Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 81: Dematero’s Comeback

"...That Synomilia confession he sent to Elena sounds nice, but in reality, he's stingy and unwilling to spend money. This kind of useless boy should be exposed for his trashiness and lose the right to choose a partner!"

"What's the use of writing well in compositions? Can he make money from writing? Can he feed Elena with just words alone? Xanthia, you are Elena's current desk mate. Your relationship with her is not bad, right? You are standing up for a useless boy instead of Elena. Do you really like him? Too bad, he's just Elena's follower, haha!"

"Xanthia, I think you have a serious problem with your judgment..."


If the docile "previous life" had discovered Elena's "good girlfriend" talking behind his back like this, his already shattered heart would probably have been even more crushed. He would have fallen deeper into darkness, determined to prove something through self-torture, hoping to move Elena.

But reality proved that no matter how much he "self-tortured" or moved himself, none of it affected Elena. She probably still thought he was nothing.

While he appeared strong on the surface but felt helpless in the darkness, there was only one ray of light shining into his heart.

It was only after he became a bestselling author, achieving fame and fortune, that Elena's attitude underwent a tremendous change. This irony reflected true human nature.

The extreme suffering in his "previous life" had thoroughly tempered his gentle mind, enlightening him to many truths.

He would no longer prove his "sincerity" through self-torture and self-pity. He only wanted to silently protect the one ray of light in his heart.

Therefore, Yannis's harsh mockery would only make him sneer—Is that all?

Compared to the painful experiences of his "previous life," what did this slight mockery amount to?

Now, after "rebirth," he was full of confidence and ambition. Yannis's words would eventually become a boomerang, turning her into a joke.

He had undergone a complete transformation, no longer the naive and foolish gentle person he once was.

He had matured and become stable. His tendency to be verbose had healed—what was there to talk about with these childish high schoolers? It would only waste his precious time.

Rather than Yannis's mockery, it was Xanthia's statement in the video that almost made the gentle one unable to hold back, his eyes suddenly misting up with tears, feeling a pang in his heart.

That was her, Xanthia, always gentle towards him, always believing in his "talent."

Regrettably, in his "previous life," he had failed to cherish such a girl. At this thought, he wanted to slap himself hard again.

Even though he now had a chance to start over, he could never make it up to the girl who had already passed away, his true white moonlight in his heart.

She would never be the same in this world again, which was the cruelest punishment for him, one he willingly accepted!

He would never let this world's Xanthia suffer the same fate again; he only wished for her eternal happiness and health.

The most irregular thing about White Moonlight was that even if she appeared in person, she could never replace his idealized image of her. He was meticulous and clear-headed in this regard. Therefore, he would not replace her with anyone else; he would only protect her well, as a form of redemption.

Upon closer examination of this gossip video, one would find it to be the type that secretly filmed people, sometimes revealing their true selves behind closed doors.

Some people were classic in that they presented one face in public and another in private, such as Yannis. In the classroom, she actually had a decent image, being an outgoing and cheerful girl whom anyone could chat with.

Moreover, as Elena's good friend, some people, because of their positive impression of Elena, naturally assumed Yannis couldn't be bad. Why else would she have such a good relationship with Elena?

Some even felt that Yannis was unfairly labeled as Elena's good friend. Although not conventionally pretty, she wasn't ugly either, just an average-looking girl with a moderate appearance.

With a good personality and a good facade, such girls tended to have good popularity and were seen as easy to get along with. Who could have guessed she had this side to her in private?

In any case, seeing Yannis's true face in the class chat group, even if some felt she spoke the truth, they couldn't help but feel sorry for the gentle one who had become a clown. Her disguise had been exposed, precisely what Chica aimed to achieve after being betrayed by justice.

In contrast, Xanthia, under the backdrop of Yannis's true face, absolutely fit the adjective "beautiful inside and out." Clearly, she was not the type to have a double standard, which was quite commendable.

You can judge a person's character from small things.

If it weren't for her inherent gentleness and kindness, who would have spoken up to defend the gentle one, among so many girls present? In comparison, the difference was clear!

In fact, Luciel had also spoken, but when Yannis threw out the screenshot of their chat, that part did not appear in this gossip video. As soon as the video started, it showcased Yannis's eloquence and ruthless ridicule of the gentle one, which was very eye-catching.

As for Luciel, despite saying so, she fundamentally didn't favor the gentle one, who in high school didn't study well but was eager for "early love." She didn't believe his writing talent could prove himself.

There's nothing wrong with liking to write, but shouldn't it affect your academic performance? After entering the desired university, with more free time, delving deeper into this hobby would be the best of both worlds, right?

Coincidentally, after "rebirth," the gentle one also felt this way.

He deeply regretted dropping out of high school to become a professional writer. Even though he later achieved great success, he deeply regretted his "decline" during high school—

Elena, a girl like her, capable of leading him astray? He must have been blind!

Furthermore, back when he had no income from his writings and had rebelled enough to fall out with his parents, he had to rely on that girl whose name alone brought warmth to his heart just to survive. As a result, his burden grew heavier, and he always felt diminished. That feeling was unbearable. Despite his good temper, he had dignity and pride deep down.

Now, he had a clear plan for his future.

Firstly, he would absolutely not slack off in his studies anymore!

Maintaining good academic performance and pursuing writing were not mutually exclusive. He would not use writing as an excuse to evade his studies anymore.

Moreover, due to the traditional emphasis on academic achievement at Thessaloniki First High School, excelling academically would actually grant him more freedom. At least he would have the support of his parents and teachers and a better creative environment at school.

Next, he planned to participate in the "New Concept Essays" competition and win first prize, accumulating more advantages before the college entrance exam.

As for competitive training in subjects like mathematics and physics, he wouldn't blindly to become competition expert anymore. His talents were limited in the sciences; his future lay in literature!

Another crucial point was that only by excelling academically could he set a good example for Xanthia. He didn't want this playful girl to see him "falling" into writing and neglect her studies to pursue music instead...

He felt particularly sorry for her in his memories, always feeling he had dragged Xanthia down.

He was confident in his own talent, but compared to the truly gifted Xanthia, could his "glimmer" shine as brightly as the moon? However, Xanthia seemed unaware of her own talents now, happily drifting through life. He thought this was just fine.

Her body was fragile, and she suffered from severe depression. In her previous life, she had died so young, probably due to overwork for her career.

Her status as the "heiress of the Papadopoulos familia" only added to her mental burden.

In this life, he only wished for her to live happily and comfortably. He planned to copy the songs she had created in her previous life and let her earn money effortlessly!

This was the classic move of a reborn person!

Dematero didn't remember lottery numbers, stock trends, or pay much attention to sports events. Naturally, he couldn't rely on betting to make his first pot of gold. If he tried such a thing, he would definitely end up losing

However, he had chosen the path of writing. After becoming acquainted with Dionysius El Papadopoulos and Santos El Zanthos and being influenced by Xanthia's love for music, these memories had become his trump cards. He had endured so much pain, but the rewards were substantial.

As a writer, his deeply painful memories would become the most important material and nourishment for his creations.

His future loyal readers eagerly awaited his deep and melancholic works...

As for his path in writing, he wouldn't repeat the stubborn mistakes of his previous life, fixating on creating "timeless masterpieces" that couldn't even put food on the table!

He was a bestselling author, influenced by the market's demands, and had already changed his mindset. To him, a work was meaningful only when more people read it, rather than forcefully pursuing literary value.

Or rather, the premise of pursuing literary value should be financial freedom, when he could indulge and be whimsical.

Such simple and transparent reasoning—he didn't understand when he was young. How could he have been so naive?

Now that the enlightened Dematero had opened his eyes, he was prepared to use two approaches: submitting articles to magazines and starting a long web novel. One should not underestimate web novels; once successfully signed and serialized for over a month, he could earn royalties.

His intention in writing web novels was to make money. With memories of popular web novels from the "future" for reference, writing wouldn't require much time and effort.

He had already decided on the subject of his debut web novel—the theme of rebirth, fitting his current state of mind perfectly!

Originally, he wanted to name it "Who Cares About Love When You're Reborn," but he decided against it. This was a sci-fi romance novel with a single female protagonist that had exploded in popularity in his "future" memories. Writing it now might not guarantee the same level of success.

Because web novels followed trends closely. Early web novels liked themes of "man overcomes fate", "slaughtering demons," "striving for breakthroughs through hard work," but later, those fell out of favor. Signing contracts, lying low, getting gains without effort, and systems becoming popular were the new mainstream.


In today's world of web novels, rebirth, time travel and harem stories are booming, and Dematero was definitely in it to make quick money, so he had to follow the trends.

Yannis's sarcasm stung Dematero a little, not because he was fixated on proving her wrong, but to show everyone that Xanthia's judgment was absolutely correct!

After earning money, he planned to shower Xanthia with all sorts of gifts, the more expensive the better. Even if she refused them, he would display them proudly!

Calling him Elena's lapdog was a blatant slander. He was determined to prove through actions that he was only Xanthia's loyal... faithful guardian!

With this in mind, he responded directly in the class group chat: "Next, I'll earn money through writing to prove Xanthia's judgment. @Yannis, just wait and see."

His reply immediately stirred up the class group chat again. Some cheered for his determination, while others made sarcastic comments. There were even those who wouldn't let go of the "Synomilia confession" incident.

Clearly, no one believed he could really make money from writing. Who did he think he was? Being good at essays didn't guarantee earning royalties!

Dematero didn't reply further. He simply left the chat and then started "copying," adapting his own short stories published in the "future" for submission to relevant magazines. He didn't use any pen names, submitting them under his own name, Dematero.

However, when it came to making quick money from web novels, it was necessary to prepare multiple pen names and identities to switch between in case of poor performance...

At that moment, Xanthia, who had been lurking in the class group chat, also saw Dematero's response. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth—

Good, the humanoid summoned beast was finally starting his writing career, earning her some pain points. Well done to Yannis for assisting!

"Xanthia, are you checking the class group chat? Why's it so lively? What happened?" Elena suddenly asked, curious because she hadn't brought her phone to class and was clearly unaware of Yannis's actions.

"Um... Most of the class knows about your rejection of Dematero. There's a gossip video going around. Take a look yourself." Xanthia handed her phone over.

Elena's expression changed slightly. Using Xanthia's phone, she quickly understood the situation. She frowned deeply, regretting not returning to the dorm earlier that evening, which led to this incident affecting her image.

With that in mind, she returned the phone to Xanthia with a polite "Thank you," then stood up and walked straight to Dematero's seat.

Due to the gossip surrounding Dematero's "Synomilia confession," Elena had already garnered significant attention. Now, heading towards Dematero's seat immediately drew even more interesting looks from her classmates.

Xanthia wore a look of enjoyment on her face as she watched the scene unfold. Being at school was really interesting—watching fun when there was fun to watch, and reading books or playing on her phone when there wasn't.

"Dematero, I'm sorry. I apologize on behalf of Yannis. She went too far. Don't be affected by her words. In high school, studying is the most important. I rejected you because I simply don't want to date early. It's my issue, not because of any Synomilia confession or similar." Elena smiled sincerely, speaking in a very genuine tone.

Elena's sincere apology on behalf of Yannis stunned the classmates, while Yannis, who didn't yet know she had been betrayed, looked utterly confused.

Everyone felt that Elena had quite the broad-minded attitude. Who wouldn't want to be friends with such a responsible girl?

Dematero sighed inwardly. If he hadn't been "reborn," would Elena's actions have sparked hope in him again? Did her words mean that once they entered university together, he still had a chance?

Unfortunately, her "not wanting to date early" meant exactly that—she just didn't want to date him early.

Meanwhile, using this sheep-atoning-for-the-wolf strategy, she managed to whitewash herself from being implicated by Yannis. She knew very well how to maintain a good image.

Elena thought that with her actions, Dematero might soften and cooperate with her, giving her a way out. He had always been gentle and never had a temper.

Yet Dematero didn't spare a glance at Elena. Instead, he looked in Xanthia's direction and noticed her attention on them...

A smile suddenly appeared on his face, and in a lofty manner, he calmly said to Elena, "Give me back all the love poems I wrote for you. I accept your apology, and from now on, we are completely done, no more contact."

He knew those love poems were still out there; only the heart-shaped lollipops were all tossed away by Elena.

After saying this, Dematero's inner demons were finally exorcised. He underwent further transformation, suddenly realizing that Elena's looks were just average, and her demeanor nothing special. He was completely awakened!

'The peak of Olympus Mons rises, today I finally realize who I am.'

Elena's expression turn into state of confusion. She couldn't believe Dematero had spoken so decisively. Was this the same young man she thought he was in her mind?

Her mouth open while looking at him, not knowing how to react properly.

The classmates around, watching the drama unfold, were all equally shocked!

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