Happy Evil Heartbreaker [Modern LitRPG]

Chapter 123: Luciel’s Bath

Before inviting Dionysius for dinner, Dematero hadn't forgotten about Xanthia and Glen. These two had been the only ones during his high school days who, despite his obstinate path toward self-destruction, had still reached out to him with kindness.

Such warmth, found in the depths of loneliness, was something Dematero would never forget for the rest of his life.

Yet, regretfully, it was his own blindness and stubbornness that caused him to squander his friendship with Glen, and even more tragically, it led to the misery that befell Xanthia.

Fortunately, an unknown deity had granted him a second chance at life. In this life, he vowed to seize every opportunity and treasure those around him.

Tomorrow was Sunday, with half the day free in the afternoon. Seizing the moment, Dematero boldly sent a message to Xanthia, inviting her to dinner. He also made sure to mention that Glen would be joining them and added that if she wished, she could bring along a friend to make the gathering more lively.

His tone was sincere and forthright, subtly implying to Xanthia that she needn’t worry—there were no ulterior motives. He merely wanted to celebrate his first paycheck from writing by dining with those whom he held dear across both lives.

After receiving the message, Xanthia didn’t immediately respond. Instead, she consulted her close friend, Luciel, to check if she was free.

Luciel was, without a doubt, Xanthia’s best friend, so if Xanthia were to bring anyone, it would always be her.

"Of course I’m free!" Luciel said with a smirk. "If Dematero’s treating you to dinner, I must come along. Who knows if that guy might lose his mind?" Her eyes flashed with a hint of caution.

Although Dematero had always been patient with Luciel, the coldness and irritability he’d shown towards Elena had unnerved her.

Luciel wasn’t entirely sure what had changed about Dematero, but she had long pegged him as one of those boys who would turn volatile and dangerous if his affections were unreciprocated.

Now that Dematero had seemingly "transferred" his feelings to Xanthia, wasn’t Xanthia now at risk of facing his misplaced anger?

If Luciel had her way, Xanthia would outright refuse Dematero’s invitation, eliminating any potential for misunderstandings.

However, Xanthia reassured her friend, explaining that Dematero’s true love lay elsewhere, and there was no need to worry about him ever trying to pursue her romantically.

Xanthia was not mistaken. To the “older” Dematero, Xanthia was merely a child, and like any adult toward a child, his only desire was to protect her and see her grow up happily. Nothing more.

Every time Dematero looked at Xanthia, his gaze was distant, as if he were looking through her, longing for another version of her in a different life.

"Luciel, you don’t know Dematero as well as I do," Xanthia explained with a slight smile. "If he truly had feelings for someone, he’d be paralyzed by hesitation and doubt. He wouldn’t even have the courage to ask them to dinner. When he liked Elena La Loannou, he didn’t take any real action, did he? All he ever did was secretly write poems and leave gifts."

It wasn’t just Elena. Even when it came to the one he once loved, his angel, Dematero had been utterly spineless. He didn’t dare confess his feelings, nor did he believe himself worthy or capable of making her happy. So instead, he wrote outlandish stories of betrayal in his novels, railing against the world.

Now, with Xanthia, he was brash and carefree simply because he had nothing to lose. With no expectations, there was nothing to fear.

In truth, Dematero feared Xanthia might repeat her tragic path, forcing the world’s timeline to spiral toward its inevitable conclusion. That terrified him more than anything.

So, he didn’t care about his image. If Xanthia feared him, all the better. All he wanted was to protect her from afar, ensuring that she stayed safe. In his mind, that was the best possible outcome.

Luciel, hearing all of this, shook her head. "So, the more he likes someone, the more afraid he is of getting close? That’s just... madness. I’ll never understand how his mind works. But at least I’m sure of one thing—you’re never going to fall for this lunatic."

Xanthia chuckled quietly. Indeed, she had no intention of liking anyone. Her heart belonged solely to the clarity and insight she gained when she entered a state of “enlightenment.”

And if she ever did express affection for him, Dematero would likely flee in sheer terror. He was the kind of person who, if he ever believed Xanthia liked him, would vanish from her life, thinking that her fondness was akin to courting disaster.

In his warped logic, Xanthia loving him was synonymous with Xanthia seeking ruin. To keep her safe, he would disappear from her life entirely.

Thus, Xanthia’s current state—an innocent girl unaware of love—was, to Dematero, utterly perfect.

"So, Luciel, you’re agreeing to the dinner then?" Xanthia asked with a smile.

"Agreed! If Dematero’s foolish enough to spend his money, I say let him. This is the first time I’ve ever encountered such an oddball," Luciel replied, her tone teasing.

Though deep down, she couldn’t help but think: What a waste—choosing to be a fool when you could just be normal.

"Do you have any plans after dinner?" Xanthia inquired.

"Not really, the whole afternoon’s free. Why, is Dematero planning to treat us to a movie as well?"

"Oh no, I doubt that. I just thought you might like to visit my apartment after."

"Your place? No one else will be there, right?" Luciel asked, suddenly a bit nervous.

"It’s just my rented apartment, and I live alone."

"Oh? In that case, I’m in." Luciel relaxed, now intrigued by Xanthia’s living arrangements.

After all, how many high school students lived alone in rented apartments? Xanthia’s family situation was certainly not ordinary. However, she refrained from asking questions for now—better to wait and see for herself the next day.

"By the way," Luciel added, her voice a bit hesitant, "I was thinking of taking a bath tomorrow. Could I use your place for that? It would save me the trouble of going back to the school dormitory and free up some study time."

Xanthia’s eyes gleamed. Luciel, at her apartment, taking a bath?

What a marvellous idea!

However, don’t misunderstand her intentions. She wasn’t curious about the spectacle of a beauty stepping out of the bath. No, it was far simpler than that. For her, witnessing something aesthetically pleasing simply raised her happiness quotient.

She was, after all, just an ordinary, plain person who enjoyed life’s simple pleasures. Could there really be any sinister thoughts behind that?

"Sister Luciel, you're truly a paragon of positive energy," Xanthia praised with a wide grin. "Your time management skills are impeccable! Of course you can use my place. If you don't mind the trouble, you’re welcome to come over every week on your half-day off. I promise, the facilities at my place are far superior to the school’s public baths."

Luciel chuckled, though she couldn’t help but agree. “Well, if you insist. To be honest, the public baths at school aren’t great. Especially on Sundays, when they get overcrowded. And you know how girls are with their lengthy bathing rituals—it's torture waiting around.”

Thessaloniki First High School wasn’t a prestigious private institution, even though it was the top-rated, most historically renowned high school in the area. While it boasted impressive facilities like the grand auditorium, sports hall, swimming pool, lecture theatres, and football pitch, and was overall beautifully maintained, places like the cafeteria, dormitories, and public baths left much to be desired. The infrastructure of those areas always gave off an air of “patched up and neglected.”

Principal Herculano often used this as an excuse, claiming that such conditions instilled the values of "hard work and perseverance" in the students. It’s no wonder he wasn’t exactly loved by the student body; they’d often joke about “bringing down the Herculano's store.”

Wealthier students usually avoided boarding at school altogether. Take Dionysius, for example. His family could afford much better, yet he insisted on “embracing hardship,” while his parents enjoyed their extravagant lifestyles.

“Honestly, what’s there to feel awkward about?” Xanthia pressed cheerfully. “My flat isn’t far from the school—just two bus stops away. It’s really convenient. Besides, with how close we are, don’t be shy with me.”

Luciel , being the generous and straightforward person she was, wouldn’t typically indulge in such back-and-forth. She wasn’t the kind to tiptoe around favors, especially not with Xanthia. If it were anyone else, she might have hesitated, but with Xanthia, there was a genuine friendship that transcended formality. The two girls’ personalities simply clicked in ways that made such offers feel natural.

"Alright then, Li'l Xanthia. If you're so insistent, I won’t refuse. It’d be rude to say no at this point," Luciel finally agreed.

The truth was, if she could bathe in comfort and peace on her half-day off, away from the less-than-ideal conditions at school, why not? Xanthia’s kindness was noted, and Luciel certainly wouldn’t forget it.

For someone like Luciel, who normally loathed the idea of owing anyone favors, it was different with Xanthia. She was more than willing to accept her help. Moreover, Luciel had a strict sense of loyalty. Whenever she encountered something good, Xanthia would be the first person she thought of. And if Xanthia ever needed help, Luciel would be there without a second thought.

Now, in Class 1-3, it was well-known that Xanthia was under the protection of Luciel, the class’s “big sister.” Heaven help anyone who dared to bully Xanthia; Luciel would unleash her wrath in no uncertain terms.

With plans set, Xanthia promptly messaged Dematero to confirm their attendance at tomorrow’s dinner.

At that moment, Dematero was in his dormitory with Glen. They had just finished dinner and were preparing to head back to the classroom for evening study sessions.

“Xanthia agreed to the dinner!” Dematero exclaimed excitedly to Glen.

“Of course, she did. She’d probably still agree even if you invited her out alone without me, the so-called third wheel,” Glen said as he adjusted his glasses with a smile.

“Now, now, don't say that. You’re not a third wheel at all. I genuinely wanted to invite both of you. Don’t make it seem like I’m that kind of guy who abandons his mates,” Dematero replied with mock sternness.

In truth, Dematero held Glen in very high regard. He owed him more than words could express.

“To be honest, I can’t quite figure you out anymore. Is heartbreak truly such a transformative force?” Glen mused, shaking his head.

He had always been able to tell how deeply Dematero had once cared for Elena. But now, while the class gossiped about Dematero’s apparent "change of heart," Glen could see the truth. Dematero hadn’t "moved on" at all. In fact, he had “locked his heart away.”

Did Dematero genuinely adore Xanthia?

Glen doubted it. There was none of the usual tell-tale signs of youthful infatuation, no nervous energy or hopeful gestures towards romance. If anything, Dematero’s behaviour seemed almost detached.

What kind of love was that?

Glen suspected that Dematero’s heart had been broken so severely that his ability to love had withered away, leaving behind only a shell. And yet, contrary to what one might expect from someone in that state, Dematero wasn’t wallowing in misery. Quite the opposite, he seemed to be living with an almost manic purpose, cherishing every moment, and throwing himself into his studies and other endeavours with unparalleled enthusiasm.

It was strange. Dematero, once lackadaisical, now brought his English grammar notes back to the dormitory and spent his lunchtime lying on his bed, quietly reviewing vocabulary and grammatical rules. He even managed to squeeze in two new chapters of his web novel each night before falling asleep.

As if that weren’t enough, Dematero had become the model class representative for PE, shouting commands during morning exercises with unbridled vigour. Where on earth had he found all this motivation?

In the face of Dematero’s transformation, even Glen, once a steadfast "energy conservationist," had found himself infected by the urge to study harder. He couldn’t let Dematero surpass him, not after all this time, where he had jokingly referred to himself as Dematero’s “mentor.”

But what concerned Glen was Dematero's apparent disregard for others' feelings. Things might be good for now, but with that behavior and mindset, trouble would surely follow.

After all, social connections and reputation are very important. Glen already knew how narrow-minded Dematero could be, and after berating Elena—a good acquaintance he knew to some extent—with those harsh words, Glen's worry grew even more.

"For goodness sake..."

The upcoming mid-term exams had become the battleground for their unspoken rivalry. Both boys were now pushing themselves harder than ever.

In truth, Dematero was the more driven of the two. His last dip in performance had been drastic, and now he was intent on reversing the trend. Glen, though reluctant, couldn’t afford to let Dematero overtake him without a fight.

Their competitive energy didn’t go unnoticed by their dorm mates either. Some were inspired and began studying with renewed vigor, while others, like Felizidad, remained steadfast in their old ways. Felizidad, for instance, would continue playing his video games without a care in the world, indifferent to the silent struggle of the other boys in the room.

Sunday finally arrived, and as the clock struck 11:30, the bell rang through the halls of Thessaloniki First High School, signalling the long-awaited weekly reprieve from what felt like a prison sentence.

Having already decided to visit Xanthia’s flat for a bath, Luciel had prepared accordingly. She brought a change of clothes, but didn’t bother packing toiletries like facial cleanser, shampoo, or shower gel—Xanthia’s place was well-stocked with all the essentials. Her belongings fit neatly into a small shopping bag, light and easy to carry. Besides, there was no need to bring an outfit for the outing, as they were all set to head to Cardinali Plaza for lunch, and perhaps a bit of shopping afterwards. Should they fancy any new clothes, they could simply buy them at the mall.

Dematero, after consulting with Xanthia, learned that Luciel was quite fond of Fondue Bourguignonne. Naturally, Xanthia suggested they indulge in a broth-based meal.

Dematero, always easy-going, readily agreed. He invited them to dine at the classic Swiss Zinne. Though the food was nothing extraordinary, the ambience and service were undoubtedly pleasant.

In the recesses of his mind, Dematero remembered having dined at numerous high-end restaurants in the past, largely courtesy of a wealthy friend, Dionysius, either as an elder brother figure or younger one depending on the day, had a refined palate and a penchant for fine dining. One of his favourite sayings was: "In this world, only love and gourmet food are worth savoring."

Dionysius lived by that principle and was well on his way to earning the title of a true connoisseur of food.

Dematero, for his part, couldn't help but agree. Unfortunately, love had eluded him, and so his only solace was to pour his affection into his writing. His grand passion? Inflicting emotional turmoil upon his readers.

(Readers: “Damn it, Dematero, thanks for nothing, you heartless scoundrel!”, "You scumbag, I will never patronize you!")

The real problem, however, lay in Dematero's current financial situation. He only had 800 romani from his writing earnings, and when combined with what remained of his monthly allowance, he barely scraped together over a thousand. With the end of the month approaching, he wouldn’t have more funds until the next holiday, when he could head home to replenish his finances.

Given his modest budget, it was impossible to treat them to an extravagant private dining experience. Michelin-starred restaurants, where the average cost per person could reach a couple of thousand romani, were far beyond his means. Those places weren’t really about the food anyway—they were more about the experience, the novelty, and, of course, showing off. Alas, Dematero had neither the means nor the desire for such indulgence at the moment.

Swiss Zinne, on the other hand, offered a much more reasonable option. With an average of about 100 romani per person, a meal for four would come to around 500 or 600 romani, well within budget. Plus, the endless refills of snacks, fruit, and plum juice made it an excellent choice for a lively gathering.

Quite the irony to its luxurious name.

It didn’t take long for word to spread through the class group chat. As soon as Dematero, Glen, Xanthia, and Luciel got into the ride-share on their way to the restaurant, someone had already shared the news.

The class chat exploded in disbelief. Wasn’t Dematero supposed to be a notorious penny-pincher? Especially when it came to girls?

How on earth was he willing to fork out for a fancy meal for Xanthia and Luciel?

The comparison to how he’d treated Elena in the past was unavoidable. His idea of a grand gesture back then? A lollipop.

Everyone in the chat was bewildered. "Dude, what’s going on? How can he be so flagrantly two-faced with girls?" "I'm trying to understand him as fellow dude but for the love of God, he's so damn shameless!"

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