Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Runaway

One shot to break in, two shots to Ming, three shots to clear, and then another shot, and then another bandit, no matter what, this Song Xianggong couldn’t take off the hat of “three surnames slaves” on his head. Looking at his experience, it can be said that there is no one in the past, and no one has come since, which is really “impressive”.

In the past, Duke Xiang of Song was among a group of old and rough people, and he didn’t say anything about the past. After all, these people were not much stronger than him, and they were not afraid of fifty paces at all. But in front of Zhou Shixiang, for some reason, he always felt that the past was too unbearable, so his face was very dry. When Boss Hu was talking, he tried to interrupt him several times, but he couldn’t move his steps, and he was so sullen that he wished there was a crack on the ground for him to get in.

Boss Hu didn’t know if he did it on purpose or if he was naturally arrogant, but he didn’t notice that Duke Xiang of Song was awkward and spoke in a loud voice. If it wasn’t for the unfortunate death of the old prince, I can’t tell which mansion Mr. Song would still be serving as a mansion.” (Author’s Note: After Li Chengdong’s death, the Yongli court of Nanming posthumously awarded him the title of “King of Ningxia”)

“Yes, yes, Mr. Song is talented!”

Zhou Shixiang didn’t dare to show his contempt for Song Xianggong, and he was very knowledgeable to relieve Song Xianggong, who was so ashamed.


Song Xianggong was refreshed at the time, the blushing color disappeared again, he coughed lightly, gestured at the man in charge, smiled and introduced to Zhou Shixiang: “This boss Hu’s name is a full character, and he is from Hejian Mansion in Northern Zhili. People, Tartars went south as a fugitive after entering the customs, and hid in my army of Duke Li Eng. After Duke Li Engong died, Tartars attacked me. If Boss Hu hadn’t dragged me to the ground, I would have met the King of Hell earlier. .”


Zhou Shixiang was a little stunned. It was the first time he heard someone fleeing, but he didn’t know who was fleeing and why.

Song Xianggong knew that he did not understand, so he explained it a little.


The so-called fugitives refer to the Han people who served as slaves under the Manchus after entering the customs. These people are generally captured by the Qing army during the Chongzhen years. Later, the Manchus set the Ding Ding in the Central Plains to reward the Eight Banners of Manchuria. For the merits of the soldiers, the regent Dorgon specially ordered to enclose the land in Gyeonggi and Beizhi to reward the merits, and all the people in the enclosed land were allocated as slaves under his banner. From time to time, there were also Ming troops who were captured by the Qing army in the south. These people could not fight, but they could work. In addition, they were young and strong men, so they were very popular with the masters of Manchuria.

Mr. Hu escaped south with his mother and brother because his land was surrounded by the Eight Banners.

Thinking of the old lady and brother who died on the Nanfu Road, Boss Hu couldn’t help interrupting Song Xianggong, and yelled: “Gouji’s escape method, in order to take us back as slaves, Tartars killed more people than escaped. !”

Song Xianggong told Zhou Shixiang on the side that in order to prevent local hiding of escapees, the Qing court formulated a strict escape law. If anyone dares to hide such escapees, it will be an added crime, and the whole family will be implicated. , a large piece of the head fell.

He also explained why the Tartars attached so much importance to the escaped people. The reason was that the escaped people were the lifeblood of the Manchu masters. The masters all counted on these slaves to farm and produce for them. If the slaves all escaped, the masters Who will feed?

In the fourth year of Shunzhi, the late Qing Regent Dorgon issued an edict to the Manchu and Han officials, saying, “The population gained from **** battles has always been used for farming and horses, but they have fled to Japan, and if they don’t get one out of ten, they will be investigated. The reason is that the traitors hide in hiding, so the legislation has to be strict. If the law is strict, the Han people will suffer, but if the law is not strict, there will be no taboo for the nest, and the more people flee, who will I drive in Manchuria? Don’t you suffer?”

In order to prevent any more random comments from Han officials, Dorgon also issued an order to the ministers: “Those who are shaving their hair, clothes, enclosures, throwing money, and fleeing people who are implicated in five things are all cut off, and they are not allowed to be sealed. ”

Under such heavy pressure, the local government dared not neglect the issue of escaped people any longer, but those who escaped within the territory were all arrested and repatriated to the north. For this reason, hundreds of thousands of people were arrested and harboured, regardless of whether you were a father or a son. Or the son hides the father, or the husband hides the wife, or the wife hides the husband, that is, if they are caught, they will kill them.

Ordinary Han people were killed in large numbers for harboring fleeing people, and the Han officials who worked for the Qing court were not spared either. Guo Miaoji, the former governor of Guangxi in the Qing Dynasty, did not report the fleeing people hidden under his account. As a result, Dorgon was furious and directly charged him The whole family had their heads beheaded, their property was confiscated, and Geng Jimao, the king of Qingjingnan, who was a prince, was so frightened that he committed suicide because his subordinates were hiding and fleeing!

Both the governor and the prince ended up in such a mess because of the escape. How could other officials dare to neglect them? For nothing but their own lives, they must arrest all those who escaped from the territory and those who dared to hide. Otherwise, God knows that the prince regent will Will not stare at his own head. Under such circumstances, the situation of the escapees like Boss Hu is really miserable. There are only one out of ten who successfully escaped and survived. Most of them were either caught halfway and sent back as slaves to death, or they were slaughtered by the Qing soldiers because of their resistance. .

After all, Boss Hu was lucky. He went south and successfully infiltrated Li Chengdong’s army. Although he broke an arm, he had cultivated his skills since he was a child because of the martial spirit in his hometown of Hejian. Li Chengdong was elected into the pro-military, otherwise, how could he live to the present.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore, as soon as I talk about it, my heart is blocked. Back then, my three brothers and three of them escaped south to protect the old lady, but the old lady and the second and third brothers all died in the middle of the road, and I was the only one alive, alas! . . . .. I’m afraid I won’t be able to avenge this revenge.”

Boss Hu’s face darkened. Everyone can see the current situation. This Daming is afraid that he is going to die, and he can’t avenge his revenge.

Boss Hu’s despairing expression made Zhou Shixiang sigh inwardly, and comforted him: “We still have the Son of Heaven in Ming Dynasty, and there are several provinces in our territory. This world may not be taken over by the Tartars, and it is impossible to say that we will be able to defeat the Tartars in the future. , Brother Hu also joined the army, can’t this revenge be avenged?”

“Oh, it’s difficult.” Boss Hu shook his head, his expression melancholy, which made people look really uncomfortable.

Zhou Shixiang didn’t know how to persuade him, and when he saw Boss Hu’s left sleeve hanging empty, he said, “Brother Hu’s arm is also called the scourge of Tartars?”

Hearing this, Boss Hu’s expression changed, he immediately shook his head, turned around and left the shed without saying anything.

Zhou Shixiang thought that he had said something wrong, and he was at a loss for a while, stunned there.

Looking at the figure of Boss Hu outside, Song Xianggong shook his head secretly, took two steps forward and patted Zhou Shixiang on the shoulder, and said in a low voice, “Boss Hu’s arm was not caused by the scourge of Tartars, but was broken by himself.”

“You broke it yourself? Why?!”

Zhou Shixiang was dumbfounded. Is there anyone in this world who broke his arm by himself?

Song Xianggong’s tone was a little heavy, and he said: “Back then, Boss Hu took his mother and brother to the south, and the Tartars on the road were very tight, so they hid in the mountains, but they didn’t have anything to eat, and my mother was really hungry. The three brothers went out to look for food separately. The second and third children were called to the Qing soldiers to find out. The two brothers did not want to be captured and used as slaves after they died. After one person escaped, he did not dare to tell the truth to the old lady. The old lady was so hungry that she could only breathe. She clenched her teeth and broke her arm with a stone. She searched for the pot discarded by the people in the mountains, and boiled broth for his mother to eat. , His mother gasped not long after eating.”


Zhou Shixiang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. In his previous life, he had heard stories of twenty-four filial piety, such as reed clothing obeying the mother, burying the child to honor the mother, selling one’s body to bury the father, lying on the ice for carp. It was passed down from the elders, who knows whether it is true or not, but now I heard a shocking filial piety act of feeding my mother with a broken arm, and the person involved was alive in front of me, I was really shocked.

Filial piety, the first filial piety in the world!


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