Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Escape

Luo Dingqing army, who was sleeping, was woken up by the scorching fire. When he opened his eyes, there were fire lights everywhere, and the thick smoke was swept by the strong wind and rushed towards the tent, causing them to cough loudly.

“Fire, fire!”

The Qing army who hadn’t reacted only to a fire in the military camp. The first Qing army to come out even carried a wooden barrel to prepare to put out the fire. Seeing that the thick smoke was about to hit, they couldn’t care about putting out the fire, and ran outside the barracks shouting.

“Old watch, save me!”

Some Qing soldiers who didn’t realize the seriousness of the situation were still dressed in their tents foolishly. When they got dressed and came out, they were surrounded by fire, and they were anxious to call for help from their companions who were running outside the camp. But this meeting is full of fire and smoke everywhere. Who cares about saving people, no matter how daring they are, they will not dare to save people at this meeting. To run slowly is to die!

There were hundreds of Qing troops surrounded by the fire. They were running around like headless flies, but they couldn’t find a way to escape. In desperation, some people began to cry, and some knelt in a daze. Staring at the fire on the ground in a daze.

“Save us, save us!”

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

“Cough, cough, cough…”

Qing soldiers kept coughing loudly while clutching their chests. The thick smoke made their tears flow uncontrollably. The Qing soldiers, who were unwilling to die in the fire, rushed straight to the fire like crazy, fantasizing that they could rush out in an instant to escape. But it turned out that one after another was engulfed by the fire, and there was no movement except for a short jump in the fire, tossing and turning, and a few screams before death.

The fire caused a rapid loss of water from people’s bodies, and it also made people feel dizzy and dizzy. The forehead, face, and hands were all hot and red, as if full of blood.


The rest of the Qing soldiers couldn’t stand the smoke and roasted by the thick smoke. They had no way to escape. They could only lie on the ground and desperately took every breath of air through their noses. As time passed, gradually, they could no longer breathe, let alone see things , although the surrounding area is clearly red, it is pitch black to them.


After successfully setting a few fires in the east of the city, Ge Wu took off his Taoist robe and ran to the east gate with his younger brother Ge Liu shouting.

“The old thief is here, the old thief has entered the city!”

The voices of the two brothers spread from the city to the east of the city. When they were about to reach the east gate, they saw other companions who were pretending to be woodcutters and shouted: “Quickly grab the city gate!”


When the few men heard it, they quickly pulled out their weapons from the firewood piled into the city. Brothers Ge Wu and Ge Liu took them over and charged towards the city gate with a long knife.

“Kill the Tartars!”

There were only more than 20 Qing troops guarding the gate of Dongcheng. At this moment, they were stunned by the fire inside the city and the shouts of killing outside the city. When they were at a loss, they saw several figures rushing towards the city gate with weapons in their hands. A soldier suddenly reacted and shouted with a knife to block those people from grabbing the door.

“God Tartar, go to hell!”

Ge Wu’s feet were fast, and before the Qing army rushed over, he had already approached the city gate. When the Qing soldiers who reacted first had no time to raise their swords, they shouted and slashed the long swords in their hands. Soldier’s head.

“Puchi”, the poor Qing soldier who was loyal to his duty didn’t even have a chance to resist, and his entire head was chopped off. Seeing this, the hearts of the rest of the Qing soldiers jumped.

“Run for your life!”

The fire in the city was raging to the sky, the outside city shouted to kill Zhentian, and there were desperate desperadoes at the city gate. Where did the remaining Qing army still have fighting spirit? I don’t know who shouted, and more than 20 Qing troops guarding the gate quickly dispersed and fled. .

Seeing that the Qing soldiers were about to run away, Ge Liu hurriedly raised a knife to chase, but was grabbed by Ge Wu and scolded, “What are you chasing! Open the city gate, and let Brother Zang and the others come in!”

“Ah good!”

Ge Liu came back to his senses and hurriedly led people to the gate of the city. Together, they lifted the iron-covered gate bolt down. Several people shouted at the same time and pulled the gate back with force. The “creaky” door shaft turned, and suddenly saw Boss Hu and the others who had rushed outside the door.


The moment the city gate opened, Boss Hu’s heart was about to jump out, and he couldn’t hold back his excitement.

“Brothers, enter the city, Luo Ding is ours!”

“Luo Ding is ours, and rich!”

“Brothers are rich!”

Amid the cheers of the bandits, Boss Hu took the lead and rushed into the city. Seeing that Ge Wu and Ge Liu were safe and sound, his heart dropped, and he hugged Ge Wu with his sweaty right hand, excited. He shouted: “Ge Laowu of the dog days, good work!”


Kong Guoliang, who was sleeping soundly with the Lin family daughter in his arms, was dragged out of the bed by Shao Jiugong. The Lin family daughter Hua Rong was so frightened on the spot that she did not dare to stretch out her hand to pull the quilt to cover her body. Her **** were trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing that the beauty was frightened, and she was dragged out with her bare buttocks, Kong Guoliang was embarrassed and angry, and slapped the terrified Shao Jiugong in the face, scolding: “Damn, the sky is falling, and it’s midnight. Come out and show the ugliness of Lao Tzu!”

“Mr. Qian, it’s not good, old… old…”

Shao Jiugong stammered when he was aggrieved, he couldn’t speak, and Kong Guoliang was even more angry when he heard it, and he kicked over and cursed: “Old, old, what the fuck, you **** fart, let it go! ”

This kick immediately kicked Shao Jiugong to the point of stammering, and he shouted: “Boss Qian, the old thief has entered the city!”

“What? The old thief has entered the city!”

This time, Kong Guoliang stuttered, staring at Shao Jiugong dumbfounded, his cheeks twitching, and he said in extreme horror: “Li… Li… Li Dingguo hit… came in?”

Shao Jiugong grabbed Kong Guoliang and urged, “It was Li Dingguo who called, please run, Mr. Qian, you won’t be able to escape if you are late!”


Kong Guoliang’s face was terrifyingly blue, and he muttered to himself, “Li… How could Li Dingguo call, didn’t he retreat to Guangxi… How could he be?…”

Seeing that Kong Guoliang was still standing here, Shao Jiugong became anxious and dragged Kong Guoliang out without any explanation. It was heard that there were some old thieves and the cry of King Xining of Daming.

Kong Guoliang finally reacted to this, and his first thought was not to lead the troops to fight back, but to run immediately! He is not a fool, Li Dingguo’s soldiers and horses can’t beat the soldiers of Manchuria, not to mention he is a small green battalion thousand general! Listening to the voices outside, the Ming army must have entered the city. Luo Ding must not be able to keep it, so hurry up and run.

“Quick, go and lead the horse!”

Kong Guoliang stumbled and ran out, ran a few steps but stopped suddenly, pointed at the clothes thrown on the ground, and shouted anxiously, “My clothes, my clothes!”

It was only then that Shao Jiugong realized that Kong Guoliang was naked now, and that black thing was shaking back and forth between his crotch, looking really **** ugly.

Not caring to see how ugly Mr. Kong Qian’s thing was, Shao Jiugong picked up the clothes from the ground and threw them over.

Kong Guoliang escaped for his life, and he ignored the shy little beauty on the bed, and ran out while putting on his clothes. There were flames everywhere, and screams and shouts were everywhere. I don’t know how many Ming troops were killed, and I don’t know how many of my subordinates were left.

It’s over, it’s over!

Kong Guoliang gritted his teeth with a bitter face and got off the horse with the help of Shao Jiugong, and rushed out of the mansion with a few personal soldiers who rushed to the house in a panic.

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