Harry Potter: Is It Normal for a Hogwarts Professor to Be a Dark Lord?

Chapter 51: Helga Hufflepuff

This discovery did not cause Tver to recoil; instead, his lips parted in a broad grin. This was the first time he had smiled so genuinely since arriving at Hogwarts.

He had uncovered the secret of the Forbidden Forest—It was under the influence of an extraordinary Extension Charm!

Typically, such a spell is cast within relatively enclosed spaces, as only these can be feasibly expanded. But here, the caster had seemingly stretched the vast expanse of the forest itself.

That's why, despite appearing as just an ordinary forest to the naked eye, it gave off an immeasurably deep impression.

Such a display of power only deepened Tver's interest in exploration. He took out his badge, which helped him sense the guiding will and correct his path.

However, the path ahead was peculiar, with areas of sparseness and density coexisting. One could see desert-like barren sands, yet right beside them, lush flowers and plants thrived.

It was as if a creator was playing a game of creation, scattering seeds and then removing the parts they disliked. But compared to the area he had just passed through, this section was livelier and more peaceful.

Occasionally, ordinary small animals darted about, and a rabbit even stared blankly at Tver, seemingly unaccustomed to two-legged creatures.

There were also more bird calls and insect sounds, creating a harmonious and delightful atmosphere that relaxed Tver completely.

Suddenly, an arrow shot through the air, landing forcefully on the ground before him, its feathered tail quivering intensely.

After deactivating his Shield Charm, Tver looked towards the source of the chaotic "clippity-clop" footsteps.

Soon, two centaurs appeared before him, each a fusion of horse and human: the lower body of a horse and the upper body of a human, both topless, with quivers slung on their backs and bows in hand.

It seemed that these were the centaurs who, according to rumors, had migrated into the Forbidden Forest.

The centaur on the left, with his bristly black mane and beard, looked wild and proud—and evidently had a temper to match, as he glared angrily at Tver.

The centaur on the right was more pleasing to the eye; handsome, with strikingly blue eyes and shimmering platinum blonde hair. His equine lower body was also silver, displaying an extraordinary beauty.

Compared to his companion, one couldn't help but notice the disparities among the centaurs.

Tver took the initiative to demand, "Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

The handsome centaur took a couple of steps forward. "Human wizard, this is the territory of the centaurs. Please leave at once."

The less attractive centaur, clearly with a shorter temper, blurted out harshly, "Leave now, or my bow and arrows will not spare you—"

Tver frowned, cutting off the gruff centaur's threat with a glance. "I am unaware of any centaur territory, only that this area falls within the bounds of Hogwarts. As a professor of the school, I have the right to walk in the Forbidden Forest."

From the arrow that had been shot, it was clear that the centaurs were not as weak as the rumors suggested. In fact, the arrow still carried traces of magic, indicating that these two might be stronger than many adult wizards.

The handsome centaur, Firenze, gave his companion a surprised look, realizing that this professor was much stronger than they had anticipated.

"Very well, Professor," Firenze spoke. "My name is Firenze, and this is Bane. We did not mean to offend you. However, there is an agreement between Hogwarts and the centaurs that without permission, wizards should not venture into our lands."

Firenze's tone was polite yet firm as he informed Tver.

"My name is Tver Fawley. I am merely passing through, with no interest in the living quarters of the centaurs."

Tver wished to avoid any conflict with the centaurs, as it didn't align with his present character.

"No," Bane suddenly interjected, "I've seen enough of you wizards pretending to just pass by while actually spying on us!"

Seen enough? Besides desperate wizards, who would want to live in the Forbidden Forest?

"I'm curious, how many wizards have you seen?" Tver asked.

Bane stumbled over his words, his face reddening under his beard.

It seemed he was bluffing, Tver thought amusedly.

"Since you are aware of Hogwarts, you probably don't want to escalate conflicts, especially since I am truly just passing through."

Unable to argue, Bane fell silent, but Firenze stepped forward, coming face to face with Tver.

"Professor Fawley, I need to know your purpose for entering the Forbidden Forest. To my knowledge, apart from Hagrid and Professor Kettleburn, no other professors enter the forest casually, especially not its deeper parts!"

He maintained a friendly demeanor, but his eyes were sharp.

However, Tver suddenly realized something.

The centaurs lived in the Forbidden Forest; could they have already noticed its peculiarities?

He decided to test the centaurs' stance.

"I entered the Forbidden Forest out of curiosity, to see who possessed the skill to cast such profound magic," he said.

Sure enough, Bane's expression changed dramatically—surprise, fear, anger, and other complex emotions flashed across his face in an instant.

Firenze, who had been smiling, now furrowed his brow deeply. "Professor, if you can discern the advanced magic of the Forbidden Forest, why not leave and avoid angering that certain someone?"

"Which certain someone?"

Tver's eyes flickered with a ghostly light, but his attempt at Legilimency failed!

Firenze, furious, reached for his bow and was ready to strike Tver.

Bane, witnessing this, was so shocked that he didn't stop to think; he readied himself for an attack in an instant.


Tver hadn't expected to fail against the centaurs and waved his wand in resignation.


The two centaurs stood frozen, a blank look in their eyes.

Tver knew that after wizards mastered Occlumency, it became difficult to use Legilimency on them. It was like a spear against a shield, except the battlefield was on the defender's side, making an Occlumency of equal level superior to Legilimency. But for him, having his Legilimency blocked by the two centaurs was genuinely surprising.

"Have you practiced Occlumency?" Tver asked bluntly.

Controlled by the Imperius Curse, the two were somewhat slow, but they shook their heads in unison.

"We don't even know what Occlumency is, how could we have practiced it?"


Tver felt his brain wasn't enough; now even centaurs who had never heard of Occlumency could resist his Legilimency?

"Then who is this 'certain someone' you just mentioned?"

Firenze's expression twisted as if he were struggling to break free from the Imperius Curse, but his mouth opened involuntarily:

"Hel—Helga Hufflepuff!"

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