Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 884: Anti-sweetism

  Chapter 884 Anti-sweetism

  Fat monk is a happy and friendly person. He is very cute in character. He always feels that he should become a cardinal.

  He has a superb ability to treat smallpox, which makes him very respected among civilians, but he was eventually murdered.

  Although it is now in the 21st century, if a bishop's secretary and a wizard in a diocese have contacted privately and are reported, even if they are not dead, it is possible to be expelled from the church.

  It’s nothing for people who don’t have faith, but it’s a severe punishment for people who have faith.

  Faith can make a benevolent person ruthless, can make the most miserly miserable bankrupt, and can also make a person completely enslaved by dreams.

  During the Pacific War, Japan and the United States launched a battle for islands. That war started with Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States and ended with Japan’s surrender.

However, because of communication technology, not all the soldiers scattered on the island knew about the Japanese surrender. Sometimes, we heard rumors that the Japanese stationed on the island came into contact with outsiders while they were still wearing clothes. Military uniforms seem to be still in a state of war. If veterans who have received military training and field survival training are mixed into the island, it will not be a nightmare.

  Japanese swords and Tang swords have a deep fate. Japanese people a thousand years ago admired the Tang empire very much.

  Horse, the hoof can practice frost and snow, and the hair can keep out the wind and cold, drink from the grass and land on the ground. This horse is also true.

  The six horses of the Zhaoling Mausoleum of the Tian Khan showed how rich the horse governance of the Tang Empire was at that time, and that was what brought down the Han Empire.

  Every time they win a battle, the Tang people will take their prisoners to Zhaoling to win victory. What is more precious than victory?

Zhang Tao, the descendant of Zhang Jingjiang, just wants to redeem the six horses of Zhaoling.

  In American culture, the most important thing is to win or lose. “Losers” replaces illegitimate children and becomes an insulting term.

  Lu Qinzhai made a loss-making business. No matter how much money he paid, it is impossible for the Americans to return "Saluzi" and "Fisting Fist" to China.

  China in the Tang Dynasty was also a country of immigrants, and the United States would never be able to subdue before the result of the battle. The six sculptures are more difficult to gather than the heads of the Old Summer Palace.

In Chinese culture, sons represent "heirs." Even in the UK, male direct lines are much more important than female collaterals. Lu Qinzhai has been complaining that he had four daughters and no sons. In his opinion, these daughters are all from France. People, he never teaches them to speak Chinese, and he never tells them Chinese stories.

  He was then buried in his wife’s family grave. He did not return to his ancestral home to be buried. It is estimated that it would be difficult for a person like him to enter the ancestral grave and accept the blood of his descendants.

  Actually, he was pretty good with students studying in France. His biggest mistake was that he broke the Six Horses of Zhaoling and planned to smuggle them abroad.

  Everything else is easy to say. The Manchu Dynasty lost everything that could be compensated. How to raise funds for revolution without selling antiques? But some things are not for sale.

  It is very unwise to offend the Chinese literati. Not only is he an extremist, he also bears the eternal infamy of traitors.

  A gentleman loves to get money in a good way, he was confused for a while and became a big mistake, and all the good things he did before were erased.

   Once a fall is a hatred of the ages, it has been a hundred years to look back.

  Passengers on the Naihe Bridge always sighed "Naihe, Naihe", just like the prisoner who walked through the Venice Bridge of Sighs, regretting that it was too late.

  When Pomona came to the Flower God Cafe, the business inside was as good as ever, and there was no place at all, so she had to go to the Officer’s Cafe next door.

  The business here is not as good as the next door. There are still empty seats, but the individual empty tables are gone.

  She searched all over, and finally chose to join a table with an Asian girl. She was typing on a portable computer.

  She can’t figure out why some people like to write in a noisy place like a cafe. She prefers a quiet library.

  The face of an Oriental is the same to a Westerner, not to mention that this Asian girl seems to be of mixed race, with the three-dimensional features of a Westerner and the soft temperament of an Easterner.

  A line of words is displayed on the computer screen:

  The inevitable relationship between excessive sugar intake and obesity.

Since the discovery of cane sugar, the colonists have been frantically squeezing this sweetener. Compared to cotton fields, sugarcane plantations are more like hells. High-intensity work has caused slave labor to die. Few people can survive from planting. Walk out of the garden.

  It’s rare for people in the 1970s to have never drunk Coca-Cola. The first time Lily took her out of the refrigerator and asked her to drink it was Coke.

  Sugar can cause many diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, the United States restricts sugar intake, but this involves the interests of the sugar industry group.

  So they bought some scientists and doctors to promote that they had nothing to do with certain diseases, and they pushed the cause of heart disease to fat.

  The Japanese diet is dominated by fish. Later, after being fully Westernized, they began to consume "red meat", but even so, the probability of Japanese people getting heart disease is still very low.

   didn't know where his data came from.

  "What's the matter with you?" The girl buttoned the computer screen and looked at Pomona warily.

   "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm looking for a place to sit, the other seats are full, can I sit opposite you?"

  The girl hesitated, and finally agreed to Pomona’s request.

  So she sat lightly in that chair, waiting for the waiter to bring her coffee.

  After she sat down, the girl turned on the computer again and started typing fast.

  "Kick, kick"

  That voice made Pomona feel extremely uncomfortable, as if she was fidgeting with too much sugar.

  Some people think that sugar is a sweet taste, and some people think it is a demon, and the academic circle is divided into sugar pie and anti-sugar pie. The Asian girl opposite her is obviously anti-sugar pie.

  In 1973, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued a statement that excessive sugar intake would be harmful to health.

  Lily actually doesn't like pumpkin juice very much. She prefers iced Coke. The statement made her quit Coke at home and school. She suffered for a long time.

  Summer vacation without iced Coke is soulless!

Severus didn’t care, he didn’t like sweetness, and then a calorie calculation method appeared soon. As long as the calorie intake is lower than the consumption, people will not gain weight, and the supermodel will control his diet. They count calories every day in their beautiful little heads, completely unaware that they are wearing an invisible tights.

  They are not really stupid, they can understand the style of the designer and show the artistic sense of the clothes.

It's just that she saw a scene in a Muggle department store that day. The salesperson tore off the price tag of the clothes and recommended it to two shopping girls. They looked great on the clothes, and it was estimated that the price was the same when they paid the bill. Excellent.

  Those sugar capitalists called on the people to go on a diet and eat less fat-containing meat, but they suggested that everyone eat more sugar, it is best to use sweets instead of food, and even Harvard University scientists wrote articles about it.

This also has the basis for the subsequent global warming caused by animal husbandry. The fart of cattle is worse than the pollution of automobile exhaust. The sugar industry and oil have "scapegoats". Vegetarians believe it. Every time Hogwart Meat is indispensable for Zi's school opening ceremony. The dishes prepared by the house elves are hardly prepared, but these children are disgusted by them. They ask the kitchen to increase vegetarian food.

  Pomona never cares about them.

When you are hungry for two or three meals, you will know how to eat. Honey Duke’s sugar can’t be eaten even if it’s delicious. The Hogwarts express cart only provides sweets. Pomona protested and offered at least some sandwiches. What's the matter, a certain old headmaster who is addicted to sweetness always "houhouhou" dumbfounded with a double laugh.

   "I hate sugar too." She couldn't help but say to the Asian girl, "I believe what you said, Calorie said it was a conspiracy by the sugar industry group."

  The Asian girl stopped typing on the keyboard.

  "Their approach is simply to kill people with invisible bullets." Pomona said.

  Confusion curse is like an invisible bullet. It makes people feel confused, and then makes judgments of failure and produces abnormal behavior.

   Sima Qian once said that Xixi all over the world is for profit, but if he loses the awe of nature and life for profit, every coin is stained with blood, he is no different from the devil.

  If the authority shakes hands with them, disaster will come quietly.

  It’s just that the sugar pie, supported by capital, has the upper hand, and writers need to continue to write articles and struggle with authority.

  This is a war. It takes place in the skull, so it can be a war in the skull.

   "Usually the first thing people ask me is'Are you Japanese?" The Asian girl said with a smile.

   "I took a peek at your article, but I don't think this kind of article should be written in public."

   "I did it on purpose." The girl snarled, "Look at how much sugar they added."

  Pomona looked in that direction. There was an obese Italian man. The chair could not fit him anymore. There were a dozen candy packets on the table in front of him.

   "My name is Yuk Nakamura, American." She reached out to Pomona.

   "Linda Smith." Pomona also reached out and shook hands with the Japanese-American.

  The literary prison broke the backbone of the Han literati. This may be the reason why the Qing Dynasty launched a self-improvement movement before Japan, and finally lost to Japan during the "Reconstruction".

  But fortunately, a bus has written a letter, which saved a bit of face.

  The scholars who were beheaded by the Qing Dynasty are essentially no different from Bruno who was burned to death in Campo de' Fiori.

  It was the king, bishop, and wealthy businessman who asked the soldiers to kill the other two people to benefit him.

  Later, the bishop was killed by the wealthy merchant and the king, and then the king was also killed. In the end, it was the wealthy merchant and the soldier.

  Now it is the opposition between a minority of intellectual elites and the majority of ordinary people. Since it is a democracy where the minority obeys the majority, why should the majority obey the minority when it comes to their own interests?

  In addition to lack of virtue, those people lack everything. It is no wonder that they are capable of turning black and white, turning the universe upside down, and confusing right and wrong.

  Patients need to eat meat for physical work, and vegetarians do not need to eat for mental work.

  In fact, vegetarians eat vegetables the same as cows eat grass, and there should be methane in their fart.

  If vegetarians stand on the moral high ground and condemn carnivores, then I can’t eat meat and you can’t fart, so that everyone is fair.

    Every time I see the president’s sweet pet article, I feel panicked. When I read that kind of article, I would rather look at the three wives and four concubine articles written by the male author.



  (End of this chapter)

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