Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 893: Mercy and rose

  Chapter 893 Mercy and Rose

  In the United States, when the president takes the oath of office, he raises his right hand to swear, and puts his left hand on the Bible.

  According to Article 2(1) of the U.S. Constitution, the President’s oath of office is as follows: "I solemnly swear (or solemnly declare) that I will faithfully perform my duties as President of the United States and do my best to abide by, uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

  However, not all presidents are necessarily like this. When Theodore Roosevelt took the oath of office in 1901, he did not press the Bible to read the oath.

  The United States is a theistic country, and everyone has faith. Whether it is the line "GodBlessAmerica" ​​frequently appeared in American movies or the "InGodWeTrust" printed on the US dollar, it is evidence.

There is no law in the United States. When the president takes an oath, he must follow the Bible. In theory, he can follow any book, whether it is the Buddhist scriptures, the Quran, or the constitution, or even search for Waldo. This is the president. Personal freedom, because the United States believes in freedom.

  It is an unwritten unspoken rule for American presidents to press the Bible. After all, all previous U.S. presidents are Christians.

  There is another point. Rights are granted by God, not by the constitution. You have to use the rights granted by God to protect the constitution instead of using the rights granted by the constitution to protect God.

  In the courtroom, witnesses need to swear an oath and also follow the Bible, but if the witness is a ***, then you need to change a scripture.

  The purpose of taking oaths is to prevent witnesses from giving false testimony. Those who refuse to take oaths must not be witnesses. Those who do not believe in religion do not need to take religious oaths.

  The witness statement oath: "I swear, my testimony is to the best of my knowledge, without any concealment, completely truthful, and God helps me." When the witness took the oath, he raised his right hand and his left hand was also pressed on the scriptures.

  For Americans, a house is more than just a residence or collateral, it is a treasure trove of memory.

Marriage, childbirth, growing up, and the trees in the backyard. Maybe the girl of his first love kissed him there, or the tire swing that he played with his brothers and sisters when he was young. For some people, it’s better to lose your heart than to lose your heart. Willing to lose home.

  The procedures for foreclosure documents are sloppy. Some bank employees have to sign hundreds of documents a day without checking the homeowner’s information seriously. They sign like robots.

With these documents, the court announced the foreclosure. Some of these houses are really unable to come up with a monthly payment, and some are because of the appreciation of the lot. The bank wants to take it back for auction or develop other projects. They are indifferent to those who have lost their families. .

  In some streets in the United States, there are obviously many empty houses and many homeless people, but they are not allowed to live in houses, even if those houses have begun to grow grass.

  Many people think that insured real estate investment is actually very risky. Coupled with the foreclosure fraud on Wall Street, it is like a new century enclosure movement.

  Mortgage Americans are like making a big bet. They are very likely to be driven out of their homes for nothing, even if they follow the law and repay their monthly payments on schedule.

  For Christians, the church is a sanctuary and a place of refuge for people. Even during the war, the church cannot be bombed, destroyed, burned, or massacred in the church.

  It represents security. It is part of the Christian heritage, but not the whole. Everyone’s life will not be without disaster, but God will protect those who believe in it.

The Vatican Heritage Bureau is in charge of the Vatican’s real estate investment in Rome and other places in Italy. This asset belongs to the Vatican. The Finance Bureau headed by Cardinal Somalo is responsible. The Pope’s servants deal with the personal property of Paul II. Including his manuscripts and letters.

  Besides those churches, Christianity has other heritages, and it is difficult for a servant to make a choice when burning those manuscripts.

The apostle    clearly opposed same-sex marriage, prohibited them from serving in the church, calling them mentally ill, and his most outstanding achievement was also in the study of "physical".

  He is very popular, but not everyone likes it. Just like some people like Michael Jackson, some people don’t. He only expressed his opinions honestly, not like some politicians, who obviously disliked him, but reluctantly expressed his support for the sake of votes.

  Europe’s population is a big problem. Homosexuality and contraception will affect the fertility rate. This is obvious.

  The servant put down the manuscripts. The pope announced his retirement in hospital. It is not that he is dead. After he is discharged, he can determine which documents can be left.

  Just as he put down the folder, a briefing showed a corner.

  2004 was an eventful year. An anecdote happened in Russia. A 7-year-old boy who claimed to be from Mars made a prediction. Many media around the world reported that he became a great prophet.

It’s not surprising that children are manipulated by adults, or write letters or speak out to attract attention, but only a seven-year-old child can say that "fetishism" is the enemy of mankind, justice and the devil will always be with you Serious topics such as, free will, and spiritual reconstruction are incredible.

  In the photo in the briefing, the boy was sitting cross-legged, looking very much like an ascetic monk in India.

  The waiter randomly stuffed the picture back, and then saw another briefing about the incident in Fatima, Portugal.

, In the small town of Fatima, Portugal, three little shepherd boys under 10 years old, Lucia, Francis and Yaqinda, claimed to have met a beautiful lady who was shining all over while grazing, and she asked them three to be in the next People come to see her on the 13th of every month. People can’t see the lady, of course they don’t believe it, but the children fulfill their promises under pressure and tell people that there will be a miracle. On October 13th, July Thousands of people have witnessed the sun hovering, shining, falling, and returning to the sky.

Later, at noon on June 13th and July 13th, the three shepherd boys arrived as scheduled. They saw this beautiful lady by the oak tree. The only phenomenon that some witnesses saw was every time they arrived there. At that time the sun became very dim, but apart from these shepherd boys, no one was seen on the oak tree.

  On August 13, the municipal police put the three children in jail in order to stop the further spread of these speeches that were considered to be confusing. But in view of the certain truth of the truth of the matter, the police had to release these children again. On August 13, as the child was arrested by the police, there was no abnormality near the oak tree.

  On the 13th of October, it was gloomy and rainy. Thousands of people gathered in Fatima Village under heavy rain.

  At noon, Lucy told everyone that they could put away their umbrellas. Although it was still raining heavily, people still put away their rain gear after listening to Lucy’s advice. A strange thing happened. When people put away their rain gear, the rain stopped suddenly, and the sun broke through the dark clouds and showed their heads. Like the previous few times, the sun's light was very dim.

  The sun began to spin up at a dizzying speed, and then jumped up some crazy waltz. The crowd knelt down in the mud, some chanting words, some shouting. The whole valley reverberated with shouts and howlings of terror.

  When the spectacle appeared, Lucy met the beautiful lady again. The woman told Lucy this time that she was the "Mrs. Rose". She asked people to continue to confess, and then flew to the east peacefully and never returned.

In July 1975, Dr. Claude Poou, director of the Science System and Planning Bureau of the French National Aerospace Research Center, held a lecture in Paris. At the meeting, a famous Catholic physicist raised the law. The Tima incident and explained it. He explained this incident as an effect of the atmosphere on vision, but this statement cannot withstand any scrutiny. It seems that there is no other explanation besides UFO.

  We are so lonely, so we fantasize about aliens and make ourselves feel not lonely, but we forget to be kind to the same kind, this person who can make us not feel lonely.

  The attendant glanced at the report of the boy on Mars. He mentioned the Hetu Luoshu. There is no original sin theory in the Chinese worldview. The Book of Changes has become a philosophy as civilization grows. There is no rule in this philosophy, but the tradition of sages.

  There is no ruler, but harmonious and orderly. Is this the same as the order created by the Creator?

  They don’t know much about this country, but there is no doubt that their ancient philosophy is very insightful.

  After being assassinated, the apostle attributed the Virgin Mary to the cause that saved him from death.

  There is a secret file hidden in the Vatican Secret Library. In 1917, the Virgin of Fatima, through the mouth of three shepherd boys, predicted that someone would assassinate the Pope.

  At the time, John Paul II was not yet born, and no one connected this prophecy to him.

  Most popes rest in the basement near the Tomb of Santiago. The particularly popular pope can find an upstairs place in St. Peter’s Church, but a place of special significance to John Paul II is the Portuguese village of Fatima.

  So, will the apostle want to put his personally in Portugal?

  (End of this chapter)

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