He, The One


~ Time Skip no Jutsu! - 10 days later ~

~ Narrator POV Begin ~

"For you all to call for me, the outcasted Fallen Angel to Heaven, it must be pretty serious, huh?" Azazel said with a smile as he sat at a table that held his siblings: Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Michael.

It should be mentioned that these siblings hadn't gathered all together since before the Great War, and that alone expressed how serious this meeting was.

"Yes, it is," Michael said without his usual laid-back and polite tone; right now, he was dead serious.

"He's gone," Uriel said just as seriously as Michael.

"He's gone?" Azazel repeated, confused. Who was gone?

"Radahn escaped," Gabriel said seriously, causing Azazel's eyes to almost pop out of his head.

"He escaped?! How?!" Azazel shouted in surprise. Radahn was sealed by their father, not just any random guy, but God, The Fucking God. How did he manage to escape?

"We don't know," Michael said with frustration clear in his tone.

"The device father gave us went off, which alerted us to his disappearance. One moment he was there, and the next he wasn't," Raphael said with a scowl on his face.

With that said, the siblings all fell silent in their chairs with thoughtful expressions on their faces; this was extremely serious. Their father had warned them many times that Radahn must never be let free, and the reason for that was simple.

After Radahn's birth, their father, God, dived deeper into his research than ever before, and after many years, he was able to determine that while he intended to create the purest being in existence, even surpassing himself, he instead created the opposite – the evilest being to have ever existed, a being of complete and utter darkness. A being that could never be allowed free, a being their father considered to be a threat on the same level as Trihexa if allowed to grow.

"I believe it's time to have a faction meeting," Raphael said seriously. A threat of this level can't be contained by just them; they needed as much assistance as they could gather. Perhaps he was being over the top, but everyone knew it was better safe than sorry.

"That would mean exposing that Radahn was created by father..." Gabriel said with uncertainty in her tone. She didn't want to drag her father's name through the mud with this, and it was also important to note that as Radahn was related to them it could damage the current status quo of the supernatural world.

"I would say just like, but we all know you won't do that..." Azazel said as he rubbed his eyebrows. He didn't want to tell people either. Although he wasn't a pure Angel anymore, he still cared for his father.

"Let's not jump to conclusions; why don't we both look for him with our own forces? My Fallen Angels and your Angels, it should be feasible." Azazel said. Calling a faction meeting at this stage was too much; at least that's how he felt.

"Do you think we contacted you the moment it happened, Azazel? We've been searching for a little under a month." Michael said seriously, making a good point. It wasn't a simple thing to invite Azazel back to Heaven; he was the leader of a completely different faction. This was already an important meeting between two factions.

"I understand that, but still, involving other factions doesn't seem to be the best move right now. Although you've been searching for a month, that's just a month. We should at least search for four to six months before calling a faction meeting." Azazel said seriously.

"Did you forget what Father said about Radahn's potential for growth? Four to six months is too much to leave him free. Although it's impossible for us to grow a lot during a few months, according to Father, it wouldn't be the same case for Radahn. He's an anomaly." Uriel said before continuing.

"I suggest we search for him for two months max, no more. Then if we still cannot find him despite using all of our resources to do so, we call for a supernatural meeting," Uriel said, causing everyone's eyes to widen. A supernatural meeting was different from a faction meeting.

Unlike a faction meeting where the strongest factions meet up for important discussions, a supernatural meeting calls the top Factions and Pantheons, meaning the Gods and their forces will also be involved.

Noting everyone's surprise, Uriel spoke up once again.

"You're all underestimating Radahn. Remember that Father placed him in the same category as Trihexa. Radahn isn't a simple being like us. If he's given time to grow and train himself, we will have a disaster on our hands," Uriel said, causing everyone to nod before falling silent.

This was stressful for all of them, and to make it worse, Radahn was their brother. They didn't want to seal him away, but with their father's warning, they had no choice. Their father was never wrong and they all believed in him unconditionally, well, with the exception of Azazel; he wasn't as believing in his father as he once was.

"We can-" Azazel said before pitching some ideas on ways to locate Radahn as fast as possible while using outside forces without revealing too much information because, as we know, it was too soon to call a supernatural meeting.

~ Narraroter POV End ~

~ Issei Hyoudou POV Begin ~

"Partner," Ddraig said as I lay in bed alone. Asia had already moved in and was in her room, so I was alone at the moment.

"What?" I replied, wondering what Ddraig had to say. He had been rather quiet since I met that God, or Ryomen Sukuna, as he said his name was.

"Tell me in detail what you experienced with that man, Sukuna," Ddraig said with a dead serious tone, causing me to understand that this wasn't the time to play and joke around.

"After what happened with Asia, when I began shouting at the Gods, he answered my call and told me he could do as I asked but for a price," I said, feeling it was regular. You pay for everything, and of course, there would be a price for what he did. If you ask me, I got off super cheap with just allowing him to use my body, although I wish I kept the tattoos and all that. They looked cool.

"He asked for your body?" Ddraig asked.

"Ugh, yeah, but don't word it like that..." I replied.

"That's all?" Ddraig asked curiously.

"No, so when he took over my body, I was in some weird place where I watched everything happen. I saw him control my body and kill Raynare and do whatever he did to Asia, but it worked since she's back," I replied. I know that technically Rias was the one who brought Asia back, but I have a feeling whatever Sukuna did was helpful.

"...I see..." Ddraig replied with a thoughtful tone, making me feel like something was off.

"Don't you think it's all too good to be true? Some random person helps you and assists in the revival of your friend, but the only thing he asked for in return was the temporary use of your body?" Ddraig questioned, and his words made me think.

"What seems too good to be true is oftentimes just that—too good to be true," Ddraig said seriously.

"I hope not..." I said as I released a big sigh. Everything had been rather stressful recently, and having some random God acting sketchy wasn't something I wanted to handle right now.

"Has he kept in contact with you?" Ddraig asked.

"No, I've heard nothing from him since then, and it's been ten days," I said as I ran my hands through my hair. Just as I was about to speak again, Rias appeared in my room.

"Issei! Take my virginity!" Rias said as she undressed and jumped onto me in one fell swoop.

"Huh?" I replied, completely surprised by Rias. But before I could even get another word out, someone else appeared in my room—a maid.

"Miss Gremory," the maid said, causing Rias to freeze for a few moments before getting up from the top of me.

"...I'll see you later, Issei..." Rias said with a solemn tone while she dressed herself before leaving with the maid, who was looking at me with some disgust. I didn't even do anything wrong!

"What the heck just happened...?" I said aloud.

~ Issei POV End ~

~ Radahn POV Begin ~

'Soon enough the raiding game will come.' I said to myself with a smile wondering if Issei would call upon me at the rating game when things didn't go as he expected them to go.

And although I was curious about what Issei would do due to my existence I also knew that the spectators of the rating game would be rather strong. If I remember correctly, Grafia, Azazel, and Sirzechs were there plus some others.

"To do, or not to do..." I said aloud as I pondered on how I would proceed.

To be continued...

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