Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 855: Swan rider

  Chapter 855 Swan Knight

  Wagner came to Paris in 1839.

  Paris was one of the centers of European culture at that time. Wagner had long admired this land and hoped to display his artistic talents here, but it backfired. He was completely lost by the "ocean" of talents.

  Wagner did not get the opportunity to stage his own work, so he could only survive by copying music scores. The three years in Paris were the poorest period in Wagner's life. He was unable to go out because of holes in the soles and unable to buy new shoes. He couldn't even afford the cheapest razor and was often hungry. In his autobiography "My Career", Wagner once wrote such a memory: "One day, I walked to the tip of poverty. Because I was really penniless, I ran out of the house very early and walked to Paris. .Because I have no money to buy a ticket to ride a car. I have been looking forward to it, even if I can get five francs, it would be good. So I wandered the streets of Paris all day until dusk. In the end, my mission fell through. As it turned out, I will walk back to Miu Dun on foot."

"Paris, the city of flowers, is a city full of talents, but maybe because there are so many flowers like Wagner, it makes people feel dazzled, so that they don't know what to choose." The small pavilion opposite the Linderhof Palace. Here, the vampire Giovanni seems to tell a story, saying, “In the 17th century, Italian opera swept across Europe, and composers from various countries developed their own operas to fight against Italian operas and the vulgar taste of court nobles who pursued fashion. The 14th approved the use of French government funds to build France’s first opera house, the "Royal Opera House", but it was burned down in 1763. In 1860, the French Ministry of Art finally decided to rebuild the Paris Opera House. I participated in the election, but the bid was won. It’s Charles Garnier. Many people feel unsatisfied. Just like the pyramids of the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, some people like it so much. You can never satisfy everyone, so I didn’t do a public job after the Paris Opera. I turned to an interior designer. Rockke’s style is very gorgeous, but I think it’s too cumbersome and expensive. Ludwig likes it. Sometimes you have to admit that the royal family and aristocracy are really vulgar. of."

   "Just tell the King of Bavaria that you are vulgar?" Pomona asked with a pursed smile.

"Of course not. No matter how naive he is, he is also a king." Giovanni said with a smile. "When he was 18 years old and had power in his hands, the first thing he did was to invite Wagner to Munich and put himself in the suburbs. His villa was used by him. With power and money, he became Wagner’s asylum. He paid off all his debts for Wagner and promised to pay all his expenses, in order to let Wagner enjoy himself in the beautiful and pure artistic sky. Stretching the wings of his genius', he also founded the Bayreuth Theater, dedicated to performing Wagner's works. Wagner put German legends and fairy tales on the stage to his heart's content. He used the eternal struggle between good and evil to attract the audience. ."

   "He doesn't love you?" Pomona asked.

"No, it's not me." Giovanni said very calmly. "I have always been a theatergoer. If I go too deeply into the emotional life of human beings and become a person in the theater, I don't think I can be so sober. Living to this age, I am just one of many friends of the royal family, sometimes in France, sometimes in Germany, just like a migratory bird, and I will go there when the people who know me are almost gone."

   "Then who does he really love?" she asked again.

"If you want to do business, today's occasion is a private gathering. You can't do it. It's better to be in a social place like the opera house." Giovanni said. "At that time, everyone was well-dressed and looked like a gentleman. ."

  She is very confused, what does this mean?

"Young people often confuse worship and love, dear." The vampire said, "A responsible adult shouldn't let him be so confused. Wagner finally died in Venice. He once wanted to resist but found that he couldn't. A city that resists, he wants to be a decent person, not an'animal in a cave'."

   "Ludwig let him go?" Severus asked.

"Otherwise, what else? Wagner squandered and owed a debt of 10,000 francs before meeting Ludwig. He was forced to hide like the masked guests and escape the creditors. Ludwig was responsible for him. He paid off his debts and gave him the perfect environment to create. Ludwig was arguably Wagner’s lifesaver, but when he confessed to Wagner, I was very happy that Wagner rejected him honestly, and Wagner knew very well to do so. He might lose the king’s support, and he would become impoverished again. He still refused. When Ludwig was a child, he went with his father to the king’s villa in Berchtesgaden, in the garden of the villa. He was almost attacked by a black goblin. I saved him. Since then he has strongly refused to visit Berchtesgaden. He is a coward, and he has exhausted all his courage when I want to confess to Wagner. Wagner used the Bechstein piano for many performances. I thought Ludwig would not use that piano again after being rejected, but I didn't expect it to be there."

  History and imitation will make people of a generation and a country very similar. In addition to Nordic mythology, Germany also has Grimm’s fairy tales, Beethoven and Kant.

  German culture has had a profound influence on the world since the nineteenth century, and beside the azure blue mountain lake, in the enchanting Bavarian forest, there is a beautiful castle that is pure and white, which is true and magical.

  Ludwig II was originally the prince of flowers in the fairy tale, but later had to become the king of the country of flowers.

  He was capricious and ran out of treasury money, but the Germans did not hate him like Cixi.

He did not use the power of the king to force anyone. Even if he is a king in front of Eros, he is still like ordinary people. What's more, the castle he designed is really beautiful. Now Neuschwanstein is still a money-making tree, attracting every year. Many tourists visit, and he himself has not lived in it for a day.

   "Have you seen Louis XV?" Severus asked, "What kind of person is he?"

"In the taverns in Paris and elsewhere, there are always people propagating Rousseau’s thoughts. Apart from the taverns, the only public places that the working class can go to are brothels. Rousseau believes that the best way to gain authority is to gain the people’s Love, this is a beautiful motto, but it will be ridiculed in the court. A regime based on the love of the people is undoubtedly great, but it is very unstable and conditional. Louis XIV and XV are very popular. Like the king, even if he is very extravagant."

"I know this." She said cleverly. "That's an oriental motto. Those who win the hearts of the people will win the world. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is very extravagant, and he is also very military, but the Chinese still admire him. Let me think about it. Lying on the knees of a beauty, men love to live this kind of life."

   "That's it, but this kind of reckless life is not long. Louis XVI is not as popular as Louis XIV..."

   "The demon effect, the opposite of the halo effect." Severus said, "Louis XIV and XV took away all the auras, plus Rousseau's thoughts, Louis XVI lost the hearts of the people."

   "He's right again, isn't he?" Gianluca said sarcastically. "A regime based on the love of the people is unstable, just like the democratic system in the West."

"Rousseau is talking about the monarchy." said the vampire Giovanni. "Marx said that the economic base determines the superstructure, but as I said before, the building you design does not satisfy everyone. If you change the blueprint according to what others want, It will eventually become vulgar and nondescript. There was an eclecticism in the nineteenth. Architects arbitrarily imitated various architectural styles in history, or freely combined various architectural forms. They did not emphasize fixed French styles, only pure formal beauty. The Paris Opera is one of them."

   "Merlin's beard." Pomona murmured.

"The castle designed by Ludwig refused to compromise. The design of Neuschwanstein was inspired by Wagner's famous opera "Swan Rider". He was rejected, but he admitted that he did not like women, so he dismissed his relationship with Sofia. The marriage contract, he gave her the freedom to find her own happiness. I know that many people like Princess Sissi very much, but she is a terrible woman, even though she is cute at first."

   "She used her sister to hold power?" Pomona asked.

   "Her opponent, Queen Sophie is not a simple woman, not as easy to be confused as Franz." Giovanni smiled and said, "Women are always sober looking at women."

   "Her son committed suicide." Severus said with a weird voice, "If she were a tolerant mother, he would cry in her arms no matter what happened."

   "Power turned her into a monster. Although Franz is very hardworking but not very intelligent, she often plays wrong moves in complex international politics. However, Princess Sissi did not assist him, and instead competed with the Queen Mother for power."

  "Do you know what Mary was doing wrong?" Severus asked Pomona suddenly.

  "She did not, like Theodora, persuaded Louis XVI to stay in Paris for the constitutional monarchy." She said without hesitation.

   "Good girl." Severus proudly kissed her, then said proudly, "I'm going back to Venice, are you leaving?"

   "I want to stay here." When the other two young humans stood up, the vampire said, and handed a gorgeous business card to Severus. "If you want to find me, you can contact me as above."

  "You designed this business card?" Pomona said with interest.

  There are no titles that seem to have high authority on the business card, only the phone and address, but this business card is very design, like a collection of items.

  “There are also artists who specialize in designing business cards in Venice. They have been in this business for hundreds of years.” The vampire said, “If you want them to remember themselves and keep them from throwing them away after reading, it’s best to design a good business card.”

  "Aren't you rich?" Ali Sandro looked at Gianluca with disgust.

   "I don't like socializing." The nerd said coldly.

  Severus saw the vampire's business card and put it in his jacket pocket.

   Then he took his beautiful wife and brought two young people back to the palace, which was as small and exquisite as a music box.

I think Linderhof Palace is like a well-designed music box. The ballet dancers rise up, and the beautiful music starts to ring. The 20-year-old beautiful boy and the 40-year-old downturned adult man have something to insist on each other. In 1883, Wagner died of a heart attack in Venice and was buried in Bayreuth. He finally died in Venice.

     Wagner participated in the guerrillas, and also participated in the court ball. He was down to no shoes, and lived in a gorgeous palace, so that a life of ups and downs can write the same ups and downs of songs.



  (End of this chapter)

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