Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 864: City of Tyrants

  Chapter 864 Tyrant City

In the summer of 1994, Harry and Dudley ran into a dementor on Privet Road. Fortunately, he and Remus Lupin learned Defence Against the Dark Arts in school and call God to guard, otherwise there would be two more soulless walking corpses in the world. .

  The Ministry of Magic considered it illegal and sent Umbridge to Hogwarts to "rectify" the school's education.

  I have learned knowledge and skills but are not allowed to use them. What is the reason?

Even the honor student Hermione disagreed with this, and participated in the "make-up class" organized by Harry, but the stupid students gave the make-up organization the Dumbledore Army's "classic name", which became Fudge's excuse to deal with Albus. .

It can’t be blamed on them, teenagers can understand what, not to mention that they don’t believe in adults like all teenagers, at least they didn’t believe in Snape at that time, maybe they still miss Remus Lou secretly. Ping that "werewolf teacher".

  Because of Albus’s liberal teaching, Hogwarts has not been out of the Auror for several years. The only Auror Tonks was admitted because of the natural disguise of Animagus.

  In fact, she is not so good at doing Auror or housework. The "packing curse" is directly related to a person's housework ability. When she packs Harry into a mess.

  When Remus packed and left Hogwarts, his luggage was neatly packed. The "bloodthirsty werewolf" was very good at housework.

Although Tonks married Remus desperately, Pomona estimated that Remus is more likely to take care of Tonks. Older lovers tend to take care of younger lovers with care, except for Lymus. He is very good in every aspect other than a werewolf, but he is a werewolf, and this alone is enough to exclude him from the whole society.

  As the older party, Pomona should take care of Severus, but she seems to be "rejuvenating" more and more.

Slytherin likes to plan things in advance. After playing for a few days, he starts to do business. With plan A, plan B is required. Back then, senior officials of the military also left a way for themselves, many military and political officials. After the fall of Germany and fled abroad, the hardest hit areas were Argentina and Spain.

  The Italians are a "victorious nation." They turned around when they saw Hitler's general situation is gone. What's more, how much respect the Germans have for their Italian allies can be seen from their work on buildings and artworks.

The   Napoleon Wing still seems to be integrated with Piazza San Marco, while the ***-style building is incompatible with the hedonistic city of Venice.

  This style of architecture was very popular in the early 20th century. Both Mussolini and Hitler used the new architectural style as one of the many ways to integrate the people, trying to mark a new era of nationalist culture and show the absolute authority of the country.

Julian’s villa is partly mixed with the *** style, it is actually similar to the ancient Roman architectural style, but lacks ornate decoration and emphasizes symmetry and simple appearance. It is dazzling to see and Foscari designed by Palladio The villa is so similar.

   Hitler wanted to be a pastor and a painter, Mussolini also had his own dream, "I have the opportunity to build a building I like." His dream is to become an architect.

  Mussolini cruelly suppressed political opponents in order to be authoritarian, but he respected the unique group of architects. The most famous architect, Marcello Piastini, has always been Mussolini's "Queen Architect", and the huge New Rome project was built under his supervision.

  He refined the ancient Roman architectural style, and all the soft lines were discarded and replaced by geometric patterns composed of straight lines and arcs.

   Even if there is no life case in this house, just looking at the weird Roman facade makes people feel uncomfortable.

The Botanical Garden of Padua is the secret meeting place of the resistance organization, and this villa is the residence of the SS major. They should have "visited" after the end of World War II. The snow-white marble is covered with insulting graffiti. No wonder Neither it nor the sigh villa can be sold!

   "In fact, it's pretty good inside. There is a library and piano room on the second floor." The agent rescued generally promoted "We also have a new hotel with two wings that also have this architectural style. Now not many people can distinguish them."

   "Then what's the matter with these graffiti?" Pomona pointed to the indescribable patterns.

  Girls like Astonia are not suitable for watching.

   "It was left before. Once it is cleaned, it will be fine." The agent said irresponsibly, "We are not continuing to use the "New Rome" left by Mussolini before."

   "We can use Muggles to drive away the curse, so that the troublemakers will not come close." Severus said, "Malfoy Manor's defensive magic is also used."

  She didn’t know what to say.

  It was like a hundred gongs were knocking in her ears, making her head bewildered.

  New Rome is a new area of ​​Rome. Even if Italy chooses to rebel, there are still many Italian towns involved. A large number of civilians fled to the ruined Europa area. During this period, many buildings in the Europa area were destroyed.

In line with the principle of "don't waste so much", the new Italian government finally decided to take over the mess left by the previous government. After completing the modification and erasing the *** style, the engineering team once again entered the Europa area to carry out construction operations. They repaired buildings damaged by refugees, and completed some unfinished, or even unstarted buildings. When Rome again held the International Olympic Games in 1960, the Europa area had been renovated.

  The “Freedom Bridge” connecting Venice and the land was also built at that time. The vast majority of Jewish civilians are indeed innocent. However, the reason why ** came to power was also directly related to the Jewish loan sharks at that time.

  Shakespeare said, don’t lend money to your friends. Either you will lose money or you will lose friends.

  In his story The Merchant of Venice, Charlotte is also a loan shark.

  The Weimar Republic passed the war reparations to ordinary civilians. When the German public was still silently bearing the war reparations of the defeat in World War I, the German Jews suffered almost nothing. They enjoyed the superior life brought about by wealth.

   At that time, both nobles and commoners were generally short of money, but the Jews had a lot of money in their hands. The Jews obtained a large amount of profits by lending usury, and once the other party failed to repay the money, the collateral whose actual value was much higher than the loan amount was confiscated.

  After the outbreak of the financial crisis, the German Jews were afraid of losing their own interests. Through the German Central Bank they controlled, they announced an unlimited devaluation of the German mark. Then German-Jewish merchants sold the materials they had previously hoarded at high prices. The Germans were looted collectively, and the people's decades of labor savings were instantly wiped out. This incident greatly stimulated the German public.

   Drive out Jews, Germans can get more job opportunities, so Germans can live better.

  Young people and those at the bottom of society who are living in a difficult life are easy to be incited. The more primitive they are, the easier they are to be used. The Congressional arson case has driven the Weimar Republic into the last nail in the coffin.

  The big Jewish bankers have gone to the United States, and the rest are civilians who cannot escape. They are innocent, but they have to bear the consequences for the misfortune caused by a certain group of people.

  There are also Italians helping them escape, and the SS is arresting these people.

  Totalitarian rulers believe that the most ideal people are not people who truly believe in their own ideas, but people who have lost their ability to distinguish and are crawling at the feet of their ideas.

  It’s easy to be a person who doesn’t know right from wrong, just execute the order, and he will be praised for doing well. A German soldier can get the Iron Cross as his great honor. This is why the head of the Third Reich wears his Iron Cross almost every moment.

The design of the   Iron Cross Medal is very simple and almost without decoration. The materials are relatively cheap and common materials. Iron has always been the main part of the casting medal, which is very suitable for the Germanic nation who believes in honesty.

  The precious thing about this medal is not its material value, but the glory it represents.

  In Nash's game theory, when a thought goes to an extreme, a person who is originally neutral and not firm enough will gradually tilt in that direction, especially after the establishment of authority.

  A soldier in uniform and a judge in a wig and gown will establish this kind of authority. When faced with authority, many people will choose to obey.

In the UK, even the most sane people feel superior because they feel that they are in contact with a certain royal family and nobles. Their blood is filled with admiration and respect for the nobles. For example, the Spanish love dancing, and the Germans love music. The French love the revolution.

  Umbridge bought the Slytherin locket and wore it around her neck for this reason. Wearing it, she felt that she also had noble status and she was "honored".

  It seemed that it was raining on the day he and Naxisha made their unbreakable vows. How many days did Britain clear up?

  Hefpaff is a soil-based academy. Perhaps it is precisely because the land is too stubborn that it will not tilt to extremes so easily.

  She doesn't like this house at all, but since she has come, she will go in and take a look.

  With the war criminals of the past, her reputation must be dirty, just like the Swiss bank involved in the gold scandal.

However, if we continue to suppress pure blood, the contradiction will become more intense, and another extreme will occur when people are driven to extinction. The werewolf is used by Fenrir, and even the wolf poison potion, a life-saving medicine, has become a forbidden drug. Because it can keep the werewolf's mind "sane" after transforming, but there is a little soberness, and only they know it.

  (End of this chapter)

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