Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 878: True blessing

   Chapter 878

  The Ten Commandments of Moses represent the contract between man and God. The contract is a promise or a series of promises. There is a sculpture of Moses carved by Michelangelo in the Hall of Edosia, which enshrines the chain that Peter wore when he was in Jerusalem.

The chain was retrieved from Jerusalem by the Queen of Valentinian. When the Pope compared the chain with the chain of St. Peter’s prison in Rome’s Mamelding Prison, the two chains were tightly combined. Together.

  So the chain was placed in the holy box at the feet of the prophet Moses.

  The contract is a constraint. Moses led the Hebrew nation to migrate from Egypt to Palestine, freeing them from their slave life.

  Used divine power to accomplish many miracles. Correspondingly, the Jews must abide by the Ten Commandments of Moses. What will happen if they violate the contract between man and God?

  Man and woman swear before God to be loyal to each other, while the French aristocracy did their own things.

Some men look for mistresses, some look for high-class prostitutes like La Traviata in Alexandre Alexandre Dumas's writings. Men will give gifts when they see her. Every time they receive a gift is an unwritten contract, but some people use money to pay the bill. And she has to pay the bill with her body.

  La Traviata could have chosen another way of life, but she did not restrain the temptation of substances to her, and she eventually died of tuberculosis.

This disease is still good, at least a little more glorious than syphilis. Polygamy damages the private ownership of wives, and men cannot accept polyandry. This also damages men’s private ownership of their wives. Monogamy has everyone's rights. If you don’t suffer any harm, you must guard against fraud.

  If a woman is in control of a man’s property, he has no money to go out and "give" it to other women. If there is no benefit, which woman is willing to pay without complaint?

Mothers can do this for their sons. The **** of love on the earth is very secular. The reason why the poor do not have a wife is also because he has no "given" property. If a woman is willing to be with a married man, it is nothing more than power. Sex, money and **** transactions, money and **** transactions are like La Traviata, power and **** transactions are a means of bribery, which not only involves infringement of wife’s private ownership, but also involves social contracts.

In Rousseau’s social contract theory, if the government abuses power and tends to degenerate, the monarch will inevitably oppress the sovereign body and destroy the social contract. This is an inherent and inherent defect of political entities. Such oppression is like Aging destroys the human body like death.

  Japan did not originally have Catholicism. When Catholicism was introduced into Japan, Buddhism has been implanted in Japanese culture for thousands of years, and it can be said to be deeply ingrained.

When the Jesuit missionaries came to Japan, they found that the Japanese were deeply influenced by Buddhist culture and could hardly move them with Catholic doctrines. They had to cleverly use "linguistic hypocrisy" to trick the people into thinking that the concepts of Catholicism and Buddhism are actually similar. The people will accept it.

However, the living habits of the West and the Japanese are inherently very different. Secondly, Japan has developed a complete cosmology. It is difficult for the Catholic creator theory to be inserted into the Japanese cosmos system. Missionaries are facing a wealth of mastery. In front of the knowledgeable monk, it seemed a little bit weak. However, the most questioned is: "If God is so kind, why did it come to Japan until now? If God is so merciful, why can't he create human beings who won't sin? Why don't the good get good rewards and let the evil ones run wild? Bogey?" And so on.

After the change of Honnoji, Toyotomi Hideyoshi defeated various hostile forces and became Japan's most powerful daimyo. The missionaries who saw that Japan would eventually belong to Hideyoshi's rule came to see Hideyoshi and befriend him. In 1586, the Jesuit missionary Freud accompanied the deputy diocese Gasparcoelho to patrol various places, and went to Osaka to meet Toyotomi Hideyoshi and gave a large number of gifts. At the same time, he also expressed his respect for Hideyoshi and obtained Hideyoshi. Support for the spread of Catholicism in Japan.

But the good times didn’t last long. During Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s crusade against Kyushu, he saw the strong influence of Catholicism on Kyushu’s daimyo and the people, and felt uneasy. Fearing that it would have the appeal of Yixiangzong, he immediately promulgated the famous " Missionaries follow the release order,” Freus and others were forced to leave Kyoto for Kyushu, where Catholicism is more powerful.

  Later Hideyoshi suddenly issued the famous "Bantian Rian Chase Order" that missionaries must leave Japan within a day. On the second day after the release order of the Bunten Company was issued, Hideyoshi ordered that Nagasaki and Urakami be confiscated and become Hideyoshi's direct jurisdiction, and crosses were banned, and the townspeople of Nagasaki were heavily taxed.

  Toyotomi Hideyoshi's ban on religion, apart from fear of the threat of religion to his rule, has personal reasons. He once tried to take a Catholic woman as a concubine but was rejected. The reason for this woman was that this contradicted the monogamy advocated by the Catholic Church.

  The Spanish merchant ship San Philip was struck by a storm and drifted to Tosa Urado in the first year of Keichang. One of the crew members of Kyoto, who came to perform routine inspections, used the ostentatious saying that Spain used priests to domesticate the people and then conquered the people. Hideyoshi became furious when he heard of the incident, and executed 26 missionaries and Japanese believers from the Franciscan church in Nagasaki in December of that year. This is the so-called "Keichodai Martyr", which is a large-scale persecution in Japan. The beginning of the Catholic bloodshed.

  The second son of Yoshida Masuda, the retainer of Governor Konishi. His real name is Toshisada Masuda, and his father Yoshiji Masuda is the retainer of President Konishi. Later, Tokisada was adopted to Amakusa Jinbei and was renamed Amakusa Tokisada.

After the Sekihara War, Governor Konishi was beheaded, his territory was changed, and his retainers scattered and became ronin. Shiro Toshisada lived in Nagasaki Port since he was a child, devoutly believed in Catholicism, and learned Western medicine from the Dutch who lived in Japan.

  The Kitakyushu area is the central area for the spread of Catholicism. In the late Warring States period, a large number of civilians and even samurai converted to Catholicism. These people were forced to hide after the "Great Martyrdom" and took advantage of this turmoil to rise again. Therefore, it is not just tens of thousands of peasants who hold Shimabara Castle, but there are also many ronins who believe in Catholicism. Shiro Toshisada is the leader of these ronins.

  Amakusa Shiro was brilliant since he was a child, known as a child prodigy, and handsome in appearance. A shogun once said to Amakusa: "Your exalted person should have mastered the world, but it's a pity that you were born in the Tokugawa era and it's hard to make a big thing."

  The towering city wall is a symbol of the cold weapon era. Shimabara Castle is a Japanese-style castle located in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture. The form of the castle wall is roughly rectangular, and the high and solid stone wall is its characteristic. Mizuhori surrounds Honmaru and is connected by a wooden bridge in the form of a corridor with Ninomaru. If the bridge is destroyed, Honmaru can be isolated, which in turn will become a mouse in the bag, and because of the corridor bridge, it is difficult to shoot bows and arrows on guards.

  The same example is the castle tower in Takamatsu Castle, which is now a symbol of Japan.

  The ground turned into by volcanic ash and lava flow was indeed solid, but construction was difficult. Heavy labor and heavy taxes caused the Shimabara Rebellion, and the Tokugawa shogunate eventually confiscated the Matsakura clan’s territory.

This kind of land cannot be cultivated for food. In the autumn of 1637 when the three generations of Shogun Iemitsu reigned, there was a great famine in the Shimabara Peninsula and the Amakusa Islands in the southern Higo country. Several farmers who could not pay the annual tribute were brutally executed.

  Peasants are living on the brink of death, and the long-silent Catholic faith has risen again, and more and more people are secretly practicing religion to escape the cruel reality.

  This matter was discovered by the Matsakura Katsuya, and a major purge was carried out in the consulate, and many followers were arrested, and they were asked to hold the ceremony of "walking on the painting". The so-called "treading" refers to throwing wooden plaques with crucifixes on the ground, allowing those who doubt to be believers to step on them with their feet, and those who are willing to obey their destiny will be determined to be non-Catholic, or believers but have the heart to repent, otherwise they will Will be sentenced to fire.

  The double edge of class oppression and religious persecution was added to the people of Shimabara. They had nowhere to go and were forced to take risks. First, Mamura rebelled on the island, killing the Matsakura clan’s acting official Linbing Uemon, and breaching the clan’s arsenal, encircling the Matsakura clan’s main castle, Shimabara Castle.

  Then the Amakusa Islands also broke out in an uprising, echoing the Shimabara uprising north and south. The shogun Chongchang who came to the suppression did not put them in his eyes at the beginning, thinking that the troubled peasants were brave and didn't know how to fight. How could they be the opponents of the shogunate?

  However, after launching two total offensives in a row, he failed to succeed. Instead, his own side suffered heavy losses. Only then did Chongchang realize that there must be people with deep skills in the original city.

  Matsuhira Nobutsuna is a resourceful person, known as "Wisdom Izu". After carefully observing the situation on the front line, he realized that the defense of the original city was strong and the rebels fought bravely, and he absolutely could not fight hard. So Nobuzuna commanded the coalition forces of more than a dozen vassals including Kuroda, Nabeshima, Tachibana, Hosokawa, Mizuno, Arima, etc., to block the original castle firmly by land, cut off supplies, and wanted to trap all the people in the city to death. ,starve.

At that time, Shiro Amakusa still expected the Dutch from Nagasaki to come to rescue. However, under the diplomatic activities of Nobuzuna Matsudaira, the Dutch gunboat sailed to the sea near the original castle on January 11 and fired several shots into the castle. .

  What is the credibility of Catholicism? What's the use of God? Don’t the Dutch who also believe in the so-called "God" also betrayed it?

  Matsuhira's strategy has achieved results. There is less and less grain and grass in the original city, but the believers in the city are still desperately resisting.

  Amakusa Shiro did not take the opportunity to escape and chose the opportunity to make a comeback. Instead, he left a famous saying: Those who stubbornly guard this city at this moment will always be friends in the next life.

  In the end, the shogunate army paid a heavy price of 3,000 deaths and tens of thousands of wounded, but Yuancheng was finally captured.

  The remaining 20,000 people in the city, whether men, women, old or young, were all brutally slaughtered. Amakusa Shiro Tokisada and others were among them, and almost no one could escape their lives.

  After Meiji, the original city was abandoned, buildings were removed, changed to fields, and a school was built on the original site.

  The vicissitudes of life are nothing more than that.

  However, Christianity still left its traces in Japan, and there were still East Asian bishops in the election of the pope.

  Japanese weddings, nowadays, in addition to the Japanese weddings in the shrines, there are also weddings in the church.

  Whether it is Bai Wugou or the wedding dress is white, although "language hypocrisy" can not deceive monks, it is easy to deceive ordinary people, especially those who want to escape reality.

  Peasants who are struggling at the death line are examples.

  But at the same time, faith will also produce a strong cohesion, which will make a group of farmers and the shogunate fight against each other.

  Can Western farmers do the same as Eastern farmers?

  Joseph looked at the city of Rome in the sun. The army of ancient Rome was also recruited from the peasants. They were the best soldiers, better than the city citizens.

  But as far as Italy’s performance during World War II was concerned, it was no different whether it was a peasant or a city dweller.

The Roman epic "Aeneas" wrote: The Greeks had extremely high achievements in casting, carving, debate, and astronomy, but Anchis urged Aeneas to remember that the goal of the Romans was the rule of law. And conquer.

  The harder to get, the more you want to get.

  Joseph sighed deeply, this kind of "greed for desire" is really hard to overcome.

  He turned his eyes and continued to walk towards the hospital where the Pope was.

  The exorcist can never be included in the Catholic blessing list like Mother Teresa, so why is he doing this job?

  Not long after Joseph left, a peace dove flew into the corridor he had just walked through.

  In January, Paul II met with thousands of young Christians at the window of his office in St. Peter’s Square. He released a peace dove from the window, but instead of flying away, he flew back to his office. He laughed with all the audience.

  Double rainbows often represent auspicious omens, and two semicircles together are perfect.

In Irish legends, the little dwarf hides the treasure at the end of the rainbow. In Norse mythology, the rainbow connects the kingdom of God and the middle earth where humans live. Judaism and Christianity record that after the world was destroyed by the flood, Noah and God used the rainbow. Make a contract and never destroy the world with a flood.

  The premise is that human beings must keep their promises. If human beings break their faith first, why should God keep the contract with man?

  It was this white dove that brought Noah an olive branch.

  But its eyes are red and it looks like an ordinary pigeon with albinism.

  (End of this chapter)

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