Harem and Empire

016 – The Senate [Plot]

"Another one!?" I shouted, as Arya and my sister came out of the clothing shop with another set of clothes. Red, Purple, White, they just wanted to buy the entire store. 

"Here," She said, "Catch." 

I sighed. It has been hours.  

"I was supposed to meet with the Senate days ago," I said.

"Tiberius, would you really abandon the two women you care the most in this world," She said. "To meet with a bunch of senile old men?"

I did not respond. My hands did all the speaking for me. But I was impotent to act. This woman knew me well. Her smirk was truly vicious..

"Exactly, now fetch us more money, there are still things we need to buy, we won't take long." 

When I pulled out another purse filled with silver coins, she snatched it and kissed me on the cheek. Arya looked at my sister with jealously, but did nothing but watch.

"See Arya, I told you little bro had a kind heart," She said. 

The little cunt left with Arya and a smirk on her face. When she was out of sight, I threw the stupid clothes at the slave boy who accompanied us. I was the second most powerful man on the planet, and yet here I was, being treating like a dog. 

"Why are you even here for," I said. Throwing my frustration at the young boy. 

He did not respond. It was a rhetorical question. 

While I, Tiberius, Consul of Rome, stood awaiting my two women to return, the senate ambushed me on the street. They clung to their togas with indignation. Their eyes directed straight at me. 

"Consul Tiberius, what is the meaning of this?" Asked Titus, along with him around fifty senators. Word must've gotten to them that a young man dressed in consular clothing was spending a fortune on a shopping spree. It was only a matter of time before they showed up. 

I tried to explain to them I was merely indulging in the great shops of Rome, but just when they seemed to be satisfied with my answer. Arya and my sister threw a new set of clothes at me. I had just been undone. 

"is that a Demi-human!?" one of the senators asked. 

"It can't be, the consul is nothing but a slave to women," Another whispered. 

"Rome is ruined," Titus said. 

I threw the clothes aside, but it was over. The consensus was that I was a worthless man. The Senate left without allowing me to speak a word. 

"You two, see what you have done!? I'v been undone!" I said. The repercussions of his political blunder were unimaginable. 

This only made Arya cry. But my sister did not seem to care. 

"Tiberius, I already told you, the senate is not a big deal, leave it all to me," She said. 

As if she knew the implications of what had happened. I ran like a fool until I was able to catch up to the senators who were leaving in indignation. I tried to explain, but they're having none of it. Once they entered the senate floor, they passed a motion to ban me from walking into the senate. Manlius was going to have me flogged for this. 

"Don't worry Tiberius, leave it all up to me," My sister said. 

They continued shopping for another few hours until we returned to the mansion. Which, by the renovations done by my sister, now almost looked like a brothel. 

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