Harem Reborn

Chapter 46: Wading Into Danger

Mikota was waiting outside with arms crossed and an impatient look on her face. We all left the inn, and I waved to Karman as he continued to wash a glass. He gave me no response, so I reminded myself that I would have to check later to see if it was the same one.

Jill led us to the market, and while Sasha and I gathered rations and supplies we might need, the other four moved around, mingling into the crowd and trying to glean any info. When we all met up, Maxine and Jill looked disappointed, but the Mikota seem to be having fun playing with Kyrina's tail.

"No luck, hey?"

"Nothing at all, and it's not just that they don't know, but they don't even want to talk about it," Jill exasperated to me.

"Not just that, though. The people held wards and different charms up and shooed us away. All the people were like this, young and old," Maxine explained while scratching her head.

"Hmmm? Well, It's not like we found any about it in our travels. I think we have everything, so we should probably head out so we don't get caught out after dark. I want to be able to camp near or in the ruins tonight."

"After dark? But I thought," Maxine's voice trailed off, and she took on a gloomy look, so I went to pat her on the head while leaning in. I whispered something that made her blush and then smiled, shaking her head up and down.

I was tempted to ask Kyrina and Mikota if they had learned anything, but one look in their direction made me veto that line of thinking. Instead, I had to go over and pull Mikota off Kyrina's tail that she was tickling inappropriately, and we were starting to get looks from the locals. I pulled Mikota along, and the flustered Kyrina followed.

According to the map copied down, we had about half day's walk through a forest that turned into a swamp. The girls weren't excited about closing that, but they knew there was no getting around it. After about an hour of walking, we found a large and gnarled tree marked on the map. This location signaled as to where we entered the forest.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" Sasha asked as she peered over Jill's shoulder, trying to make sense of the map.

Even with all six eyes and the ability to have brief premonitions about immediate future events, Sasha couldn't read a map to save any of our lives. Her premonition with Jill's help could allow her to see things happen before they did and know how to react to them. Unfortunately, this ability drained her magical power, so it was only used sparingly.

"Yes, but the path looks pretty overgrown like it hasn't been used in a while," Jill pointed out.


"Don't worry, I can take care of it," Kyrin announced as he steps from where Kyrina had been stand only moments before.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, pretty boy, calm down. It would be best if you didn't burn the entire forest down," Mikota stepped in front of Kyrin, waving her hands.

"I'm not going to use my magic," and with that, Kyrin pulled a sword from a scabbard that I had not noticed before.

Mikota made an "oo" sound and hopped out of the way as Kyrin advanced on the path, sword drawn. Sasha came over and wrapped her arm around mine. Then Sasha put her head on my shoulder while letting out a sigh of relief.

"I really thought I was going to have to be the one to push the path, using my claws. I'm glad we have Kyrin with us; the vine and stuff get stuck in my nails, and I get wet slivers," Sasha complained as she wrapped herself tighter around my arms.

I saw Maxine scowl and turn away from us, but at the last second, I suggestively lifted my eyebrows, and Maxine almost tripped and fell over. After that, she wouldn't even look at me directly, but I did catch a small smile catch the corner of her mouth when she seemed to be lost in thought, at least until we got to the swamp.


That was Maxine.

"Not a chance."

That was Mikota.

The rest of the girls weren't happy about it but weren't putting up the same resistance as these two. The problem lies in the fact that the swamp's water was higher than we had expected. Maxine and Mikota would sink to just below the waist. It was only mid-thigh level for the rest of us, and the girl had just tied up their skirt while I took my pants and socks off, slipping them into my bag, but I refused to take my boots off.

"I'm not going in there, Dave. I am not dipping my privates in that water," Maxine protested.

Typically composed, it was cute to see this side of Maxine, but I went over to scoop her up. A small "Eek" slipped out of her lips, and I saw Sasha roll her eyes. I turn to Mikota, who was clutching Jill and shaking.

"What's wrong?"

"Mikota can sense another snake in the area," Jill told me while putting an arm around Mikota.

"Just one?" Kyrin asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, just one big one," Mikota spoke just loud enough for everyone close to hear.

"Do you know how big it is?" I asked Mikota, but she shook her head no. "Well, Kyrin, do you mind carrying Mikota? Your abilities complement each other in useful ways, and Maxine and I can provide ranged crystal attacks. Sasha and Jill will work together as our front liners, get into positions, and let's push through this fast."

Jill led us as we waded as fast as we could through the water, watching out not to trip on roots or debris we couldn't see. The trip went quickly, and soon we could see dry ground twenty-meters in front of us. That when I heard the splash.

Off to my left, around fifteen meters away, a long and thick dark shadow was moving below the surface. I tried to call out, but a massive dark green snake dove out of the water straight for Sasha. Its mouth was filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth, and I had no time to cry out.

Sasha didn't panic; instead, she sidestepped at the last possible second and dug her razor claws into the snake's flesh. They tore through the snake's meat like a forge hot blade cutting snow. The snake tried to react and whip its head around to bite Sasha, But a water whip rose to strangle the giant snake before reaching Sasha.

Kyrin walked over calmly to the writhing snake, with this sword in one hand, while Mikota clung to him in his other arm. "Sh-ick." The head fell from the snake, and Sasha grabbed part of the body and slung it over her shoulders, then heading for shore, whistling.

I looked at Maxine, and she had a troubled frown on her face while staring off at Sasha.

"Sasha is so scary. I'm happy you're married to both of us, at least, this way, I shouldn't ever have to worry about her turning that monstrous power on me."

I agreed with her and followed the others. Maxine wasn't wrong about being on the receiving end of Sasha's strength, but we were all friends, so we didn't have anything to worry about, right? Once we got to dry land, I was able to put Maxine down, not that she was heavy, but after carrying anything in front of you for an hour while jogging in thigh-deep water would be tiring.

I used a knife from my pack to help cut the snake up and take many chunks of meat since it was starting to get dark. It took us another three hours of walking to get to the ruins, and it was dark by the time we got there. Kyrin had been putting large pieces of meat on his sword and using Fire magic for cooking them as it got darker, and we walked.

There was a massive wall outside the ruins, and we all decided that this would be the best place to set up our tent and camp for the night. At the same time, others set up the tent and fire, Maxine and I snuck off. We crept deeper into the ruins, but it was all but impossible to see now, and the light of the fire never reach this far.

"I think this is far enough," Maxine said with a giggle as she jumped into my arms.

Our lips locked together and released some of the days penned up stresses. We had tucked ourselves just out of slight, and I was about to make good on the promise I had whispered to Maxine earlier in the morning. Suddenly, my blood ran cold as a voice spoke out from below me that sounded like boulders rubbing together.

"Get off me."

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