Harry Potter’s Morning Light

Chapter 853: Revisit the old place

   Chapter 853

"Napoleon's family never accepted Josephine. Her first husband, Viscount Boarnet, was a person like Don Juan, who was later pushed to the guillotine during the French Revolution. Josephine was implicated in him and was imprisoned and sentenced to death. When locked together, some people say that she was released because of Jean Lambert Talion. That period of history is no longer possible to verify. How Josephine was in death jail at the time, not only saved her head like a flower, but also saved it. Prosperous and wealthy, after saving her life, she became a socialite in Paris with her beauty, intelligence and excellent social skills. For a beautiful woman who had just survived the turbulent waves of the French Revolution, she needed money and power to nurture her two children, which was destroyed by the hurricane. In the territory of her parents, another hurricane ruined her married life. What can you say about this kind of woman? In 1795, Napoleon was only poor with a sword and a cloak. She was a very visionary and scheming woman. Believe me, if she didn’t have this ability, she would have died like other aristocratic women, but at that time she didn’t love enough. The little general was one of her servants under her skirt, and she didn’t care about having fun until History changed suddenly, and the young general returned as a hero of France."

   "She made a mess of her life." Severus said.

"It's not that she is a mess... I know that you will be spurned by this, but he is clean and self-conscious in the relationship between men and women. Even if he became an emperor, he did not have as many mistresses as other French kings. He brought a wave of mistresses to the smoky upper class at the time. A different ethos. He focuses more on governing the country and the people and military art, rather than having fun with women. He likes delicate, pure, and kind women, rather than being a mastermind. I don’t know if he doesn’t look at people. Or Josephine played too well in front of him. She is indeed a female Don Juan who satisfies her vanity by conquering the number of men. I don’t like drinking the blood of the upper class, especially when I know that they may contract strange diseases. But they are often surrounded by some'clean' young people who are eager to enter the upper class like Napoleon. The experience is really terrible." The vampire shook his head and said, "Later, I would rather go to a Paris tavern to get drunk. The blood doesn't want to touch them either."

   "Then why are you here now?"

  "They are my customers. They need money to live in human society."

  "Are you still hunting prey here?"

"No, there are many people who are willing to be'providers' now. I give them money and gifts, and they give me blood. Everyone takes what they need. My only condition is not to have a complicated relationship between men and women. This makes some people lost. The young man has regained his focus in life. A kid I know is now learning cooking. He plans to become a Michelin chef. I sponsored him. After all, his biological parents had a terrible life."

   "You didn't say you want to give them the power of eternal life?"

"I don't know how human writers thought of drinking our blood to gain'first embrace', but why should we explain this wonderful misunderstanding?" The vampire saves us a lot of trouble, at least we don't have to be everywhere like werewolves. Crowded out."

  At this time, the big party has become a lot of small parties, the guests chat together and form a circle of themselves.

"Heat brain is a common problem of young people, especially those who like to fight for the rich." The vampire said, "Those who think they are rich are laughed at by the richer, and women are also mixed in it. Every time I hear them laugh, I know Something will happen."

   "Could they still learn from Gonzalo and fight for Anna?" Severus said with a smirk.

"Some people seem to have no lack of companions around them, but in fact they are lonely and empty inside. They are afraid to give their true feelings and dare not treat them with their hearts, so they choose games and look at their feelings with a game mindset. Even in life, the countless victories and conquests in love numb Don Juan, make him lose the feeling of love, and finally end up in hell. This is my life." The vampire looked at the scene in front of him and said, "With These people can play and play, they can't put too much emotion into them, anyway, they just play on the spot."

   "This is why you are eager to return to the wizarding world?"

   "Some people are, but I heard that it's not going well." Giovanni said, "They have always been marginalized."

  "What do you think is the probability of a business negotiation in this place?"

  "This time and place?" Giovanni smiled and took a sip of his wine. "Don't do this. They only listen to flattery when they are having fun and relaxing. They don't like to listen to topics that require brainstorming.

   "Then let's go." Severus stood up. "No wonder Blake is eager to run away from home."

   "Where to go?" the vampire asked.

   "Just follow along, or are you going to continue to waste time in this place?"

Giovanni did not hesitate to stand up. Before leaving, Severus took his Veeva wife with him. In this dark and deliberately arranged dense forest house, they searched for the young people who dig Swiss bank customers. People, fortunately they are all fine.

Before midnight, they took a vampire and evacuated. The wind on the Grand Canal outside was refreshing. They sent the girls to the gondola and gave them to the fathers. The children took "married women" to continue their night tour in this magical city.

  With that magic key, they can go to any place in the world with a door.

  On the way to Venice, Severus and Pomona passed by Linderhof Palace, but did not get out of the car to visit.

Ludwig II liked Wagner very much. Wagner wrote an opera called Don Hausser. The protagonist Don Hausser is a person similar to Don Juan, but Wagner’s script is different from Molière. It is based on two ancient legends in the Middle Ages: one is the story of the knight of Venusburg, Don Hauser, and the other is the story of the thirteenth-century Wattburg love poet.

  A long, long time ago, there was a loyal defender of Venusberg, Don Hausser, who was addicted to the beauty of Venus and was tired of this life and returned to Wattburg. But when he participated in the singing competition, he forgot to praise the coquettish beauties of Venusburg, and was almost killed by those angry knights.

  Under the protection and rescue of Elizabeth, who loves him, Don Hausser deeply regrets and joins the ranks of pilgrims to pray for the Pope's forgiveness. But his trip to Rome did not fulfill his wish, for which Elizabeth died of sorrow, but Don Hausser was forgiven in the end.

  As soon as the story opens, Don Hauser is in a cave, lying on Venus’s arm, and there are groups of fairies flying around the waterfall.

  He has forgotten his mission as a bard and his lover Elizabeth. In Venusburg, there is nothing but sensory enjoyment.

  The love produced by uncontrolled passion and instinct is destined not to last. Sure enough, Don Hausser quickly became bored with this carnal life, but Venus would not easily let go of her "captive". In her anger, she cursed Don Hausser and returned to the world because of it. To forgive and suffer misfortune, Don Hausser eagerly turned to the Virgin Mary for help, and finally got rid of Venus.

  Venus Cave, although it conforms to the natural nature of human beings, it lacks rational and spiritual communication.

In Wagner’s opera world, life does not seem to be the most important thing-"soul is redeemed"; in order to realize this lofty "dream", there will always be a holy, beautiful, weak-looking woman with a firm heart. Stepped onto the altar without regret.

  Tanghauser was originally in love with Elizabeth before meeting Venus. But he couldn't stand the temptation of Venus, the **** of love, and perished in "the sweetest and joyous residence" all day long, becoming her captive. His enjoyment builds on Elizabeth's pain and is a betrayal of Elizabeth's loyal love.

  Only lost, people will know how precious what they once possessed. Elizabeth’s death made Don Hausser wake up, but it was too late.

  In front of the artificial stalactite cave of Linderhof Palace is a golden shell boat, and the background depicts Don Hauser in the arms of Mrs. Venus in Huishou Mountain. The rotation of the colored glass sheet driven by the earliest engine produces a changing light effect.

   "Why did you want to come here?" Severus asked Giovanni after the door opened.

   Giovanni did not answer him.

  It is as if the man who was glorious and witty at the party just now turned into a silent stalactite.

  (End of this chapter)

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