Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 306: Cutting Through the Competition


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




-Author notes-


Chapter 306: Cutting Through the Competition


Right after the judge gave the signal to start, Bloodfang jumped into action without hesitation.

He felt no threat from Harry or the simple steel sword in his hand.

In only a short moment, he had closed the gap between them.

"Ghaaaa!" His cleaver descended upon Harry at tremendous speed, aiming at his shoulder.

Harry used his own blade to deflect Bloodfang's.

As the two weapons made contact, the blade of Harry's sword was cut at an angle with no effort, leaving only a small piece of it.

Bloodfang laughed and lifted his sword again.

"I'm finishing this now, boy!"

As he did this, Harry moved his eyes to the gap in the armor covering his right arm. There was a few inches of space around the joint of his elbow.

Moving at lightning speed, he drove his broken sword in there, stabbing the goblin's exposed flesh.

Bloodfang screamed in agony but did not stop his attack.

Harry used his other hand to stop the vertical slash by grasping onto the goblin's gauntlet.

Bloodfang gasped in shock when he saw this. By all means, he should be heavier and stronger than this human boy. This made no sense to him. He felt like he was having a terrible nightmare.

"This can't be…"

Harry moved his fingers to get a good hold on his opponent's blade before lifting his left leg and sending a powerful kick.

Bloodfang raised his shield and blocked it, but the impact was enough to make him release his weapon before being sent flying backward.

He only managed to stop himself at the border of the arena, and he hurried to stand back up and stare at Harry, who was now holding his own weapon in a menacing manner.

"This has to be a dream…" Bloodfang said. Humans were not suposed to be like this.

The goblins watching were also thinking the same. They could not believe what they were seeing.

Bloodfang grunted in pain as he removed the broken sword from his elbow.

"Arggg…" His eyes became bloodshot.

"You damn human, I will kill you for this!" His hatred rose to the point of losing his self-control.

He was about to run at Harry but quickly realized there was no need for that…as this one was already doing that by himself.

"Fast…" Bloodfang muttered. He could barely follow Harry's movements as he approached.

Before he could formulate any sort of plan, Harry was already next to him.

Letting his instincts take over, Bloodfang raised his shield to block the attack. He knew how dangerous that blade was, but his shield was made of the same material, so it stood to reason that it should be able to resist its assault.

Even with his quick reaction, Bloodfang was barely able to lift his shield in time to intercept the horizontal swing from Harry.

He heard a loud clanking noise as the metals collided, followed by a sharp pain in his left arm.

When he looked down, he understood why…his shield had been cut in half, and so had his arm.

The goblin had never suffered any serious wounds during his entire career as a fighter and a soldier.

"Ahhh! Nooo!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. His will to fight had been instantly shattered.

Bloodfang's eyes moved to the front, trying to find Harry, but the human had already vanished from sight.

He then heard Bluefang shouting.

"Stop! It's already ov—"

Bloodfang felt something hitting the back of his head, and then…nothing.

Harry released the grip on the blade and let it fall, along with Bloodfang, who had the blade stuck on top of his head.

He didn't want to drag the fight more than necessary, so after disarming his opponent, Harry moved behind him and gave the goblin a lethal blow.

The audience was not happy with him.


"That boy killed Bloodfang?!"

"He…he must be using magic!"

"Yeah, he must have done something strange!"

The audience was both angry and unconvinced about his performance.

"Silence!" The Commander shouted with authority.

"You shan't say a single word about what happened here today…"

The Commander's eyes locked onto Harry.

"The wizard fought according to our rules…"

"So…I'm free to go then?" Harry glanced at the judge.

Bluefang appeared to be extremely enraged and did not take his eyes off Harry.

"Mmm…and I don't have to pay anything, right?" Harry decided to add.

The Judge glared at Harry for a good minute, then...


"I can't believe he shouted at me like that. Just because I won the fight…what a sore loser." Harry huffed as they walked out of Gringotts.

"I'm fairly sure that Bloodfang and the Judge were related," Daphne commented.

"Well, what was I supposed to do…it was a fight to the death," Harry said defensively. He did what he had to do.

"I'm not sure that was the case," Dumbledore joined in the conversation.

"That goblin judge never mentioned that you must continue to fight until someone dies."

"Now that you mention it…" It was true that the goblin only said there was a risk of death.

"I believe he was about to stop the fight before you…" Daphne made a motion with her hand.

"But look at the bright side, the goblins would have been a lot angrier if they found out that you cheated." Dumbledore gave Harry a knowing look.

"Cheated?" Xenos asked.

"What do you mean?, Harry fought with a sword like they wanted." Daphne did not understand it either.

"He did fight with a sword...but as for not doing any magic..." Dumbledore started.

"You used magic?" Daphne had not noticed this at all.

"They only said that I couldn't use my wand. They never said anything about wandless magic." Harry stated.

"It was implied, and you know it..." Dumbledore gave him a look of disapproval. He knew that Harry could have won without breaking any rule, but decided to do it anyway.

"What did you do?" Daphne was just curious at this point.

"I used a bit of wandless magic to make the sword cut a bit better. Also, I used some enhancement charms on my legs..." Harry admitted.

"You are lucky the goblins have a poor understanding of wandless magic so they could not pick on that. But they definitely know you did something, but otherwise, that goblin steel sword should not have been able to cut through the shield in such a way." Dumbledore explained.

"I wanted to finish it faster, okay?. Let's keep this among ourselves...the goblins are angry enough with me."

"Angry?, they were talking about banning you from Gringotts as we were leaving..." Daphne said.

"What's done is done…" Harry shrugged.

"And it was much better than my alternative plan anyway."

"You had another idea? What was it?" Daphne asked.

"Ah…well…" Harry scratched his head.

"I think I better not say… that could have ended up in a war…"

"Ehem…" Dumbledore cleared his throat. He wanted to change the topic of the conversation, but there was still something he wanted to know.

"What were you even doing down there? What was so valuable inside that vault that you would even risk starting a war to take it?"

"That's…" Harry looked around. It was late afternoon, but there were still a lot of people in Diagon Alley.

"I'll tell you another day."

Dumbledore nodded. He could agree that this was hardly a good place to speak about important matters.

"Very well, you may tell me tomorrow when you come to my office then."

"Tomorrow?" Harry appeared to be confused.

"Have you forgotten?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Quidditch finals are tomorrow…you asked me to get us some seats."


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