Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 34


“Maybe, but…”

Is the survey sharp, or is Tina just too blunt? She seems wondering if I can say it out loud, and Ira makes her gaze back and forth between Tina and Lilia over and over again. Katin was also guessing that the corner of her mouth was slightly up.

“I’d like to ask you to keep it a secret, if possible…. you don’t seem to have noticed, or even Tina.”

“Oh, yeah…… I get it. I promise. I won’t tell Tina.”

Ira nodded firmly and Lilia nodded satisfactorily. And

“I don’t know about this!

Tina came out with one of her clothes on. Spread out, it was a bright white piece. There are no decorations, it’s very simple.

“It’s white, so it’s perfect for Lilia!

– Buha! White! Fit! Lilia is so misunderstood!

– I’m angry at the way Sakura said it, but I generally agree. Isn’t she beautifying me?

– Sounds like Lilia’s a very good person in Tina. Good luck not to betray you.

– I’ll make an effort…

I wonder when it would have been such an evaluation, and sigh, Lilia tries to receive her clothes,


Ira took it from the side.


“What are you going to do?

Tina tilts her neck properly and Lilia narrows her eyes. scary approximate eyes, and Ira laughed bitterly while

“Mr. Lilia. You can take this with you? I’m sure the nobles will react.”

“Oh…… Right. So? Is that a good idea?

It was a question as if it was provoking, but I’m just purely concerned and listening. Did Ira also understand that, she nodded with a serious look.

“I have a wooden box just the right size, and I’ll put it in there and take it to your room. I was just making a scene with you, and I took something to apologize for.”

I see, Lilia nodded. Surely there would be nothing unnatural about that. Originally delivered by servants instead, it is not strange for lower nobles, or common Isla, to visit in person.

“Fine. So, Mr. Ira, can you do me a favor?

“Oh. I got it.”

Ira nodded, leaving the room with her clothes. Katin also lowers her head firmly before following. Lilia and Tina left behind, after dropping it off,

“You’re a good friend.”

“Eh heh. What a waste for me.”

Happy that my friend was praised, he had a full smile.

“Then I’ll go back to my room. Tina, I’ll be sure to thank you.”

“Nothing’s fine. Instead, we’ll have dinner together again.”

I laugh uncontrollably when I say that. Lilia nodded quietly as she opened her eyes only for a moment, yes.

– Tina’s not greedy. I’m a waste of friends with Lilia.

– Yeah, really.

– No, don’t agree there. He’s a good friend for Lilia. Really?

Lilia had been forced to change into a dress prepared by Alisa, exchanging words sawdust in her bedroom. When it comes to dresses, they are not gorgeous, they give a calm impression. It’s also easy to get dressed, and this would allow even one Lilia to take it off. It’s not that expensive for what Lilia would wear because Alisa, who started preparing the dress, asked for something that she wouldn’t have any trouble stealing. Although it is quite luxurious compared to the general ones.

Something that won’t bother you if it’s stolen, naturally Alisa has looked at Lilia in suspicion when she says it, but she has flushed it, especially without prying into anything. However, he seemed to be consulting something against a spy, so he’s likely to have a combined surveillance escort. I don’t mind that if I’m not interrupted.

– Looks like he’s here.

To Sakura’s voice, Lilia raised her face. The bedroom door is knocked and Alisa’s voice is reached. It’s a customer.

“Can you show him this far?

When Lilia responded that way, Alisa’s voice broke off. After signs as if he was out of sentence, the sign drops as if he did. And without waiting much longer, the door was knocked again.

“Go ahead.”

“Excuse me……”

That’s how I came in, Isla, who broke up earlier. Holding a large crate, he is behaving suspiciously. I soon found out that I was concerned not to touch things.

“I don’t care if you break something and drop it, do I?

“No, I care…, I care”

“The language is just as good as it was earlier. It’s disgusting that they’re revising it now.”

“Ugh… Okay…”

Ira drops her shoulder and approaches Lilia with a crate. When Lilia pointed to the floor on the spot, she placed the crate on the spot.

“Hey, Mr. Lilia.”

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe you don’t… you’re going south?

You still can’t believe it, I’m going to ask you that in suspicion. Lilia snorted firmly.

“Yeah, that’s right. Is there a problem?

“No, there’s no problem. I mean the side of the school, and it’s not insecure. It just doesn’t fit the image a bit… What’s the point?


“Huh…… What?”

Ira rounded her eyes to see if she couldn’t believe the words she heard. That looks a little strange and gives me a slight grin.

“In the meantime, Tina baked me. That’s delicious and I thought I’d go buy it. I’ve heard there’s a lot more, so I’m going to take a look around.”

“I see… I knew Tina took the baking somewhere during this time, but I didn’t know it was Mr. Lilia. You’re really my friend. Harassing me is just a rumor.”

“Oh, the truth, huh? ‘Cause we just made a settlement.”

Pokan, and Ira, who opens her mouth in the dusk. Lilia leaked a sneaky laugh when she creaked, and now, she stood up.

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