Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 302: The Goblin Nation Criminals


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.



-Author notes-


Chapter 302: The Goblin Nation Criminals


Once they took away their wands, they put cuffs on them and led them into a room, where they were told to wait until new orders arrived.

The room where they left them, had grey walls and no windows, but at least it wasn't a cell. It looked more like an interrogation room, with a large wooden table in the middle and some very uncomfortable chairs.

Six guards remained inside to keep a close eye on them and prevented them from speaking with each other.

After what felt like hours, the Commander from before came back and led Harry away, leaving Daphne alone with Xenos and the six guards.

"How long are they going to keep us here?!" Daphne complained. "And what are they doing to Harry?" She wanted to be patient, but even that had a limit.

"The Commander must be questioning him," one of the guards finally answered one of her questions. He was just hoping for her to shut up now.

Daphne was about to open her mouth again when the door opened abruptly.

A goblin wearing an elegant tunic and a gold monocle on his face came inside and glanced at Daphne and Xenos.

"Who are you?" Daphne asked. Unlike the rest of them, this goblin did not look like a soldier, he was more like a scholar.

Ignoring her question, the elegant goblin moved his attention to one of the guards next to the door, the one who had just spoken to Daphne.

"You may release those two humans, but do not return their wands until they are out of Gringotts."

"You are letting us go, just like that?" Xenos inquired.

The goblin turned to them. "Yes. You are free to go. The guards will escort you outside. And then y-"

"Wait a minute!, what about Harry?" Daphne interrupted his explanation as one of the guards was opening her cuffs.

The goblin let out an exasperated sigh. "Mister Harry Potter has confessed to being the only one responsible for the crimes committed against our nation, freeing the both of you from any charges. So there is no point in keeping you here."

"But that's not fair. He is not a criminal. I want to see him!" Daphne demanded.

The elegant goblin sighed again because he knew he could not deny that request. "I was afraid you would make that demand…very well. But you will have to wait for his representative to arrive."

"Representative?" Daphne asked.

"Of course, Miss Greengrass. We are not savages! Mister Potter is a minor, and he is entitled to choose an adult to represent him during the reading of his sentence."

"Sentence?! What about a trial?" The seriousness of the situation was sinking in for Daphne. These goblins really wanted to treat Harry as a dangerous criminal.

"Sir!" A different guard knocked on the door and peeked his head inside. "The representative is here."

"Wonderful! Maybe we can get this done in a brief manner. I had already made plans for the evening..." The elegant goblin smiled. He was about to turn around when he seemed to remember something. "By the way, my name is Blue Fang, and I am the judge for this particular case…now follow me and don't lag behind."

Daphne and Xenos shared a look before going out of the room.

As they were doing this, they heard a familiar voice.

"What is this about? I came as soon as I could but one one has t-…"

"Headmaster!" Daphne immediately recognized the elderly wizard with the bright yellow robes.

"Miss Greengrass, and…Xenos?. What a strange combination." Dumbledore looked at them with a hint of confusion.

"Greetings, Albus. It has been quite a while since we saw each other," Xenos said.

Dumbledore nodded. "It has…I assume you two are also related to this incident with Harry?"

"Yes, we came with him, but..." Daphne said.

"Well, that is great. Then you can tell me what is going on because…"

"Mister Dumbledore." The goblin known as Blue Fang interrupted their conversation. " I understand your eagerness to know more, but if you all follow me, I shall take you to Mister Potter. And then we can explain everything in more detail. It will be much faster that way."

They obeyed the goblin and followed after him, along with several guards, to a nearby room.

The place they were in looked like a maze of corridors and doors that all looked the same. Only the goblins would be able to navigate this maze without getting lost.

When they entered, they found themselves in a room that looked exactly the same as their previous one.

Harry was sitting at the table, while the Goblin Commander who arrested them sat on the opposite side. All around them were eight goblin soldiers with their spears in hand.

"Harry!" Daphne was the first one to say something before she moved to his side, ignoring everyone else.

The guards gripped their spears, but their Commander was quick to give them a gesture of 'It is fine.'

"Professor," Harry glanced at the old wizard. "Sorry to make you come all the way here. They insisted I needed to have an adult present. And I didn't want to bother my parents."

"So you decided to bother me?" He said with a hint of amusement.

"It is summertime. I doubt you have much to do."

"You would be surprised, Mister Potter." The professor retorted.

"Ehem…" The judge cleared his throat in an annoyed way. "You would do well to take this more seriously. Now…since we are all here, we can begin."

The goblin sat down at the table and looked at the stack of papers in front of him. "I will ask to not be interrupted while I read the criminal charges against Mister Harry Potter…"



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