Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 312: And the Fourth Year Begins


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 312: And the Fourth Year Begins


As soon as Harry crossed the main gates of the castle, he somehow knew that this year was going to be different from the others… there was a tension in the air that he could not describe.

Hogwarts felt different as if the castle itself knew that some danger was lurking around and was getting ready for battle. The rest of the students around him were completely oblivious to this fact. They were all cheerful and happy to be back at Hogwarts and see their friends again, like one would expect.

Hermione, Parvati, and Lavender passed by his side and greeted him. Those three had become inseparable since the first year. And even though she would never admit it, Hermione had changed a lot. She now worried a lot less about books and studies and paid much more attention to her appearance. Not that she stopped studying, but had found a better balance in her life.

The boys were definitely starting to notice this. Many of them turned their heads as she passed.

"Harry, come on… walk faster! I don't want to miss anything!" Lyra tugged at his robes.

"It's the welcoming feast… It's always the same thing….what is there to miss? " Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'm going without you then! "

Lyra stuck her tongue out and ran ahead to catch up with her friends before they had to take their seats.

Harry continued to walk at his own leisurely pace. He was in no hurry to begin this year.

The corridors began to empty as more and more students got ahead of him.

"What's with the bitter face? The year has just begun."

Daphne walked in front of him, blocking his way so he had to stop.

"What if I told you that I had a vision of the future? And it was not good." Harry said.

Daphne gave him an inquisitive look, as if trying to figure out if he was serious.

"I'd tell you to go teach the Divination class. Apparently, you're the only one still having visions of the future."

The problem with Divination had now become public knowledge. After all, they had to give some explanation for the sudden cancellation of Divination classes in all magical schools worldwide. And after the rumors about the state of the Prophecy Hall in the Ministry of Magic started to circulate, the disappearance of an entire branch of magic had been a big deal in the news. More so because no one knew how it happened, if it was permanent, or if other branches of magic were also going to start disappearing.

"I don't like teaching," Harry retorted.

"That's too bad… you're really good at it."

"Could you two go flirt somewhere else?!" Tracey bumped their shoulders as she stormed away.

"Tracey!" Daphne called after her friend.

"I'll go alone!" She shouted without stopping.

"What's with her?..." Harry raised an eyebrow. Tracey had never liked him, but this was a bit too much. She was usually polite at least.

"Dont mind her, she is been like this for a while. It's because of her boyfriend, Zabini… well, I should say ex-boyfriend now," Daphne commented.

"Zabini broke up with her?" He honestly didn't even remember they were dating at all.

"He didn't just break up… he's not coming back to Hogwarts."

Harry was surprised to hear this. Despite its flaws, Hogwarts was still considered one of the most prestigious magical schools in the world. Unless something very serious happened, a pureblood house like the Zabinis wouldn't quit the school.

"Do you know why?" Harry asked.

Daphne gave him a knowing look.

"I know what you're thinking…" Harry had told her about Voldemort's return and everything his father saw that night so she could make an educated guess about Harry's suspicions.

"Zabini's family has always remained neutral, much like mine."

"You know it well, Daphne. That's not going to work anymore," Harry told her.

"So you think that…"

"I just don't think it's a coincidence, that's all."

Daphne remained silent for a moment, considering the possibility. The pressure on her family had lessened a lot after Lord Malfoy passed away, but she had no doubt that this was going to change soon…

"Right…" She'd rather not think about it now. After looking around and not seeing any more students nearby, Daphne pulled something from a hidden pocket.

It was a small rectangular box that fits in the palm of her hand. She held it up for him to see.

"My father would rather not ask why you need something like this, but…"

Harry grinned and picked up the tiny box.

"You'll know soon enough. I think the surprise will make it better."

She frowned.

"I'm not sure I want to be surprised by you…that usually involves danger."

Harry stored the box very carefully so as not to damage the enchantment on it.

Then, from the other side of the hallway, they heard hurried steps.

"Hey, you two!"

They both recognized the badge on the older boy who called them. It was a prefect from Hufflepuff.

"What are you waiting for? The feast is about to begin." The boy appeared to be in a foul mood already.

"Sorry, we were just catching up about our summer," Daphne told the boy.

"Sure… come on. Walk ahead of me so you don't get lost in a broom closet or something."

"Wh—…" Daphne's face gained a red tint.

Harry didn't take it seriously and just laughed about it.

"It's not funny." She hit his shoulder.

"I have a reputation to maintain."

"You mean the whole Ice Queen thing?"

She hit him again.

"I meant a reputation as a proper student!"

"Okay, fine… do you want me to Obliviate that guy?" Harry waved his wand around.

"You know?..." Daphne had an impassive expression. "It worries me the fact that I don't know if you are joking or not..."


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