Haunted Duke’s Daughter

Chapter 21


The dining room has two rooms on the ground floor of the dorm. One room is very spacious and used by most students living in dormitories. The other room is a turn smaller than the previous one, but only the senior aristocrats use it here. As a rule of the school, the identity of the student is not to be taken into account on the premises, but it is called the student’s room and a good dining room, and senior aristocrats are still being treated differently.

This is the first time Lilia has entered a large dining room. It is not possible to get in here first because I usually use the other one. When Lilia enters the dining room like that, it will be natural for the room to be quiet.

Lilia slowly glances at the quieter dining room. Everyone who met Lilia was quickly distracted in a hurry. I was slightly uncomfortable, and I still tried to return the chirp when I should stop.

“Lilia, what’s wrong? Let’s go.”

Tina’s voice. Looking back, I see Tina and I stare at this one with a smile. A pleasant smile without distraction.

“Yeah, right. Let’s go.”

Lilia accidentally raises her mouth angle, too. I completely forgot about the discomfort earlier.

There are many long tables lined up in the dining room. Tina walks into the quiet dining room with nothing to worry about. When I found a seat lined up with two, he invited Lilia to call me.

I guess I care more about Lilia than I care about this silence. I’m just a little thankful,

“Lilia is sitting here. Because I’m going to order. Still, how can it be so quiet today?

No. I just didn’t care about anything.

– Could this kid be a little natural?

– I don’t know.

“Lilia, I’m going to order instead, but what do you want?

“I’ll leave it to you. It’s the same thing.”

“Okay. Wait a minute!

When Tina says so, she heads to the back, where she’s at the counter. Behind the counter is a large number of cooks, where they order, receive food, and take their seats. All the food in the dining room is free and free to replace.

Lilia slowly exhaled as she sat deep in the chair. The surrounding students finally began to resume the conversation. Less attention and finally calming down.

By the way, Alisa is not accompanied. Sorry to interrupt, but I think I headed to the cafeteria outside the school.

Look around you. At some point some seats across the street and next door were vacant. If you look around you lightly, there’s a bunch of people moving around with a basin with a meal on it. I guess I got away with being scared of Lilia. It just makes me feel a little lonely.

– I knew Tina was a good girl.

– Yeah, well… I can’t be.

– I just didn’t ask for it. That Lilia is disgusting.

– Don’t be angry, will you?

– Haha.

As I chatted sarcastically in my heart, Tina came back with two basins. Place one in front of Lilia and Tina sits next to Lilia. On top of the basin Tina brought, two dishes of fried vegetables with meat in a warm looking white rice with hot air. That’s all.

– I don’t care what you think. I guess it’s too cold!

– I thought it was just the difference in the room… This side is such a dinner, isn’t it?

I didn’t even care until you brought me dinner. See a student’s dinner sitting in a seat a little further away. It was very different from Lilia’s.

“What’s going on? Lilia.”

Asked by Tina, Lilia shook her head in a panic. Paste a smile and say it’s nothing.

I finished praying with Tina, and Lilia stopped moving. I don’t know how to eat it. No, in the first place, where did the knife and fork go? What are these, two sticks?

“Oh, maybe Lilia, you’ve never used chopsticks?

“Oh…… This is it. I don’t think so.”

“Oh well… I guess I should have asked for something else. What shall we do…”

“Tina. Let me use it for a second. Look, I remember.”


Tina looked like she was shuddered for a moment, but nodded as soon as she regained her mind and found out. In front of Lilia, politely hold something called chopsticks. It’s a way to hold it that I’ve never even seen, and when Tina moves her fingers, she also moves her chopsticks, and she actually tries to hold vegetable-fried vegetables.

I see, and Lilia nods, imitating Tina. It’s hard for the first time, but as soon as I moved it a few times I learned the trick. Just like Tina, take the vegetable-fried vegetables and put them in your mouth.

“Yeah. That’s not bad.”

Next to Lilia snorting satisfactorily, Tina was sneering this time.

“What’s going on?

“Oh, uh… Lilia, do you like the guidelines… It took me so long to be able to use my chopsticks properly…”

“Heh… I don’t have this…”

Lilia shrugged in disinterest as she moved her chopsticks. And I’ll be right back to dinner.

– Somehow, Lilia is a chunk of talent… Amazing, isn’t it? I wonder if I have good memory.

– Oh, there’s nothing to praise.

– I have a very bad personality.


Lilia pulled her cheeks slightly to the added dislike. Reminds me that I have my surrounding gaze and hides my expression immediately. I smile and force myself to cover it up.

“I don’t know, Lilia. Rice over here.”

“Right…… It’s a common meal, but it’s not bad.”

I never thought just frying the right vegetables and meat would taste so good. Sometimes you won’t be used to eating it, but it feels fresh. That looks very tasty. I might come again if I had the chance, carrying vegetables into my mouth, thinking,

– Migi. Oh!


I shouted out to Lilia in surprise at the scream of the sawdust. Tina stops moving, dots her eyes and stares at Lilia, gazing at Lilia’s expression as to what’s going on around her as well. Lilia returns to me, running her gaze around,

“It’s nothing, ho ho ho”

I know it sounds deliberate to me, but it’s not the case now. Lilia calls Sakura.

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