Happy Tycoon

Chapter 1049

Chapter 1049: 1 legend in the circle

“This is the place where Hetian jade is produced?” Ge Ge, who had just stepped off the plane, asked Yang Jing dumbfounded. No wonder she has this expression, it is because Hotan Airport is actually built on the edge of the desert, to be precise, on the edge of the Gobi Desert between Hotan Oasis and Kunlun Mountains.

When the plane landed and hovered just now, from the air you could clearly see the snow-capped Kunlun Mountains in the south, and the Hotan Oasis, and of course, the yellow Gobi Desert in between.

Green, yellow, and white are particularly distinct from the sky. When I got off the plane, this feeling became stronger.

Hotan at the end of February is not too cold, compared to northern Xinjiang, it can be called Jiangnan. The Pamirs in the west and the Tianshan Mountains in the north are like two heavy arms, firmly holding the southern Xinjiang basin and shutting out the cold air blowing from Siberia, so even if the latitude of Hotan is similar to that of Tianqu , The weather in Kehetian feels even warmer than Tianqu.

The only uncomfortable thing is that the wind here is too dry, and blowing on the face is no different from scraping with a knife.

Gege tightened his headscarf and followed Yang Jing into the car parked outside the airport. Since the incarnation of Yang Jing, Cole Smith, bought a Hetian jade processing plant from Hotan in the late 1980s, that plant has been in operation. Thanks to the overseas relationship of the Dragon Fund, this jade carving factory, which is nominally a subsidiary of Pacific Mining Corporation, has always had good benefits, at least much better than other state-owned jade carving factories in Hotan.

Now, this jade carving factory can be regarded as a famous jade carving factory in Hotan. But Yang Jing, the big boss, came in person, and a high-level person from the jade carving factory came to greet him personally.

Sitting on the comfortable Desert Prince buggy, Grid was amazed while looking at the scenery outside.

Compared with Hotan more than 30 years ago, Hetian is undoubtedly much more beautiful now. There are many high-rise buildings in the center of the city, and the roads are also much wider, especially the greening is getting better and better. Although there are still many bungalows in most areas of the city, Hotan is much better at this time than it was more than 30 years ago.

In the evening, the group of people had a sumptuous lunch with Hetian characteristics in the canteen of the jade carving factory. In the evening, the group of people checked in at the Silver Star Hotel. Under the personal leadership, five off-road vehicles went straight to the Aqik mining area.

When crossing the Yulong Kashi River, Grid asked curiously: “Is this river the Yulong River that produces Hetian jade seeds?”

“Yes, this is the river. But I am afraid that the seed jade in this river has been dug almost, and now it is difficult for people to find seed jade in the course of this river.”

“Then how did you get so many seed jade?”

“Hey, this is a long story. My cheap master told me about his things here in the past. He told me that when he came to Hetian in the late 1980s, the price of Hetian jade was still very high. At that time, outside the locals, outsiders didn’t even know how to find seed jade in the course of the Yulong Kashi River. At that time, my master invested a lot of money in Hotan, and then helped the local government clean up the Yulong Kashi River for free. The river channel and the embankment were built, and then” Yang Jing shrugged and made an expression you know. No one else was in this car, except for his couple, Liu Zhentao and Morris who drove, so Yang Jing was no more taboo.

Liu Zhentao and Grid shook their heads.

People cleaned up the river in the late 1980s. If you can’t get a lot of seed jade, then it would be totally unreasonable.

Liu Zhentao asked, “Xiao Jing, do you know how much money your master invested back then?”

“Well, let me think about it. It seems that my master donated 20 million U.S. dollars to the local government when he arrived in Urumqi, and then after arriving in Alar on the way, he donated another 10 million U.S. dollars to the agricultural reclamation unit in Alar. In the end. When he arrived in Hotan, he didn’t count the money from some jade carving factory warehouses to buy Hetian jade, but just invested 50 million US dollars in the Hetian government. If you count the money to buy Hetian jade in Hetian, his trip to Xinjiang Province It is estimated that nearly 100 million U.S. dollars of funds were directly thrown in.”

This number caused Liu Zhentao to spit out his tongue. One hundred million U.S. dollars, even now, that is a huge sum of money, let alone 30 years ago when China Foreign Exchange was extremely tense, 100 million U.S. dollars was an incredible investment.

If you think about it this way, it’s no surprise that Master Yang Jing can get so much Hetian jade.

We must know that at that time, the price of Hetian jade was still extremely low. Isn’t there a legend in the jade-playing circle? Said that there was a woman who went to Hetian with her family to play, but she met a child selling “pebbles” in Hetian. At that time, the child gave the woman a bag of “pebbles”, saying that they were found in the Yulong Kashi River, and it was enough for fifty yuan.

Although fifty yuan was a lot of money at the time, the woman saw that the child was pitiful, and these “pebbles” were indeed pretty, so she gritted her teeth and bought it for fifty yuan. The bag “pebbles”. The bag of “pebbles” weighed about five or six kilograms. After the woman returned home, she felt that there was no place to put these stones, so she threw these stones into the fish tank.

As a result, more than 20 years have passed without knowing it. When the Hetian jade fire broke out, a friend of the woman’s husband went to the woman’s house as a guest, and accidentally found the “pebbles” laying on the bottom of the fish tank from the fish tank. At that time, the eyes almost stared out.

It turns out that those ‘small stones” turned out to be real Hetian mutton fat seed jade. Even if the collection level does not reach the top a collection level, it can definitely reach the 2a collection level. That is close to 20,000 pieces of top jade per gram. !

Then the woman cleaned out all the ‘small stones” bought for fifty yuan more than 20 years ago, and found an expert to show it. The expert said that these mutton seed jade are worth a total of Close to one hundred million

Kindness is rewarded, as expected.

That woman spent fifty yuan without her knowledge to buy Hetian jade worth one hundred million after more than two decades. If Yang Jing’s master had spent one hundred million dollars at that time, she would not be able to spend the whole Hetian’s seed jade is all sold out.

So, if you look at it from this perspective, Yang Jing’s master is not a mistake.

However, if Yang Jing’s master was able to obtain the right to mine a jade mine for seventy years, that would be terrible. Now that mine has a mining period of forty years, how much mountain material can be obtained!

Even if it is mountain material, this is also the Hetian jade mountain material that is eight hundred years old, and the probability of solving good jade in it is extremely high!

The car went east along the 15th National Highway, and the woodland and farmland on both sides of the road were invisible at a glance. Of course, the houses where farmers lived were indispensable. The Yulong Kashi River not only brought the extremely beautiful Hetian jade seed jade to mankind, but also brought oasis to the residents on both sides of the river.

Not long after Luopu County, the car entered the Gobi Desert. After a certain distance, the motorcade turned south towards a cement road, which was the road leading to the Akike mining area.

After the road stretched for more than ten kilometers to the south, it reached the bank of the Akik River. Only in this season, the Aqik River is dry.

The road condition of the highway is not very good, and it is a bit bumpy. No way, this road has been repaired for more than 30 years, even if it is often maintained by the local road administration department, the road conditions are still getting worse without funds for renovation.

“This road should be repaired. If you don’t repair it, you won’t be able to drive.” Grid complained.

“Well, after I get out of the mining area, I will allocate a sum of money to renovate this road. It is estimated that my master forgot this road before, so this road has become like this now. But it doesn’t matter, now I’m here. , This road must be repaired again!”

Because of the bad road conditions, it took more than an hour for the next 40 kilometers. But in the end the convoy arrived safely at the Akike mining area.

“I see, there, there and the four hills over there are connected to form this mining area about three kilometers long and one kilometer wide, which is our Hetian jade mine.” Get off the car. , Yang Jing pointed to the area where the valley in front connects the slopes on both sides and said.

At this time, Wang Jian, the director of the jade carving factory, also came up, smiled and pointed to this area and explained: “Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, the total area of this mining area is 41 square kilometers, but most of them are hillsides. , Only this part of the valley, which is more than 40 meters wide and more than 200 meters long, is relatively flat. Our factory buildings, office areas and miners’ dormitories are all located here www.readwn.com Wang Jian is Wu Dawei’s nephew . When Yang Jing, incarnation of Cole Smith, came to Krai, it was Wu Dawei’s road. Wu Dawei was the head of the sales department of a large electric motor factory in Yanjing. In the mid-1980s, he followed the trend and went to sea for gold, but The process of his going to the sea for gold panning was not very smooth, and he eventually became a little bit ashamed. Fortunately, he met Pete Wu at this time. Pete Wu admired Wu Dawei’s communicative ability, so he recruited Wu Dawei to his subordinates.

Later, when Yang Jing started such a big mess in Hotan, Wu Dawei moved to Hotan with his family. At the same time, he also served as the director of the jade carving factory and the mine director of the Akike mining area.

After seeing Cole Smith’s wealth and wealth, Wu Dawei knew that he had a super thick thigh, and the environment in Hetian was actually good, and there was no problem with eating and living, so Wu Dawei simply volunteered to be here. Presiding over the work was appreciated by Pete Wu.

For this reason, Pete Wu returned 10 shares of the jade carving factory to Wu Dawei after seeking the consent of Yang Jing.

Wang Jian also came to Hotan after graduating from a technical school in the late 1990s and went to his uncle Wu Dawei. Later, he did well in jade carving factories and mines, and was gradually raised by Wu Dawei. Sixty-nine-year-old Wu Dawei died of lung cancer six years ago. Before his death, when Pete Wu came to visit him, he begged Pete Wu to agree to let his nephew Wang Jian take over his class.

After inspecting Wang Jian, Peter Wu agreed to Wu Dawei’s request. Wang Jian took charge of the work here, and Peter Wu gave Wang Jian 10 shares. Of course, these 10 shares are naturally only owned by the jade carving factory, and Peter Wu, who owns the Akike jade mine, does not have that power distribution.

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