't bother dodging, he couldn't hit me anyway.

"What...?" Kokabeil said with a genuinely confused expression on his face as his full-powered punch stopped a few inches from my face, infinity was activated.

"What's the matter?" I said with a condescending smile as I pushed his hand aside before delivering a swift jab to his chin causing his legs to buckle but before he could hit the ground I swung my foot and connected it to his jaw once more.


The sounds of my two attacks smacking against Kokabiel sounded throughout the environment and once again he was sent flying but this time it wasn't nearly as gentle as before.

"Oh how the tables have turned," I said with a condescending smile.

I only called Kokabiel weak to aggravate him, he wasn't weak when compared to Issei or people on that level at the same time he wasn't all that, if I remember correctly Vali was able to handle Kokabiel easily and that was all that needed to be said. Kokabiel was meant to be something like an intermediate opponent, something that was supposed to facilitate Issei's growth but the conditions didn't align so now Kokabiel had completely dominated the fight until I showed up.

"How does it feel Ddraig?" I said as I looked down at the arm that didn't hold the red gauntlet like it did Issei.

"What?" Ddraig replied with an annoyed and confused tone which caused me to smile.

"How does it feel being in the possession of a being who can properly utilize you? How does it feel to not deal with your pathetic host Issei and instead deal with me, someone who understands the pride, arrogance, domination, strength, and valor of a Dragon?" I said with a big smile knowing I was saying all the right words, I knew very well that Ddraig was extremely dissatisfied with Issei, he was his worst host by far.

"..." Ddraig offered no response but that was all the confirmation I and everyone else listening needed.

"Heh." I chuckled some before looking at Rias who was staring at me in shock.

"Hmm... I suppose you're quite cute." I said with a smile as I appeared in front of her before grabbing her chin and lifting it making her look at me.

At this point, Kokabiels pressure had been lifted so everyone had already regained their ability to speak and move.

"Issei..." Asia whispered from the sidelines as she looked at me who was clearly not Issei, this was everyone's first time seeing Issei's 'transformation' in person and it was far different than anything they expected.

"Don't you think you should pay me for saving you not once but twice?" I said as I looked down into Rias's eyes while ignoring her face which had turned red and although I was fast it was important to note that I wasn't forcing her to stay like this, she could move away if she wanted to.

"I- I don't know..." Rias said as she broke eye contact with me and looked away with a red face, I was far too handsome for her to handle, call me narcissistic but I knew just how attractive I was and I would abuse it at times.

"No need to overthink it, you'll pay me what I want later," I said with a smile before releasing the red-faced woman.

(a/n: this ain't how it works in real life people, do not go and do this to a girl and expect a good response, you'll get a harassment charge instead.)

Now in the past, I mentioned that nine-tailed foxes, which I technically was, are naturally able to entrance others so if you have me who had the appearance that was already able to attract others very easily become a nine-tailed fox then just imagine how easy I could gain women if the conditions all lines up.

What I mean by conditions is just that, conditions, I won't just go around handling women like I just did Rias and expecting them to respond like she did every time. Rias responded the way she did because I held a special spot in her mind due to my previous actions, when I called myself her knight in shining armor before I meant it, and this situation was a confirmation of that.

"Radahn." The voice of a certain Fallen Angel sounded from the air, I knew this Fallen Angel and his adopted son would arrive here in the canon so I wasn't surprised by his presence now.

Upon hearing my real name I smiled before looking up and seeing a man with black and light brown hair, Azazel, and a man with white hair similar to my own who had a pair of white and blue wings on his back, my nephew, Vali.

"Hello, brother," I said with a smile as Azazel and I made eye contact while ignoring Kokabiel who had just stood up with pure fury on his face.

To be continued...

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