Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 91: When Will Xanthia Get Her Break?

Marcus's question was exactly what many students in the class, who loved to be in the spotlight and stir up excitement, wanted to ask. However, unlike Marcus, who had the courage to voice such a question, they were intimidated by Emmanuel's harsh authority.

Yet, when it came to the school sports meet, Emmanuel displayed a rare degree of understanding. After all, the students were only in their first year of high school; there was no need to tighten the reins too much. A balance between relaxation and discipline was key.

If he were in charge of a second-year class, his demeanor would undoubtedly be quite different.

Moreover, Class 1-3 was a unique class. As a provincial recruitment class and a quasi-key class, it had many students with connections. These students were usually very restrained and suppressed their true natures. The school sports meet, being a rare opportunity to express their individuality, was not a moment to be stifled further.

Thus, Emmanuel, surprisingly lenient, did not outright dismiss Marcus's question. Instead, he responded in a friendly manner, suggesting that new ideas could be entertained but must be moderate, harmonious, and not too outlandish or garish.

This attitude was met with cheers from the students who had been eager to make a splash. The classroom was filled with a vibrant atmosphere, and some students even pledged their loyalty to Emmanuel from their seats:

“Teacher Emmanuel, you’re the best! I won’t call you… uh, I actually never called you that!”

“Teacher Emmanuel, you’re amazing! From now on, whatever you say goes!”

“I’m willing to do anything for your sake, Teacher Emmanuel!”

“Teacher Emmanuel, you’re like a saint!”


Despite being feared and referred to as "Emmanuel the Terrorist" due to his usual stern and overbearing management, Emmanuel adeptly used his strategy to win over the more difficult students in the class. His display of kindness during such a trivial matter had already won him a great deal of goodwill.

Emmanuel smiled slightly, and his typically cold and intimidating aura softened considerably. He raised a hand to signal for quiet, and the entire class fell silent instantly, as if under his command.

At this point, students eager to stand out at the opening ceremony began thinking about what flamboyant outfits to wear. With over a week until the sports meet, they had ample time to prepare.

“Ryan, since you are the class monitor, how about you lead the class, carrying the class banner in the parade?” Emmanuel suggested, a bit presumptuously, as he was accustomed to a more autocratic approach.

However, Ryan, who was low-key and reserved, was not the type to seek the limelight. To be an effective class leader and guide, one needed to stand out and wear something eye-catching. Ryan, not interested in preparing any extravagant costume, voiced an alternative:

“Teacher Emmanuel, I don’t think I’m suited for this role. I believe it would be better if we had a class vote to elect the guide.”

If you asked Ryan whom he thought would be most suitable for the role, it would undoubtedly be Xanthia. He had a very favorable impression of her—she was not only beautiful and had a pleasant voice, but also showed a strong sense of class pride, working diligently during the cleaning duties with great enthusiasm.

When Emmanuel came to the classroom that day and saw the fresh and clean environment, he was pleasantly surprised and couldn’t help but praise the results of the previous day’s cleaning.

Others might not know who the real contributor was, but Ryan had quietly noted Xanthia’s performance.

Ryan was not one to be swayed by appearances alone. Over his many years of schooling, he had encountered many girls who were beautiful but shallow and unimpressive. Xanthia, however, was a rare blend of outer beauty and inner grace, coupled with excellent academic performance—a truly remarkable girl.

Hearing about the “vote,” Emmanuel frowned slightly, but considering the need to motivate the entire class for the sports meet, he decided it was a good opportunity to showcase a bit of democracy.

“Alright then, let’s hold a vote. Are there any self-nominations?” he said, going along with the suggestion.

Immediately, a few eager boys, keen to make a splash, stepped forward.

For instance, Miguel, who was friends with Marcus, was a dedicated fan of anime and had attended many comic conventions by visiting Japan often in vacation days.

He saw the school sports meet as an alternative convention and was ready to showcase his collection of extravagant japanese-styled costumes. He had a set of Ultraman Tiga gear, and if elected as the class guide, he could transform into Ultraman Tiga, symbolizing the “class’s light!”

At that moment, he would become a beacon!

Such a display would undoubtedly attract the attention of the entire school, and wearing an Ultraman costume would spare him from public embarrassment since most students in this country prefers anime and manga as one of their hobbies which also Xanthia likes and even this kind of entertainment from Japan and even Korea, has been influencing the younger generation to join this global trend.

Excited by the thought of pulling off such a spectacular stunt, he eagerly put himself forward for the role.

In contrast, the girls, though some had already planned how to highlight their beauty, were more reserved about the idea of being the class guide. The position seemed too prominent and did not fit their desire for a more laid-back approach to enjoying the parade in their own way.

At this moment, Emmanuel’s expression darkened slightly, showing his dissatisfaction with the boys who had volunteered themselves. To be a class guide, holding the class banner, one should at least have a decent height or appearance, right?

After all, this role was essentially the class's “public face.” If other classes had handsome boys and beautiful girls, but Class 1-3 only had mismatched individuals, they would already be at a disadvantage in terms of presence.

This was why Emmanuel disliked class elections. If not a single candidate met his standards, he might as well just appoint someone himself.

However, he couldn’t retract his previous statement. After a moment of thought, he said, “It seems that there are still too few volunteers. Here’s what we’ll do: let’s have the class committee members each propose a candidate. The committee members can also nominate themselves. Ryan, as the class monitor, please start us off.”

When Dematero heard this, he immediately leaned closer to Ryan and whispered, “Monitor, recommend Xanthia! She’s the perfect fit for representing our class!”

Ryan thought, Do you need to tell me this? Are you teaching me how to do my job?

He glanced subtly at Xanthia, considering her close relationship with the life committee member, Luciel...

He lowered his gaze, pondered briefly, and then said, “I recommend my deskmate, Dematero. His height and looks are quite good, and he’s quick-witted. He should be able to come up with something interesting.”

Dematero’s eyes widened in shock, and he looked at Ryan with a mix of betrayal and confusion. What was he thinking? Dematero knew nothing about flamboyant outfits. Did Ryan expect him to wear a dress?

He remembers that some classes forces their male guide to wear female clothing to boast class morale but thinking about it, creeps him out.

Dematero, being a man of integrity, would never stoop to beyond the boundary, no matter how tempting it might be. His principles would not be compromised!

Upon hearing Ryan’s recommendation, Emmanuel promptly wrote Dematero’s name on the board, thinking, At last, a candidate that meets my expectations.

After all, Dematero was one of his favored students. He had the right height and decent features, presenting a classic appearance.

“Lilim, who do you recommend?” Emmanuel called out the name of the discipline committee member and vice-monitor.

When Lilim heard Ryan’s recommendation of Dematero, she looked back at Dematero’s pained expression and chuckled to herself. She didn’t think much and decided to go along with it: “I’ll also recommend Dematero. He should be good at creating something fun.”

After all, Dematero was known as the class clown. Turning him into a clown costume for the parade guide seemed like a fitting idea.

In reality, Lilim had no interest in the upcoming sports meet. She was short and not good at sports. She couldn’t even muster the enthusiasm to cheer. Instead, she’d prefer to stay in the classroom and use the time others spent on fun activities to focus on her studies. That would be her biggest win!

For someone who aimed to outdo others, paying attention to details was crucial.

Dematero was stunned when Lilim also recommended him. He was genuinely exasperated. How had he earned the combined recommendation of both the class monitor and vice-monitor?

He hoped his classmates wouldn’t be swayed by these two recommendations and actually vote him in as the parade leader. That would be too much to handle!

This situation was unprecedented in his "future" memories. Could it be because he hadn’t fallen into darkness? He still communicated with Ryan and Lilim and often discussed difficult problems. Had his good relationships led to this unexpected outcome?

The butterfly effect was indeed terrifying. The longer time went on, the more his “future” memories seemed unreliable, merely serving as “writing material.”

Next was Henry, who occupied the throne as the study committee member. He finally refrained from recommending Dematero.

With a smile and a mischievous glint, he suggested “Jimmy.”

The class erupted in laughter. Jimmy as a parade guide? What kind of performance would he come up with—holding the banner while urinating on the spot?

Jimmy glared at Henry with intense hatred, cursing him internally:

“One day, you’ll suffer too. Go ahead and mess up. Enjoy your life as you like, vengeance will be mine!”

Emmanuel frowned slightly upon hearing Jimmy’s name. Clearly, this candidate did not meet his expectations, but such candidates were merely there to fill out the list. Writing his name on the board was inconsequential.

“Luciel, it’s your turn,” Emmanuel continued, addressing the life committee member. He had a high regard for her, especially since she had risen to second place in the recent monthly exam.

He added with a smile, “Why don’t you nominate yourself? I believe the class would be very happy to have you as the parade guide. Don’t you think so, everyone?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the class buzzed with approval, especially among the girls. Those in the same dormitory as Luciel, like Xenia La Sagrada and Crissante, wholeheartedly supported her. With her charismatic presence, beauty, and leadership, Luciel would be the ideal representative for the class.

Among the boys, there were also many supporters for Luciel. After all, she was privately regarded as the class's “belle.” If she were to take on the role of parade guide, it would indeed be an impressive sight.

Seeing this, Emmanuel, without waiting for Luciel’s response, took it upon himself to write her name on the board. It was as good as a decree.

However, Luciel spoke up, “Actually, I’d prefer to recommend Xanthia. Teacher Emmanuel, please add Xanthia’s name to the board as well.”

Ryan, the class monitor, sighed with relief upon hearing this. He had anticipated that Luciel would recommend Xanthia, so he had only jested with Dematero. He was surprised when Emmanuel had done something so unexpected, almost complicating Ryan’s attempt to avoid suspicion.

Emmanuel, respecting Luciel's choice, wrote “Xanthia” on the board as well. Both Luciel and Xanthia were candidates he found suitable.

Luciel continued, “I’m grateful for everyone’s enthusiastic support, but I need to clarify that if you vote for me, I’ll only wear the school uniform as the guide. I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet everyone’s expectations for entertainment. That’s all I wanted to say.”

As expected, her words caused disappointment among many classmates, especially the boys.

This was typical of Luciel’s personality. With her strong and commanding presence, she exuded an air of authority. Her sharp phoenix eyes and leadership qualities made her an archetypal big sister type. It was unrealistic to expect her to indulge in any flamboyant antics.

Luciel was also known for her lack of interest in fashion, preferring conservative clothing and rarely wearing skirts.

“Kenny, the sports committee member, who do you recommend?” Emmanuel asked next.

Kenny responded without hesitation, “I recommend Hera. She is very knowledgeable about fashion and has the means to showcase more than others. She will definitely add glamour to our class. I hope everyone will vote for Hera!”

Hera, who had no skills beyond her superficial charm, beamed with delight, looking pleased and self-assured.

She believed the role of parade guide, being the most prominent position, was perfect for her. She planned to wear a high-end dress and adorn herself with expensive jewelry, flaunting her wealth and power.

Most importantly, the parade guide for Class 1-1 would definitely be Dionysius. If Hera became the guide for Class 1-3, it would highlight how well-matched she was with Dionysius.

However, as soon as Kenny finished, a mocking voice came from the back, “More than others? Do you mean showing off by laughing and farting? Hera is the only one who could pull off such a stunt!”

The class erupted in laughter, louder than when Jimmy’s name was mentioned. Jimmy, the “urine king,” was already old news, while Hera, the “farting queen,” was the current sensation.

Kenny, enraged, turned around, “Who said that? Which lowlife insulted her?”

His attempt to defend Hera seemed valiant, like a knight errant defending his lady.

Then he saw Marcus in the back row, leaning against his chair with his hands behind his head, glaring with a fierce bully’s expression. He sneered at Kenny and said to Leon, “Leon, how did I insult Hera?”

Leon grinned, “Bro, you only repeated what she did.”

Seeing Marcus was the one mocking Hera, Kenny immediately shrank back. Although he was the sports committee member, he couldn’t match Marcus’s imposing physical presence and intimidating bully appearance.

Hera, seeing Kenny’s discomfort, advised, “Apologize to Marcus after class. He was just joking. Why get so worked up?”

This was classic Hera—intimidating those weaker while fawning over the strong.

She knew Marcus was close friends with Dionysius from Class 1-1, and she often fantasized that once she became Dionysius’s girlfriend, she could boss around Marcus and use him to bully others. That would be so satisfying!

Kenny, chastised by Hera, deflated but reassured himself. As long as he followed her wishes, it would surely improve his standing in her eyes. The effort was worth it!

Winning over a rich girl like Hera was worth more than any social prestige.

Emmanuel, unfazed by the commotion, continued his democratic process by writing Hera’s name on the board.

Next was the labor committee member, who had no candidate in mind and chose to abstain.

Finally, it was Lhoraine’s turn. She had initially wanted to recommend Xanthia but noticed that Luciel had already beaten her to it. As a gossip enthusiast, she decided to stir things up further by nominating “Elena La Loannou.”

Although rare, Lhoraine suddenly realized that Elena was highly respected, as she had the privilege of being addressed by her full name, often without people even being aware of it. While being called by one's first name is common, being referred to by one's full name signifies an entirely different level of respect, even if oblivious to it.

Only someone truly unique, intelligent, and exceptionally beautiful could earn the distinction of being called by their full name subsconsciously. Not even Xanthia had this privilege. Lhoraine was momentarily taken aback and thought, "How come?"

She didn’t genuinely wish for Elena to be selected but wanted to see who among the top three candidates—Xanthia, Luciel, and Elena—had the highest popularity. Yet, she was intrigued by this unknown side of hers. After recalling some social studies, Lhoraine couldn't help but acknowledge a certain respect for Elena, despite her personal bias against her.


Emmanuel wrote down all the candidates’ names on the board and then began the anonymous voting process. Each student was instructed to tear off a piece of paper, write down the names of up to three candidates, and submit the paper to the students at the back row.

After all the votes were collected, Ryan would tally them while Lilim marked “approved” next to each name.

Hera really wanted to suggest to the class teacher that the voting be postponed to give her more time to campaign. Otherwise, with her social standing, how could she possibly be elected as the guide?

Emmanuel, however, was wary of delays and the potential for unexpected changes. If an undesirable candidate were chosen, it would be inconvenient for him, as he preferred to maintain control.

This was the first time the class was holding such a democratic vote, and they found it quite novel. They genuinely felt they had the power to determine the final candidate.

In Dematero’s corner, he was tirelessly campaigning for Xanthia, “Vote for Xanthia! Don’t forget, she’s very willing to bring joy to everyone. Her previous JK uniform was so stunning!”

Dematero’s slightly chubby deskmate, Benedicto, who was also Dematero’s roommate, wrote Xanthia’s name while joking, “Should we write Elena’s name too? She’s not as bold as Xanthia but is quite good at dressing up. She’d make a suitable guide.”

“No, no, no! Don’t bring up Elena. She’s too aloof and has no sense of fun. Trust me, vote for Xanthia. If she’s elected, she’ll be thrilled, and you’ll benefit from it!” Dematero quickly countered.

“Oh, so you know Xanthia well. Fine, I’ll give you face. To ensure Xanthia wins, I won’t vote for any other girl. I’ll vote for you!” Benedicto chuckled.

“Don’t, don’t! Vote for anyone else but me!” Dematero urged.

Henry interjected, “Dematero, don’t be so anxious. Do you really think you’re so popular in the class? Among the boys, we just pity you. In the girls' circle, you’re just the class clown!”

Dematero shrugged it off. As long as Xanthia didn’t see him as a clown, he didn’t care what the girls thought.

In another corner, many students were quietly discussing and debating. For instance, in Hera’s area, Kenny, despite being humiliated, continued to campaign for her, focusing on showing his support, regardless of the outcome.

However, most discussions centered around Xanthia:

“Among the three names we write, one must be Xanthia. She’ll definitely help maintain our class’s image!”

“Maintain image? Xanthia is aiming for excellence. She’s a kind-hearted girl who can really make things happen!”

“I’m definitely voting for Xanthia. I’d sacrifice my roommate’s entire life to see her in that JK uniform again! Her wearing that outfit are worth it!”

“I’m voting for Xanthia and Miguel. Miguel said he’d cosplay as Ultraman. As an old Ultraman fan, I have to support him…”

“Cosplay Ultraman? Is it really a good idea to have Ultraman as our class guide? Don’t make us a laughingstock among other classes!”

“Vote for Xanthia! If you don’t vote, when will Xanthia ever get her chance?”

“Trust Xanthia! She’s the pride of our class. We must believe in her. She’ll represent Class 1-3 and even Thessaloniki First High School, becoming the most popular school girl in the whole high school!”


IMPORTANT NOTE: There might be a delay of a day for the next chapters (maximum). I’m juggling some pretty rough stuff right now—money, health, and just feeling overwhelmed in general. I’m not gonna dive into the specifics, but yeah, life’s been hitting hard lately. Writing these stories is kinda my way of coping with all the chaos. I hope the time that I delayed releases for weeks or so may or for some unfortunate event, completely cut off from writing, may never happen. Well anyway, thanks for sticking around and reading my lowkey works so far.

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